The Sea of ​​Quantum.

After Li Qiuzhi controlled the other members of the "Star Core Hunter", he came to the vicinity of the translucent world bubble again.

Unfortunately, I didn't see Vita coming over, so I couldn't get her favor.

Today, Li Qiuzhi didn't go looking for world bubbles, but first went to trouble those monsters called "Yi Hai" to get some experience points.

Soon Li Qiuzhi came to the area of ​​the 70th world bubble. Because there was a complete planet in this world bubble, it was not actually integrated into the "Assembly Continent".

But it was also nearby, mainly to be closer, so that it would be convenient for communication activities between each other in the future.

Speaking of which, if it is a world bubble projected from reality, it would not be so complete.

If nothing unexpected happens, this world should be about to collapse, so it fell from reality to the dimension of "The Sea of ​​Quantum".

If the civilization inside is more tenacious, it may continue to exist in the "The Sea of ​​Quantum", although it will eventually die.

But whether it is the real world or the world bubble of the "Sea of ​​Quantum", there will be a day of extinction.

Let alone the billions of years of life of a normal planet, if it can be maintained in the "Quantum Sea" for millions of years, it is actually not a loss.

If the technology of continuously absorbing energy in the "Quantum Sea" can be developed, it is actually no different from reality.

However, Li Qiuzhi saw that there was only one city called "New Eridu" left in this world, and the population was not large, unless a genius comparable to the "Genius Club" appeared.

Otherwise, the chance of changing fate against the will of heaven is very small.

Fortunately, this world was lucky to meet Li Qiuzhi. After merging into the translucent world bubble, as long as no one came to destroy it.

There is a high probability that there is no need to worry about extinction.

Li Qiuzhi came to this planet with the "void" disaster, and did not explore the remaining city for the time being.

Instead, he looked at the area outside the "New Eridu".

After all, he was going to clean up the "Yi Wei". In order to improve efficiency, he would naturally use a large-scale attack method, which would easily affect others if used in the city.

Li Qiuzhi sensed it with his mental power and randomly found a relatively small "void" to test the water.

After a while, Li Qiuzhi arrived at a ruined city thousands of kilometers away from "New Eridu".

Most of the city is covered by a black hemisphere, which is the "void" itself.

According to the information Li Qiuzhi learned when he sensed "New Eridu", the so-called "Ether" is a creature that has no "ether" adaptability, and then is eroded and transformed by the "ether" in the "void".

The Milky Way also has "ether", but according to the characteristics of this planet's "ether".

It should not be the same thing as the "ether" in the Milky Way, which is also called "memory", but just happens to have the same name.

In order to distinguish, Li Qiuzhi called the "ether" of this planet "void ether", which is more intuitive.

And "void ether" is generally only in the "void", so the "Ether" that needs "void ether" to maintain its existence can only live in the "void".

Outside the void, you generally can't see "Iskeletons", which is why the humans on this planet can barely breathe.

If the outside is full of "void ether" like inside the "void", then even humans with the best adaptability to "ether" would have long since become "Iskeletons".

The civilization of this planet would no longer exist.

Li Qiuzhi was outside the "void" at this time, and did not rush in. Although this planet should not be able to threaten his existence, it is better to be a little cautious.

Therefore, he directly covered the "Void Star Sea" and used it to sense the situation inside.

As for why he didn't use mental power, it was mainly because the space inside the "void" was disordered, and mental power could be easily cut off when it spread over.

But the "Void Star Sea" does not have this problem. As long as the things covered inside, no matter how complex the spatial structure is, they can be sensed in detail.

Li Qiuzhi sensed it carefully and soon obtained specific information about this "void".

First, he looked carefully to see if there were any humans who had survived or come to explore the "hole". Although the probability was relatively small, he could not allow an accident to occur due to a momentary negligence.

The final result was also very regrettable. There were indeed no survivors or other people here.

There were still many "Yi Hai". It was estimated that there were millions of them, big and small. Among them, there were also super strong individuals, with a level of more than 100.

However, the average level was only about 50. After all, compared with the strong individuals, there were naturally more minions.

Li Qiuzhi directly activated Rosaria's favorability skill. A crown of thorns floated in the air, and the barrier quickly spread to cover the entire "hole".

Countless ice spears automatically locked onto the "Yi Hai" one by one, and then sent down judgment on them!

Experience points +1011

Experience points +1232

Experience points +1122

A large number of experience point prompts appeared in the character panel, which lasted for more than ten minutes before slowly slowing down.

At this time, Li Qiuzhi looked at his character panel:

[Experience points: 3633656257]

A total of more than 3.63 billion experience points. He originally had more than 20 million experience points. In other words, after clearing this "hole", Li Qiuzhi gained a total of 3.61 billion experience points.

This efficiency is very good. If you clean two more "holes" of similar size, you can upgrade your level!

While it was still early, Li Qiuzhi quickly found two more "holes" to clean, and also gained billions of experience points.

After coming out of the "hole" again, he looked up and saw that there were still a lot of "holes" in this world.

Suddenly Li Qiuzhi felt that it was a sin to take time to go back and eat!

So he summoned two "Fluorescent Sword Gods" and let them clean the "holes" here on his behalf. As for why he didn't summon more.

It was mainly because he had placed "Fluorescent Sword Gods" as teleportation anchors in many places such as Teyvat, Black Tower Space Station, "Luofu" Fairy Boat, Honkai III Earth, Yalilo No. 6, etc.

Because each one needs him to control it, even when it is stationary, he doesn't need to pay attention to it.

It's okay for a short time, he can summon dozens or hundreds of them without any problem.

But if you summon for a long time, it will inevitably occupy part of your attention. People's attention is limited. Summon too many incarnations and keep paying part of their attention to the incarnations.

Then it will affect Li Qiuzhi's mental state, just like playing games while eating, he will pick up his phone to play games while eating.

This is not a good habit.

Anyway, the two "Fluorescent Sword Gods" should be enough to clear a large number of "holes" in a short time. Li Qiuzhi feels that as long as he works hard for one night, he may be able to reach level 190! (End of this chapter)

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