I can gain experience points in Genshin Impact

Chapter 780 Blushing and Heartbeating

In order to convince Natasha and Xier, Li Qiuzhi also demonstrated that his ability was a range-based field treatment ability that could cover a large area.

Natasha was already somewhat convinced by this. Her original wish was to return the upper and lower areas to the state before the blockade.

If the people in the lower area who had lung disease due to mining could be cured, then it would surely be possible to calm down some of the resentment, which might be a good opportunity.

Although Xier was ruthless in her words, she was thoughtful, so she thought of this as well as Natasha.

Looking at the two of them, Li Qiuzhi knew that they were already somewhat moved, so he decided to give them another push and not give them a chance to hesitate.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Natasha and said:

"Miss Doctor, I actually have the ability to obtain target intelligence, so I know that you are the leader of 'Earth Fire'. I think you should be able to make a decision, right?"

"Oh? This is a bit surprising."

Natasha looked at Li Qiuzhi in surprise. She didn't expect that he actually had such an ability. It seems that he is a person whose strength should not be underestimated.

Seele was also a little surprised, and Bronya was even more so. She had never thought that the doctor in front of her was actually the leader of "Underground Fire"!

"In that case, then well, the conditions you mentioned are indeed very good, and even a preferential treatment for the lower district. We, "Underground Fire", have no reason to refuse."

Natasha said.

The original intention of "Underground Fire" was to cure the pneumoconiosis of miners for the people of the lower district, not to mention letting the Silver Mane Iron Guards come to the lower district to participate in the guard work.

Even participating in management is no problem, provided that the upper and lower districts can be treated equally.

"To show my sincerity, I'll do it first." Li Qiuzhi said with a smile.

Next, Li Qiuzhi directly used the treatment field that had been integrated into the "Void Star Sea" in the clinic, and the golden windmill chrysanthemums grew from his feet and spread from the clinic.

However, considering the sudden large-scale abnormal phenomenon, it is very likely to cause panic among the people in the lower district.

So Li Qiuzhi used the "Void Star Sea" to cover up such a gorgeous scenery, so the people in the lower area just felt that their bodies were much more relaxed.

Those who had pneumoconiosis or other diseases recovered all of a sudden.

His healing ability is not so useful for viral bacterial infections and genetic diseases. It can only repair body damage and replenish vitality.

But this can actually deal with 90% of common diseases. After all, a body that is intact, without any hidden injuries and strong vitality is enough to deal with most diseases by itself.

According to Li Qiuzhi's observation, the pneumoconiosis of the people in the lower area is mainly caused by the long-term inhalation of the crystal dust of the "earth marrow" ore over the years. Caused by physical damage.

As long as the physical problems are repaired, the condition will naturally improve.

The whole process was very fast, and it took only a few minutes to complete the treatment of all patients in the lower area. For example, several patients lying on the beds in the clinic also improved visibly.

Li Qiuzhi looked at Natasha and Xi'er and said:

"It should be ok now. You can go outside to see the situation."


Natasha nodded. After all, it was such a big deal. Naturally, she had to go out to see what was going on.

However, at this time, several patients in the clinic who had recovered from serious illnesses were a little bit unbelievable that they had recovered like this.

So they hurried over to thank Natasha.

When they were seriously ill just now, their heads were dizzy and they obviously didn't know that it was actually Li Qiuzhi who cured them.

Natasha told them the reason, and they came to thank Li Qiuzhi. Li Qiuzhi naturally smiled and said it was just a small thing, and told them to take care of their health in the future.

Because they had recovered from the illness, they left the clinic soon, and Natasha and Xi'er were also ready to go to see the situation of others.

Li Qiuzhi, Charlotte, Bronya and others followed, and continued to visit the lower area by the way. This time, they were accompanied by Natasha and Xi'er, not that guy Sambo.

Time passed quickly, and an afternoon passed just like that.

Natasha and Xier visited the residents who had pneumoconiosis and found that their complexions were indeed much better, no different from normal people.

At this time, they believed that Li Qiuzhi had indeed fulfilled the conditions he promised.

Then Natasha, as the leader of "Underground Fire", could not break her promise. She said to Li Qiuzhi and others:

"Thank you, we will also keep our promise and let everyone in the lower district cooperate with the Silver Mane Iron Guard."

[Natasha has a good impression of you and gained 860 points of good impression. The current good impression level is Lv.4 (260/400)]

Looking at the good impression prompt that popped up on the character panel, Li Qiuzhi smiled with satisfaction. Isn't he working so hard just for the good impression of girls!

He looked at Xi'er who was hugging her arms beside Natasha, and asked with a smile:

"What about Miss Xi'er? Miss Xi'er should also be convinced, right?"

"Humph." Xi'er looked at Li Qiuzhi with dissatisfaction, and said with a slightly stern face, "As a member of the 'Earth Fire', the leader's opinion is naturally my opinion."

[Xi'er has a good impression of you, and has gained 880 points of favorability. The current favorability level is Lv.4 (280/400)]

Looking at the same pop-up favorability prompt, Li Qiuzhi secretly laughed. Seele seemed to be a slightly arrogant guy.

Of course, Li Qiuzhi did not expose her.

Seeing that Natasha and Seele agreed to cooperate, Bronya was relieved, and at the same time, she also had a lot of favorability towards Li Qiuzhi who persuaded them:

[Bronya has a good impression of you, and gained 850 points of favorability. The current favorability level is Lv.6 (202/600)]

At this time, Li Qiuzhi was in a very good mood. After all, he got the favor of three girls at once.

If the communication with the "Earth Fire" in the lower area is good, it means that the upper and lower areas have officially begun to ease the relationship and have a new beginning.

If nothing unexpected happens, the future will definitely be getting better and better.

By treating pneumoconiosis, people's resentment towards the blockade of the upper area has been slightly calmed down, which can be regarded as solving a relatively serious hidden danger.

It was almost time, and Li Qiuzhi and others should go back, so they said goodbye to Natasha and Seele and took the cable car back to the upper area.

After sending Bronya back to Klipperburg and saying goodbye to her, Li Qiuzhi and Charlotte also prepared to leave Klipperburg and teleport back to Fontaine.

Night had fallen, and Li Qiuzhi and Charlotte walked side by side, holding her hand as if inadvertently.

Charlotte just blushed slightly, but did not resist. Li Qiuzhi smiled and said while opening a space crack in front of him:

"Speaking of which, we have been walking for almost a day today. Let's take a rest first." (End of this chapter)

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