I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 207 Exchange student? Okay, okay.

Su Shu immediately replied to Bing Huang with a "yeah".

Then he continued to look at the messages sent by other people.

Among them, Wang Wuchen asked a few questions about where Su Shu and the others had gone, and asked them to come back quickly. The principal was back and was looking for them.

Then it was Zhao Shilin, who kept asking how Su Shu and the others were doing after they left that day, and whether there were any problems!

At the same time, he told Su Shu a lot about various situations after they left! He was complaining about everything, and seemed to be reporting!

Later, he happily told Su Shu that he was summoned by the Spiritual Emperor, who said that he would focus on training and resources! At the same time, he thanked Su Shu and the others again.

Su Shu reported his safety to Zhao Shilin and congratulated him.

As soon as he replied to the message, Su Shu, who was exhausted, fell asleep directly.

At twelve o'clock the next day.

Su Shu sat up from the bed and asked in a daze: "I seem to have forgotten something!"

At this time, the phone rang, and when he picked it up, the note on it was "Kong Fanjing".

"Damn, I forgot!" Su Shu suddenly remembered that he had to receive the exchange student from the United States today!

As he stood up, Su Shu answered Kong Fanjing's call: "Hello, Principal!"

Kong Fanjing: "What are you doing? There have been no less than ten calls to me!"

Su Shu: "Ah, I'm helping an old lady cross the street! Contact me later!"

After saying that, without waiting for the other party to say more, Su Shu directly hung up the phone, and then hurried to the address sent by Kong Fanjing.

Fortunately, Su Shu can fly now, otherwise he would have to take another half an hour by car!

Soon, Su Shu came to the hotel at the address, found the room number, and knocked on the door.

Soon, the door opened.

Then Su Shu saw a blonde girl standing in the door, looking at Su Shu with big eyes in confusion.

The Golden Lion King? Su Shu was surprised.

After quickly calming down, Su Shu politely said in English: "Dear American friend, I'm sorry, I'm late!"

The other party was also surprised at Su Shu's fluency in English, and then suddenly smiled: "It's okay, it's okay!"

Su Shu raised his hand and asked: "Beautiful lady, come with me, I will take you to visit my great China!"

"By the way, I forgot to introduce myself. My name is Su Shu, you can just call me uncle!"

The other party nodded and smiled: "Hello, my name is Siwang, which is the homonym of your Chinese hope! Your name is a bit weird! The word uncle is used to call the brothers of parents in our place, such as uncle, uncle, etc."

Weird? Yours is not weird? Si Wang, Si Wang, disappointed, disappointed, um, Lion King...

But Su Shu would not say this, but nodded to Si Wang: "Yeah, yes, yes, that's what I mean!"

Si Wang did not mean to be angry at all, and still kept smiling on her face: "I seem to have a feeling of being taken advantage of!"

Su Shu: "This is the difference between Chinese and English, don't worry so much!"

Si Wang could only nod: "Okay, then you wait a moment, I'll get the bag!"

Not long after, Si Wang came out with the bag and smiled sweetly at Su Shu.

"Come with me!" Then, Su Shu took Si Wang out of the hotel and took her all the way to the central square of Longyuan City!

Si Wang looked at the huge square in front of him and couldn't help sighing: "Although China's combat ability is not very good, the infrastructure is really good!"

Su Shu felt speechless after hearing this. What do you mean by poor combat ability? Who will face me in the United States?

But Su Shu was too lazy to speak, just as Kong Fanjing said, keep a low profile.

When we get to the United States, we must keep a low profile, so low-key that even if their things are lost or the building collapses, they will not suspect us.

This is called making a fortune in silence.

Su Shu has always heard that there are many good things in the building in the United States!

The reason why Su Shu is so eager to go to the United States is that his real goal is those things.

As for the competition, it is too low-end and boring. When the time comes, just suppress the reality and pretend to waste effort to win the championship.

Si Wang saw that Su Shu didn't speak, so he turned around and said: "Uncle classmate, I didn't say that on purpose! In fact, your top combat power in China is still very strong!"

Su Shu muttered in his heart, you just don't know, I'm not bragging, now any one of the Five Emperors can go to your United States and walk sideways!

Thinking this in his heart, Su Shu spread his hands on the surface: "It's not so good in recent years! We haven't won the championship!"

Si Wang: "But you have always won the runner-up! Every time it puts a lot of pressure on us! By the way, will you participate this year? I heard that you are the champion of China's college entrance examination this year, with full marks in liberal arts and more than 20 million points in practical subjects!"

"By the way, how do you calculate the college entrance examination scores? Does an ordinary alien beast count as one million points?"

Su Shu almost rolled his eyes when he heard it, and then said: "I will also participate this year! But my strength is really not that good. In fact, our college entrance examination practical subject is an ordinary alien beast, which counts as 10 million points. I killed two!"

Si Wang was a little unbelievable after hearing it: "Impossible! It's so high! Then what quality of superpower are you?"

Su Shu: "Me, I'm E-level!"

Si Wang's mouth slowly opened wide after hearing it, and it took a long time to close: "E-level, oh, are you sure? Do you really want to participate in the competition?"

Su Shu spread his hands: "With the intelligence agency you infiltrated, you should know!"

As soon as he said this, Si Wang quickly waved his hands and said: "Uncle and classmate, we don't have it! We, the United States, and China have always maintained a good relationship! How can we do anything to infiltrate!"

Su Shu chuckled after hearing this and was too lazy to say more.

Seeing this, Si Wang changed the subject and said, "Then Su Shu, please take me to visit other places. I didn't eat before you came. I'm actually a little hungry!"

Su Shu: "Easy to say, should you like Chinese food or Western food?"

Si Wang: "I actually want to try your Chinese food!"

Su Shu nodded: "Let's go, I'll take you to Longyuan Hotel to eat!"

Later, under the leadership of Su Shu, the two came to Longyuan Hotel together and ordered many signature dishes.

They were all quite expensive anyway, and Su Shu felt a twinge of pain looking at them.

As soon as the food arrived, Su Shu ignored Siwang and started eating directly!

After eating for a while, the phone rang suddenly, and Su Shu quickly stood up and said apologetically to Siwang: "Student Siwang, I'm going out to take a call. Please wait for me here!"

Siwang didn't take it seriously, nodded and said: "Okay!"

Su Shu took the phone and walked outside. After answering the call, he said, "Cun Sheng, good job. I didn't tell you yesterday in vain!"

As he spoke, Su Shu quickly walked outside the hotel and quickly disappeared into the vast sea of ​​people.

As for our classmate Siwang, she was waiting inside, but Su Shu didn't come back.

Just when she started to feel anxious, a waiter walked in.

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