I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 229 Lord Linghuang, it’s time to repay the loan

The top sixteen have been decided, and today's game is officially over. Su Shu and others are preparing to get up and go back to the hotel.

But at this moment, US President Chelson suddenly flew into the stadium, took the microphone and said:

"Congratulations on the successful conclusion of today's preliminary round, but there was a little surprise later. After discussion with our organizing committee, we made a unanimous decision."

"For the eliminated players from various countries, who may not have fully demonstrated their strength, we finally decided to hold a resurrection match."

"The contestants in the resurrection competition are those who were eliminated in the preliminary round. Tomorrow, they will compete against each other to determine the resurrected team. They will become the seventeenth team and participate in the seventeen-to-eight points competition the day after tomorrow!"

"Please prepare the eliminated teams to come and participate in the resurrection match tomorrow. Okay, let's go back and rest first!"

As soon as Chelson said this, whispers suddenly came from the audience, and no excitement or joy could be seen on the faces of those who were eliminated.

Everyone knows very well that this bullshit resurrection game is specially held for the Wolf Kings of the United States!

After all, everyone is not a fool. All the eliminated teams are not opponents of the Wolf King at all. They have no hope of resurrection!

At this time, Su Shu and his group in the audience looked gloomy after hearing this. How could they not understand what the United States meant?

Murao frowned: "It seems that you haven't heard of a resurrection competition in the International Superpower Competition, right?"

Suo Youren nodded seriously: "No, I checked it before coming here. There has never been a resurrection competition in the International Superpower Competition!"

Su Shu squinted his eyes: "That means they did it specifically for the Wolf Kings? They really don't care about face when they do things, right?"

Wang Yuxian smiled coldly: "Face? One of the three teams in the United States has been eliminated before, and now the Wolf King team has been eliminated by us. If the third team has another problem, then they may not qualify for the semi-finals!"

"Compared to not being able to make it to the semi-finals and making people laugh, it's better to just hold a resurrection game and resurrect the Wolf Kings without caring about face!"

"At that time, if we encounter us in the points match, we can just admit defeat. With the strength of the Wolves, we can easily advance to the quarterfinals with just a few points, and we will manipulate the subsequent draws to prevent them from meeting us until the end. finals!"

"In this way, they can at least get second place, which is better than not being able to make it to the semi-finals!"

Wang Yuxian's words hit the nail on the head, directly revealing the dirty thoughts of the United States!

After hearing this, Su Shu kept nodding his head: "Okay, okay, I didn't have any thoughts about this game originally. If you want to play like this, don't blame me for being rude!"

After hearing this, the village student looked at Su Shu curiously: "Brother Shu, what are you going to do?"

Su Shu: "We'll know the day after tomorrow, let's go, go back first!"

Immediately, Hua Xia and his party went back.

And tonight, it was destined to be another sleepless night, because Su Shu and the other three directly vented their dissatisfaction with the United States.

According to statistics, more than half of the Seven Emperors' properties were robbed tonight, and most of the buildings were destroyed. The entire United States was in a state of panic.

The Seven Emperors were furious, but they couldn't catch each other.

In the end, he could only go to the prison and punch Ono Yijiro first!

"Tell me, where are your teammates?"

Ono Yijiro raised his head weakly: "I don't know!"

At this time, Ono Yijiro was going crazy and really couldn't figure out why it was like this.

At the same time, the first letter of compensation from the United States also arrived in Japan.

The air emperor looked at the huge compensation on the compensation letter, and his hand holding the compensation letter was shaking.

The compensation letter states very clearly that because Ono Yorijiro stole the Museum of Alien Beasts in the United States, he caused a loss of more than 500 trillion in the United States, and the resources have not yet been recovered.

So now the United States has unanimously decided to issue a compensation request to Japan, totaling 500 billion. If it does not pay, the Seven Emperors of the United States will come to collect it in person.

The more he read the compensation letter, the uglier his face became. Finally, he was so angry that he raised his hand and slapped it on the armrest of the table and chair: "Baga, how could Ono Eijiro, an idiot like me, do such a bullshit thing! It’s true that there is more success than failure!”

Although he suspected that Ono Eijiro was not responsible for this, in the face of the compensation letter from the United States, Kaori couldn't resist!

In the end, Emperor Kong had no choice but to issue an order to open the door to the master-level alien beasts. He would personally hunt the alien beasts to compensate the United States!

Although opening the door to master-level alien beasts would be a huge risk, we can no longer control that much.

China, the headquarters building of the supernatural army, the office of the Spiritual Emperor.

At this time, the Spiritual Emperor is looking at the recent major events in the United States!

The more he looked, the bigger the Spirit Emperor’s eyes widened!

Have all the exotic animal museums in the United States been stolen? The property of the Seven Emperors was robbed?

Looking at these events, the figure of Su Shu could not help but appear in Emperor Ling's mind!

Although these incidents have been investigated and found to be done by Japanese people, the figure of Su Shu still lingers in the mind of Emperor Ling!

I had an intuition in my heart that it was Su Shugan!

"The robbery of the Museum of Alien Beasts should be with the help of the sheep's ability. The method used for the first robbery is very familiar. It is very similar to Wang Yuxian's ability. They must be right!"

"Hiss! This kid is too audacious! The entire United States has been disturbed by him!"

"Looking at this posture, he has restrained himself in China. Hey! I'm really worried about the United States!"

Even though he said this, the smile on the Spirit Emperor's face could not be hidden at all!

At this time, the Spiritual Emperor wanted the entire game to last longer, so that the boy would return to China later!

While the Spiritual Emperor was thinking about these things, the phone suddenly rang.

When he picked it up, it was an unfamiliar number!

The Spiritual Emperor was immediately confused. What happened? No one usually calls his phone from an unfamiliar number!

Then, the Spiritual Emperor answered the call and put the phone to his ear. Then a cold and polite voice came from the phone:

"Hello, Lord Spiritual Emperor, your first installment repayment has been overdue for several days! I hope you can make up for it as soon as possible!"

After hearing this, the Spiritual Emperor was completely confused and asked subconsciously: "What repayment?"

The person on the other end didn't seem to be in a hurry, and slowly replied: "You used the headquarters building of the Superpower Army to mortgage 10 billion funds from us. About ten days ago was your first installment repayment date, and it is now overdue!"

Originally, this call was supposed to be made before, but at that time he asked the leader, and the leader said not to rush, and a few days later would have more late payment fees, so it was delayed until today.

After hearing the rest of the story, the Spiritual Emperor was completely dumbfounded and asked again: "Say it again! Are you sure I used the headquarters building of the Supernatural Army as collateral for the loan?"

The man on the other end did not beat around the bush and said directly: "Yes, Lord Spiritual Emperor!"

The Spiritual Emperor paused, somewhat unbelieving, and then he subconsciously raised his hand and pinched his face.

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