I can go back to the mysterious age

Chapter 32 Follow the Heart (please read)

There were no pedestrians on the road, and only the dim lights on the opposite street floor could be seen in the distance. Pale white moon frost sprinkled from the clouds, barely illuminating the vague shadows in the corners.

After a while, the black-covered carriage stopped next to the raised platform, and Card Xiu also sat on it naturally.

The backrest is a brown leather seat, and some simple paint treatments and carvings are done on the sides. After all, it is for guests, not the aristocratic Baroque style. That kind of carriage is very luxurious, with a large and comfortable shed, a dazzling golden statue skirt at the rear, and even the wheels are gold-plated and embossed.

It was a symbol of status for wealthy people in those days.

Of course, with the advancement of the times, technological development is changing with each passing day. Iron box-like cars gradually replaced the old-fashioned horse-drawn carriages, and extended-length luxury cars replaced the luxury horse-drawn carriages.

"Guest, where are you going?" An old man with white hair in front raised the rope and asked Ka Xiu the address where he was going.

"25 Citi Street, Jessica's Apartment."

"Okay, sit tight."

The horses began to move forward and the vehicles moved slowly.

Sitting on the carriage, Ka Xiu looked at the slightly bleak street scene on both sides. Rows of light yellow houses like building blocks, European-style candlestick-shaped black street lamps, and the occasional gray-white tall spire building, apartment or church.

The familiar yet unfamiliar style made Ka Xiu feel a little emotional.

He took out the banknotes from the document bag in his hand one by one, and then put them all into the large buttoned inner pocket of his clothes. Finally, he threw the bag out and said to the coachman.

"Take me to a remote place. What do you want to do?"

Uh-huh! A straight fist suddenly hit from the front!

Ka Xiu wanted to punch to meet the attack, but suddenly he caught a glimpse of a cold light between the fingers of the fist from the corner of his eye. He immediately dodged to the left at high speed, jumped and tumbled directly from the window.

"It seems that you are with the group of people in the evening..."

On the gray road, Ka Xiu patted the rough bricks with his right hand, and his whole body straightened up like a spring.


Black leather boots hit the ground.

The coachman jumped down from the carriage, and his slightly stooped body straightened up. The seemingly average figure spread out inch by inch and suddenly became unusually tall.

In terms of height, this person is half a head taller than Ka Xiu.

"Don't confuse me with those losers." A hoarse voice sounded, completely different from the old one before.

Under the moonlight, the coachman pulled off the disguise from his head and face. A fierce and angular face was revealed.

He was probably in his thirties, and his light green eyes were as fierce as a poisonous snake. His temples were bulging, and the veins on his neck were obvious. The short hair stood up like steel pins inch by inch.

There is a silver ring on the index finger of his right hand, and a slightly shiny silver pointed needle is sandwiched between the index finger and middle finger.

"You have good skills. Have you practiced boxing? Sanda? Or unrestricted fighting?" The man threw the needle in his hand to the ground.

The surface of the needle appears to be coated with toxin.

"I originally wanted to kill you like an assassin, but I changed my mind now." He twisted his neck and made a clicking sound. As soon as he stretched out his hands, the muscles all over his body suddenly bulged.

"Want to kill me? Stop talking nonsense..." What Card Xiu hates the most is arrogant enemies, especially those without martial ethics.

"I hope you can be so tough-spoken when you kneel down and beg for mercy."

As soon as he finished speaking, the man rushed over in an instant. Card Xiu quickly launched his moves and responded to the enemy with the air of wind fighting technique.

Whoosh! A quick swinging punch came over, and a slight wheezing sound could be heard as his arm cut through the air. Ka Xiu punched out in an instant, and the muscles on his arms and shoulders shrank and flicked. The whole person stepped forward, turning defense into attack form.

With a snap, the man's arm was knocked away from the side, and a fist from the right stabbed his shoulder hard. The man quickly dodged to one side, and when his footsteps hit the ground, he hit his knee.

In mid-air, his calloused palms and knees collided hard. Both of them took a step back. Kaxiu shook his numb palm, and the man twisted his right foot at the same time.

After a back and forth, neither party took advantage.

"At least a third-level professional skill, maybe a fourth-level skill. Very good, but it's a pity that I have even killed a professional fifth-level master..." The man narrowed his eyes slightly, and a murderous aura gradually spread throughout his body.

Bang bang bang! A series of fist-bumping sounds appeared in this remote alley. The two figures were fighting together, with their fists, soles of feet, knees, arms, and elbows all weapons. The moves go straight to the critical point, and any slow reaction will result in serious injury.

This is not a fight within the rules but a real killing technique.

At the beginning, Ka Xiu was a little unable to keep up with the opponent's ruthless rhythm. After all, the man seemed to be a professional killer with rich combat experience. But he quickly adapted to it, thanks to Professor Lisha's hands-off practical training.

More than a hundred battles gave Kaxiu a rich background. Faced with the killer's tricky tactics, he quickly found countermeasures in his memory. The connection of various killing moves has become more and more skillful and sophisticated.

"Bang!" The fist hit the man's arm hard, and the huge force made his muscles tremble, causing him to stumble backwards.

"What a powerful punch!" The man's heart moved slightly. He didn't know where the fighting style of the young man in front of him came from. The boxing framework is perfect with almost no flaws. Moreover, the arm swing is extremely fierce, fast, powerful, and at a tricky angle.

"The prediction of strength is wrong, it may be level 5. Then I can only use other tricks..." The man shook his hand and narrowed his eyes.

He took a step back suddenly, avoiding Ka Xiu's arm. His steps swayed slightly and he took a few steps to the right.

Under the hazy moonlight, a black shadow came from not far away.

"Mandolan Burst Techniques..."

The man inhaled and exhaled quickly, and his entire right arm made a series of pops, and his muscles swelled. A force that was at least 40 to 50% stronger than the normal state filled his arms.

Stomping hard, he punched Card Xiu fiercely.

Boom! Two fists that were much larger than an ordinary person collided fiercely, causing the thick arm muscles of both sides to tremble. The burst of force caused the two sleeves to burst apart with a crash.

"Explosive skill?" Ka Xiu exclaimed.

"He can do it too!?" The man's eyes widened instantly.

A killing intent flashed in his eyes, and his left hand stabbed out instantly like lightning, and a cold light appeared between the fingers of his fist.

Snapped! An arm like a steel whip struck from behind. He slapped the man's wrist instantly, and the steel needle fell with a clang.

"Another explosive skill!?"

The man's pupils narrowed, and he stepped forward and kicked his crotch. While forcing Ka Xiu away, he quickly twisted his body to escape from his heart.


p.s. Please read it. Others have this chapter for every chapter, but I don’t have several chapters. I felt a little panicked and scared.

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