I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 198 I planted Houttuynia cordata, but you actually grew the grass of life

This made Su Shu so excited that he ran over and dug up the soil, revealing the green leaves.

Then, Su Shu was stunned, and then he felt the blood rushing up his body, his heartbeat accelerated, and his breathing became heavier!

"Mei! Shit! The grass of life!"

Meiyangyangsang's unbelievable voice came from Su Shu's shoulder.

This can be said to be the first time that Meiyangyangsang has spoken with her mouth since she followed Su Shu. Before, she had always used telepathy to communicate.

There was no way, Meiyangyangsang was really surprised, the grass of life! It grew here!

Meiyangyangsang didn't dare to imagine the various benefits that would come later!

After a long time, Su Shu finally recovered and couldn't help asking Meiyangyangsang: "Lao Mei, what does this mean?"

Meiyangyangsang: "It means the grass of life!"

Su Shu: "Fuck! Not this, does it mean that I can directly cultivate high-level grass of life through space? Ten mechanisms?"

Meiyangyangsang nodded directly: "I won't keep you in suspense, it is indeed possible. In the past, we belonged to the top-level tribe and planned to have our own grass of life cultivation ground!"

Su Shu: "Fuck, what are you waiting for!"

As he said, Su Shu went straight out of the sack space, and then went out to knock on the door of the village student's room next door!

After knocking for a long time, Cunsheng reluctantly opened the door and looked at Su Shu with sleepy eyes: "Brother Shu, why don't you sleep so late at night?"

Su Shu couldn't hide his excitement on his face: "Cunsheng, let's go, call Wang Yuxian, let's go to the Gate of Exotic Beasts!"

After hearing this, Cunsheng's eyes widened a little, but he still said listlessly: "Brother Shu, why don't you sleep so late at night! And didn't you say that you would wait for the principal to come back and put our things in place before going?"

If he didn't know that the grass of life could grow in the sack space, it would be fine. Now that he knew, Su Shu would not be in the mood to wait for the broken principal! Delaying one minute means losing tens of billions!

Su Shu was so anxious that he didn't want to waste time explaining to Cunsheng, and directly pulled him to walk while calling Wang Yuxian.

Afterwards, the three of them gathered together and flew directly into the sky.

The cool breeze from the sky finally sobered up the village student a little, and then he couldn't help asking:

"Brother Shu, why don't you tell me what's going on? Why are you so anxious?"

Su Shu: "Didn't I tell you a few days ago that my space can make crops grow!"

The village student and Wang Yuxian nodded at the same time after hearing this, it was indeed the case.

However, the village student was still puzzled: "But what does this have to do with us going to the Gate of Strange Beasts at night?"

Su Shu: "A few days ago, I got some soil in and planted some Houttuynia cordata..."

Before Su Shu finished speaking, he was interrupted by the village student, who widened his eyes and said, "How can you plant Houttuynia cordata? Plant bean studs!"

Wang Yuxian: "Plant your sister, let him finish!"

Su Shu was too lazy to pay attention to the village student, and then said, "When I went in to check today, I found a newly grown grass of life!"

When this was said, the village student and Wang Yuxian were dumbfounded, and they felt their heads buzzing.

The grass of life! For China or the whole world, it is now a priceless treasure!

After a long time, the village student finally reacted and breathed a sigh of relief: "Damn, isn't that a fortune! How much are we going to sell this grass of life for?"

Su Shu was so angry that he raised his hand and hit the village student on the head: "Are you stupid? Go find the grass of life and plant it in it, and use the ten extreme probabilities to give birth to high-level grass of life!"

After this, the village student was stunned again, and subconsciously slapped his thigh: "Yes! Why didn't I think of it!"

Wang Yuxian's eyes were also full of shock after hearing this, and she couldn't retreat for a long time.

But immediately, Wang Yuxian suddenly said: "Should we take Suo Youren with us?"

The village student was unwilling immediately: "Wang Yuxian, of course we should do this kind of thing by ourselves, making a fortune in silence. If we take everyone with us, wouldn't it be exposed! And how can we take so many people?"

Wang Yuxian was speechless: "I'm talking about our new teammate, Suo Youren!"

The village student was stunned, and then reacted, and then said: "You can take him! With him, we can do it faster!"

Wang Yuxian nodded: "Then shall we pick him up?"

Su Shu thought for a while and said: "There is no time!"

Then, Su Shu's expression suddenly became serious, and then suddenly released his weakness.

Suddenly, Suo Youren suddenly appeared in Su Shu's arms.

But at this time, he was sleeping soundly, and he didn't realize that he was on the way to the gate of strange beasts.

Su Shu directly threw Suo Youren to the village student: "Take our power bank!"

The village student nodded, and carried the sleeping Suo Youren to follow Su Shu and Wang Yuxian.

In the past few days, the four of them have been together frequently.

As the communication deepened, the three of them also learned some of Suo Youren's situation.

Later, they finally confirmed that Suo Youren was really timid and had severe social phobia.

So all his previous performances were not deliberately pretended, but he was like that.

It was also because of this character that he was often bullied in Yigao before.

For example, Jiang Wenqi, who came to cause trouble before, was one of the people who often bullied him before.

Of course, Suo Youren is timid, but not a fool, so he will also find ways to protect himself.

This has to mention his superpowers. He does not have any superpowers, and he cannot practice and improve them at ordinary times.

But he can use other people's superpowers, magnify them five times, and either return them to the other party or release them to form an attributeless explosion.

The last time Suo Youren was bullied by Jiang Wenqi again, he asked his teammates to borrow superpowers, which shocked Jiang Wenqi who bullied him at that time.

The other party was upset about this, so after coming to Longyuan Abnormal, he tried to bully Suo Youren again, so there was the previous scene.

And Su Shu also discovered a special feature of Suo Youren's superpowers.

That is, no matter what level and purity of superpowers are transmitted, the level and purity returned are also the same.

In other words, whether it is king level or gold, whether it is lord or overlord, the superpowers transmitted to Suo Youren are returned with the same superpowers as his own!

Isn't this an invincible power bank!

Soon, the three flew all the way to the outskirts of Longyuan City and directly entered a black iron level monster gate.

The three of them did not choose the bronze-level beast gate, but decided to catch them with a few hands.

This time, the three planned four nearby black iron-level and three bronze-level beast gates, and then cleared all the beasts inside.

At that time, several people directly guarded these beast gates and kept looking for life grass in them. No matter what level, they would collect them all at that time!


Soon after several people entered, a terrifying sound came from the beast gate!

PS, please give me a gift. If you don’t give it to me, I will talk to you tomorrow.

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