I Can Give the Origin of Everything

Chapter 251: Buy late to enjoy discount, buy early and enjoy early

   At this time, the three of them have completely separated from the safety zone...

   This area of ​​the ice field and snowy area is a place where humans can't easily walk. Even the most proud of the students in the Martial House would not dare to come here easily.

   Even if it is Kanyun City, he did not dare to venture here easily.

   But now, in this area...

   Two people and one beast, each moving forward fast.

Li Jingjun rushed forward, her strength was the weakest, but her figure was as light as a swallow, and every step she took was a distance of more than ten meters. The wind and snow tactics could release her strength to return her breath, and she took advantage of the giant ape behind her. Pursuing, always take advantage of the wind to walk, and Xu Lingjun's breeze dusting steps are the same.

   The giant ape followed closely, roaring again and again, several times trying to kill the prey that Li Jingjun took to her...but it was always destroyed by Gu Xi behind him.

   Angry, it kept roaring for a while, not only wanted to turn around and kill the human woman before catching its prey, but also worried that the human woman would lose the best chance of chasing after being too difficult.

   The beastly nature of greed makes it slow to make up his mind.

And it can clearly detect that the strength of the woman behind her is far less than her own, so desperately blocking herself, it consumes a lot of her, if she persists for a while, maybe she will not be able to support it, exhaustion Died.

   The three of them are in a stalemate.

   For a while, it only depends on whether Gu Xi can hold on before Li Jingjun rushes into the safe area... But at this time, is the safe area really safe for them?

   The monsters dare not set foot in the safe zone easily, but they are afraid of inviting murderous intentions from real human powerhouses.

   But if the seduction is enough.

As it is now, the most natural and pollution-free brains of the two cubs, in Li Jingjun's eyes, are in vain and not delicious at all, and even a bit disgusting, but in the eyes of this great ape, they are no less than the rarest delicacy. …

  嘭~嘭~嘭~! !

Every step taken brings a tremor of the sky and the earth. As the great ape moves forward, its body is too large, so that whenever something obstructs its movement, it will be blown away by its hand, no matter The mountain is still an ancient wood, and even those solid ice that has existed for hundreds of years can hardly stop its punch.

   Along the way, debris, ice, debris, and trees fly all the way.

   The violent movement, without even having to let Xiaoya detect it again... Xu Lingjun in the distance could hear the movement.

   flew here and landed on a hill.

   Then he looked at Li Jingjun, who was being chased by the giant ape, and the small transparent box in her hand in shock.

   And just now.

   The huge rock on which Xu Lingjun was standing happened to be blocking the path of the great ape. It smashed the rock with one punch, and countless broken stones splashed, whizzing towards Li Jingjun like bullets.

   Li Jingjun hurriedly dodged and avoided, but the great ape had already approached the delay time.

   Li Jingjun was in a hurry. He was in a daze and couldn't help crying out in pain, his right leg was already bleeding like a puddle, and it was pierced by a small stone...

   Staggered, no matter how hard to escape, he would be smashed into meatloaf by the giant ape.

   Xu Lingjun didn't care to hide, the thruster exploded with full force, turned into a red light, and rushed in front of the giant ape to grab Li Jingjun and fly into the sky.

   "Little Jun!"

   Gu Xi who followed closely cried out in surprise.

   And when the giant ape saw its prey flying into the sky, he thumped his chest and roared in anger, jumped, and the whole person leaped off the ground like an arrow from the string, and rushed towards Xu Lingjun.

   Li Jingjun exclaimed: "Be careful!"

"I know."

Xu Lingjun’s voice sounded like an urn, and Xiaoya’s power was shown to the fullest under the Nano Armor, and even the beast’s pulsating arc was clearly calculated, and her figure suddenly rose by a few. Chi, the great ape suddenly returned to no avail and fell downward.

   Li Jingjun gasped violently. Even in such a cold weather, she was still tired and sweating all over her body. She gasped and said: "Senior Sister Gu Xi is down here too!"

   Xiaoya reminded: "Be careful, master, the Blizzard Great Ape is a heterogeneous species passed down from the Blizzard Empire, and the adult Blizzard Great Ape is an 8th-level monster.

   "I know, I only save people and don't fight it."

   Xu Lingjun rushed downward.

   But when the giant ape saw Xu Lingjun rushing towards Gu Xi, he seemed to understand what he meant. He roared first, and reached out his hand to uproot a tree that was at least a thousand years old next to him. With a hard stroke, a thick stick was completed.

