I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 139 You can’t fly, you might be Groudon

Everything that should be prepared was prepared, and the three of them entered the Anhe Gate directly.

In fact, Su Shu's main goal was to find the god-level silver-clawed dragon that was being conceived. Time was tight, so he couldn't and had no time to wait for the Ice King's arrival.

After all, Su Shu didn't know exactly what the Ice King's chances of winning against the god-level silver-clawed dragon were. If he could deal with one or two of them in advance, his chances of winning would be very high.

Of course, it would be best if all of them could be solved.

The three of them were already familiar with Anhe Gate. The first thing they did when entering was... to grill a silver-toothed carp.

Problems aside, Silver Tooth Carp tastes really good.

While eating, the village student asked Su Shu: "Brother Shu, what are your plans next?"

Su Shu replied while eating: "If I have any plans, let's find them!"

At the same time, Su Shu asked Meiyangyangsang in his mind: "Old Mei, do you have any way to find the god-level silver-clawed dragon that is gestating?"

Meiyangyangsang: "If it was conceived alone, I can sense it, but if there is already a god-level silver-clawed dragon guarding it, then I can't sense it!"

Su Shu: "You mean! The god-level silver-clawed dragon can block your induction? Does that mean that you can't actually sense the existence of the god-level silver-clawed dragon?"

Meiyangyangsang: "That's right, he is at his peak after all. Although his strength is still limited to the black iron level, it is not something that I, who is weak now, can sense!"

Su Shu: "Hey, when will you be able to return to your peak condition! It's so troublesome!"

Meiyangyangsang: "Recover your sister, you have the nerve to say that every time I recover a little, you let me use the mirror, and you make me overdraft every time. If this continues, I'm afraid I will never recover in my life!" "

Su Shu: "I'm not trying to get you a bronze-level god-level crystal core as soon as possible! Blame me!"

Meiyangyangsang: "Shit, even if you have entered the bronze-level alien beast gate once, I will not doubt it, but have you ever entered it? You have been wandering in various black iron gates!"

Su Shu: "Isn't this something that happens every time?"

Meiyangyangsang was too lazy to speak and ignored Su Shu.

After the three of them had eaten and drank enough, they transformed into a god-level silver-clawed dragon, and then went deep inside.

As for killing the Silver Tooth Carp, the three of them had never thought about it because it was too meaningless.

This thing doesn't even have a crystal core, so why are you killing it? Take it out to sell fish?

The three of them searched aimlessly inside without any clue.

"Lao Mei, do you feel anything?"

After searching for several hours and finding nothing, Su Shu couldn't help but ask Meiyangyangsang.

"Young Mao, take your time. I think you should pray not to encounter the god-level silver-clawed dragon on the way, otherwise it will be very dangerous!" Meiyangyangsang reminded Su Shu.

Su Shu: "I thought too much. We are not so lucky. I still wanted to meet him sooner!"

In Su Shu's opinion, if they met earlier, it would be easier to communicate and find out the news.

Meiyangyangsang also knew what Su Shu was thinking in his heart, and said angrily: "I know what you are thinking, but I want to remind you that God-level people carry memories of past lives, so once they meet, they will basically We all know each other! You can tell at a glance that you are fake!”

Su Shu: "Is there any way?"

Meiyangyangsang: "It's not impossible. Although their life level is at the god level, their strength is still bronze. The god-level powers of the Silver Dragon Clan are not something that can be seen through!"

"In this way, they actually can't see through my illusory powers, which of course include my myriad transformations and charms!"

"If you just use the illusion power, the opponent can indeed see through it, but if you use thousands of illusions, you won't be able to see through it!"

Su Shu nodded: "This relationship is good. If we meet you, give me a thousand transformations."

"Can you fly?" Meiyangyangsang suddenly said indifferently.

Su Shu froze and was dumbfounded: "No way!"

Meiyangyangsang: "That's useless, even if you transform into a silver dragon, you can't fly!"

This is different from transforming into a strange fly. The strange fly has wings and can fly directly.

The Silver Dragon Clan all relies on gold-level strength to fly.

As for Su Shu's bronze-level strength, including life transformation, it would be equivalent to silver even to death, and he would not be able to fly at all.

The flightless god-level silver-clawed dragon is just like Groudon, and will be seen through at a glance.

Thinking of this, Su Shu knew that he could not continue like this and could not leave Cun Sheng and Wang Yuxian outside.

It would be fine if he only had one god-level silver-clawed dragon, but if there were three of them at the same time, the flaw would be too big.

So after some friendly exchanges, Cun Sheng and Wang Yuxian were put into sacks amid resentment.

Before entering, the village student couldn't help but complain: "Brother Shu, since we are all going to be put into a sack, why did you ask us to come in together this time? Isn't it good for you to be alone?"

Su Shu: "There's so much nonsense. Why didn't you tell me or call you when we were dividing the money?"

Murakusheng: "Okay, okay, I will follow you wherever you go from now on. Don't even think about getting rid of me. The worst we can do is lie on the couch together, and I will pay you every time!"

Su Shu: "Let's divide it. It's just the difference between you and me! It's just the two of you. I can still afford to support my uncle!"

After saying that, he put the two people inside directly.

Immediately, Su Shu used his magic power to transform into a god-level silver-clawed dragon.

At the same time, the supernatural power of the god-level silver-clawed dragon also appeared in Su Shu's mind.

E-level heavy scales, D-level silver horn collision, C-level silver claws, B-level silver teeth bite, S-level superpower storm, SS-level five thunders, SSS sea of ​​thunder, god-level sea of ​​thunder.

Of course, these superpowers are only the most basic. Generally, with the transformation of life level, the quality of superpowers will be randomly improved, so the quality of real god-level silver claw dragon superpowers will be several levels higher.

Just like Meiyangyangsang, the original E-level illusion superpower was finally upgraded to SSS level.

All god-level beasts will reach an unimaginable level of strength.

Although Su Shu can view all superpowers, the SSS sea of ​​thunder and god-level sea of ​​thunder cannot be used.

Su Shu still regrets it. If he can use it, he really wants to try the real effect of these two superpowers.

After the transformation, Su Shu stepped on the bodies of densely packed silver-toothed carp and continued to search inside.

In this way, three days passed in a blink of an eye, and Su Shu still found nothing.

Finally, Su Shu wanted to give up, and he found an island, lying in the grass, with his silver dragon tail raised, bored.

Anyone who had searched aimlessly for three days without finding anything would be discouraged and lose patience.

"Lao Mei, can you do it?" Finally, Su Shu couldn't help it.

Mei Yangyang Sang: "You can do it, but you didn't find it!"

But just as the man and the sheep were talking, a silver light suddenly flashed across the sky.

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