I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 171: Forbidden Gate, Forbidden Stone

Emperor Ling didn't say anything. He stared at the document Su Shu was correcting for a few times and then frowned.

Suddenly, the document in front of Su Shu was split into two parts.

The Spirit Emperor then said: "The pile on the left is fine, but the pile on the right is problematic!"

Su Shu was surprised and surprised. He quickly picked up the top book and opened it. After reading it, he asked: "That's no problem! This king-level superpower wants to buy crystal cores. What's the problem with batching 100 million? As long as he has money!"

The Spirit Emperor's eyes widened: "One hundred million? Don't you see what level of crystal cores he wants to buy? King level!"

"Do you know that the entire Chinese king-level crystal core has only one or two hundred in storage, and each one is extremely precious!"

Su Shu was surprised: "Ah! Such! Why are there so few?"

Spirit Emperor: "Because the gates of king-level beasts are all sealed, and there is no place to hunt and replenish them, so the king-level crystal cores are used one less!"

Su Shu said matter-of-factly: "Then just lift the seal and kill!"

Spirit Emperor: "Who is going to kill? Are you going? An ordinary beast inside is of king-level strength. If a lord comes out randomly, the whole of China will be destroyed!"

Su Shu muttered: "Five emperors can always deal with some elites, and haven't you undergone life transformation? Lords can also deal with it!"

Spirit Emperor: "Do you think there is only one king-level beast gate? And do we have time?"

Su Shu: "Okay, what is the seal of the door of alien beasts?"

The Spirit Emperor softened his tone: "There are some things you really need to know. There is a very special gate of strange beasts in China. There are no superpowers in it. Likewise, humans will lose their superpowers if they enter!"

"This gate of strange beasts is called the gate of forbidden strange beasts!"

Su Shu was startled, and he immediately remembered the Forbidden Strange Corner. It seemed that the introduction he saw in the military merit system at the beginning said that this thing was brought out from the Forbidden Strange Gate.

Thinking about it this way, there is really something to the origin of this thing.

The Spirit Emperor then spoke: "In the Forbidden Gate, you can find a kind of stone, which carries the rules of the Forbidden Gate and can make the surrounding land lose its supernatural powers!"

"It is this kind of stone that seals the gates of these high-level alien beasts!"

After hearing this, Su Shu couldn't help but wonder: "Then why not seal all the gates of strange beasts? Then wouldn't China be completely safe?"

After hearing this, the Spirit Emperor was furious: "What are you thinking? Do you know how difficult it is to find the Forbidden Stone?"

"Think about it for yourself, after entering the forbidden door, you will completely lose your powers and become an ordinary person. How dangerous is it?"

"Even if we don't talk about the problem of too few forbidden alien stones, if all the gates of alien beasts are really sealed, what will the people behind do? Where will they go to experience their powers? When the alien beasts finally break out, what should they do to deal with it? right?"

After hearing this, Su Shu understood and nodded: "Okay, I won't sell any of them!"

Immediately, Su Shu modified the file.

Immediately, Su Shu took out a second document: "What about this one? Isn't it just to enter the gate of diamond-level alien beasts! My answer is correct!"

Spirit Emperor: "The diamond-level alien beast gate is also sealed with forbidden alien stones. If the forbidden alien stone is added once, it will lose its effect. How can you give it up! You still approved it ten thousand times!"

"Do you know that the forbidden stones can be sold to other countries for at least one trillion each? We are still unwilling to sell them. Do you think we can afford to lose ten thousand times?"

After hearing this, Su Shu suddenly understood and quickly revised his answer again.

Subsequently, under the guidance of Emperor Ling, Su Shu revised the documents that answered the questions.

In fact, most of them were because Su Shu didn't know the situation, so he gave the wrong answer.

However, after the Linghuang popularized science and provided guidance, Su Shu also understood it, so the subsequent changes were relatively smooth.

Seeing Su Shu's correction later, the Spirit Emperor nodded with satisfaction.

Before leaving, the Spirit Emperor threw a bronze-level king-level crystal core to Su Shu and said: "Don't slack off on improving your abilities."

Su Shu hurriedly took the crystal core. After being surprised, he couldn't help but said: "I don't have a place to live?"

Spirit Emperor: "You are in a punishment state now and cannot go out! But there is a sofa in my office, so you can sleep on it!"

Su Shu opened his mouth wide: "Huh?"

The Spirit Emperor ignored Su Shu and left directly.

"What is this!" Su Shu was speechless. He took the crystal core and walked to the sofa to sit down and began to absorb it.

For the sake of the bronze-level king beast crystal core, just sleep on the sofa!

As soon as he sat on the sofa, Su Shu couldn't help but ask Meiyangyangsang: "Old Mei, tell me, since the Spirit Emperor has completed the transformation of life levels and his life span has been extended, why do you still train me? Something is very wrong!”

Meiyangyangsang said angrily: "Isn't it normal for an elder to cherish talents and train younger generations! I have done this before!"

The confusion on Su Shu's face still didn't go away. After thinking for a long time, he shook his head: "I just hope I'm worrying too much!"

Afterwards, Su Shu stopped thinking about it and began to absorb the crystal core to improve.

In the blink of an eye, the night passed, and Su Shu felt that his body was filled with superpowers, and he felt that Baiyin was not far away.

Now Su Shu actually doesn't lack crystal nuclei in this area, he just lacks time. He is not in a hurry, just take his time!

Not long after Su Shu finished absorbing it, the documents to be processed today were delivered.

Then the Spirit Emperor also came, and as soon as he came in, he said: "Take some time to clean up, let's move to the 40th floor!"

Su Shu was surprised: "Why move?"

Spirit Emperor: "The number 38 is not good, hurry up!"

Su Shu was speechless: "I just said it casually, you took it seriously?"

Spirit Emperor: "Don't worry about it!"

Su Shu had no choice but to pack up and go to the 40th floor with Spirit Emperor.

The offices here are all ready-made, and the layout inside is almost the same. Just move some important things over.

After finishing, Su Shu started another busy day.

In the next few days, Su Shu lived a very fulfilling life.

Revising documents during the day and absorbing crystal cores at night.

There are also benefits to this, that is, a fulfilling life makes Su Shu have less free time to think about other things.

Su Shu thinks this is okay, quite comfortable.

That day, Spirit Emperor, who was drinking tea, suddenly stood up: "The gate of the king-level beast has been opened, I need to go over to deal with it, you can handle the documents here with peace of mind, and wait for me to come back and see!"

Su Shu was surprised: "The gate of the king-level beast is opened?"

Spirit Emperor did not reply to Su Shu's words, but flew up and flew out of the window.

Su Shu could only watch the Spirit Emperor leave, and then continue to review the documents.

But just after making a few revisions, Su Shu suddenly felt the whole building shaking, and then a terrifying force directly punched a big hole in the wall of the window.

Su Shu subconsciously looked up, and then his eyes widened, and he was dumbfounded!

PS, everyone, happy Dragon Boat Festival!

Today is a holiday, I originally wanted to add 100 chapters, but because I often keep the same action, I got shoulder periarthritis, it hurts so much, I can't write.

Hey! I didn't make much money from writing novels, but I got a lot of occupational diseases. I also had cervical spondylosis before!

Hey! Please give me some gifts!

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