   Throwing his hand with a stick, the Nano Battle Armor that was directly blown by the heavy wind pressure was crumbling.

The power was so strong that Xu Lingjun did not dare to fall again, and hurriedly turned back to fly into the sky, and the giant ape rose up into the sky again, wielding a giant stick in his hand, his attack range expanded dozens of times, and his movements were not inferior to what Xu Lingjun knew. Any of the martial arts masters, the heavy wind pressure even reminded Xu Lingjun vaguely of the battle between Liu Zhiyuan and Tai Zhengyuan that he had witnessed from a distance.

   Even if Xiaoya reminded her, after all, she was not dexterous enough to carry her personally, so she was hit by a stick and flew out because she couldn't avoid it.

   A burst of sparks splashed from the Nano Armor.

   At the critical moment, Xu Lingjun only had time to protect Li Jingjun in his arms, and Li Jingjun had only time to protect the box in his arms, and the two had already smashed into the snow nest.


   The giant ape made a anthropomorphic laugh, and flew towards the direction where Xu Lingjun was smashed down with the stick.

   "Hurry up and take this box, don't let these two little guys fall into their hands!"

   Li Jingjun was protected, but he was not injured much, but it was painful...

   But she still put the box into Xu Lingjun's hands for the first time. The senior cat slave's character was fully displayed by her, and she seemed to want to buy time for Xu Lingjun.

"Need not."

   Xu Lingjun wanted to fly again, but the Nano Armor splashed sparks everywhere, and couldn't fly at all for a while, it seemed that it had been smashed into a malfunction.

   He can only put the Nano Warframe away.

   This giant ape is so powerful, he was struck by it...Even with two layers of armor, he was still in pain.

  Especially when the opponent is attacking purely from outside, Xu Lingjun didn't breathe the slightest anger.

   "Xiao Jun, go!"

Gu Xi screamed, and once again entangled the giant ape from behind. It was just that she faced Xu Lingjun's heavy lifting at the beginning, but she reluctantly fought against the giant ape as if she would not be able to support it at any time...especially when the giant ape had more weapons in his hand, and it was powerful. Infinite and extremely dexterous, just like a giant warrior with high strength.

   Liao Liao uses several tricks, and she is already in danger of defeat.

   Level 8 monster, can't it be matched by the upper realm...

Xu Lingjun took a deep breath, and he knew how the adult ice snow leopard died. In fact, in the face of this Blizzard great ape, Gu Xi’s ability to persist until now is really due to the great ape. The mind is not on her body, otherwise I am afraid it would have been smashed into pie.

   If I get a punch by it, I will get hurt too, right?

   Its power is too strong.

   Xu Lingjun forcibly stuffed the box into Li Jingjun’s arms, and said: "I understand, if you don’t kill it, none of us can escape..."


   Li Jingjun was just halfway talking, and wanted to ask him **** this great ape.

   Xu Lingjun rushed towards the giant ape.

   At the same time, he touched the small sword at his waist.

   A small word reminder appeared in front of his eyes.

   [A false object is detected, the sword of vows of victory, whether it is given its true origin? Need to consume 2400 points of original value! 】

   The price has been reduced a lot, but the speed of the price reduction has been much slower than before.

   If you wait any longer, UU reading www. uukahnshu.com may be able to drop some more...

   But I can’t wait.

  Buy late to enjoy discount, buy early and enjoy early.

   Xu Lingjun chose Fuyuan without hesitation.

  On the way forward, seeing the giant ape give up Gu Xi and rush towards him, Xu Lingjun's hands suddenly clenched.

   Familiar touch...

   The giant ape slammed at Xu Lingjun with a stick. Xu Lingjun also took the posture of holding a sword, leaping forward and greeted the huge giant ape.

There was nothing in the hand, but the wooden stick in the giant ape's hand, which was almost thicker than Xu Lingjun and Li Jingjun's hug tightly together, cracked directly from the top to the middle. At this time, Xu Lingjun was already close to the giant ape. Close at hand.

   A grinning smile appeared in the eyes of the giant ape.

   But the next moment, as the opponent approached, a huge sense of crisis suddenly surged in my heart.

   It flashes back without hesitation...

   Instinctively raise his arm to block.

   There was a soft brushing sound.

   Its huge arm has been cut directly from the elbow position, from the beginning to the end, it can't even see where the weapon is.



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