I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 243 I think we should return the championship to the United States

Then, the reporter began to ask other questions, mostly about the game. Su Shu was not interested in this, and his eyes were subconsciously erratic.

But when he turned around, he saw Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian looking at him with a very confused expression.

Su Shu stared back, as if to say: "What are you looking at? Haven't you seen a handsome guy?"

Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian turned their heads away, too lazy to look at Su Shu, and had no intention of explaining to the reporter!

The reporter asked some more questions and then ended the interview!

When the three walked out of the studio, Suo Youren was already waiting for them outside. The first time he saw the three, Suo Youren hurriedly ran up and said, "Brother Shu, where have you been?"

Su Shu said as a matter of course, "Now we are at least celebrities, and there are too many reporters vying to interview us, so we chose one to be interviewed!"

Suo Youren nodded a little confused after hearing this!

Then, the four of them went to Longyuan Yida together.

Then, the news that Su Shu and others won the championship spread throughout China!

Suddenly, the whole of China was boiling!

Finally, China finally won the championship! I have to say, this is an exciting thing!

That is why the four names of Su Shu, Cun Sheng, Wang Yuxian, and Suo Youren were directly spread throughout China.

And later it was revealed that the four were just freshmen!

This is too much, winning the championship of the International Superpower Competition in the freshman year, it can be described as a monster.

Also, in the next three years, China will continue to sweep the championship!

With geniuses like Su Shu and the other four, it should not be difficult to win the championship in the next three years!

But later there was news that the United States had new regulations for the International Superpower Competition, and the team that won the championship was not allowed to participate again!

Suddenly, this news once again made the whole of China boil, and countless people were indignant on the Internet!

After all, this regulation is obviously set to restrict Su Shu and others in China! Why didn't you make this rule when the United States won the championship before?

When the popularity of Su Shu and others reached a certain level.

An interview video titled "The excessiveness of Su Shu, the core of the Chinese champion team, from his native high school" suddenly became popular on the Internet.

The content of the video was not too much, basically Su Shu was talking about some things in his special high school!

Afterwards, those who watched the video and knew the inside story gave Su Shu in the video a contemptuous look!

And those who didn't know the inside story were immediately filled with indignation.

"There is actually such a college! It's really too much!"

"That's right, such a school can actually cultivate a genius like Su Shu, it's simply incomprehensible!"

"It's Su Shu. If it were me, I would have to tie up the principal and play Xiao Zhuizhui!"

"Be rational and wait for the reversal!"

"Everyone, please tell me the college where Su Shu is studying, so that I can avoid it in the future!"

"Don't ask, it's Luo'an Supernatural High School, everyone, hurry up!"

At this time, Wang Wuchen had not yet realized the seriousness of the matter. At this time, he was still excited to report the good news for Su Shu and others' victory!

As a result, his phone was immediately bombarded, and most of the calls were scolding him!

Wang Wuchen was confused, and later he saw Su Shu's interview video on the Internet before he understood! This dog Su Shu has cheated him again!

He wanted to get angry, but when he saw the high-quality platinum beast crystal cores that had just been delivered on the table, he was immediately silent!

These crystal cores were just delivered by Su Shu and his team not long ago. While announcing the good news, it was also to repay him as the principal!

Finally, Wang Wuchen looked at the interview video playing on his phone, and then looked at the crystal cores on the table, and hesitated! For a moment, he didn't know what to do!

However, Wang Wuchen was not the one who would suffer a loss, so he directly published a response online.

"I am the principal of Luoan Supernatural High School, I am Wang Wuchen! I would like to respond to Su Shu's matter and ask him a few questions!"

"First, I asked you to clean the toilet, but you didn't mention it when you were guarding the toilet and charging for it?"

"Second, who sold the school online? I am from Longyuan Supernatural University, and I have only graduated for a few years. I am not too old to use a mobile phone, right?"

"Third, if you want to rob, just rob the black market store! What are you talking about getting involved? You robbed three in one night, right? Are you sure you are promoting the reform of black market stores?"

"Fourth, are you sure the school was destroyed by the beast I released? Is it your beast? If the beast is not yours, why did you pay for the reconstruction?"

"Fifth, you destroyed the dark web den, are you sure you didn't go there to rob things? Then why did you rob the home of the diamond-level supernatural army later?"

"Finally, the sixth point, just tell us if you took people to the school privately during the holidays and turned the school into ruins?"

As soon as Wang Wuchen responded, the entire network was boiling again!

It's reversed, it's reversed directly.

I didn't expect that the originally pitiful champion Su Shu would suddenly turn into a gangster!

Big brother, blocking the school toilet to charge, selling the school online, robbing the black market, selling the school online, turning the school into ruins, and robbing the home of the superpower army!

Are these things that people can think of and do?

Suddenly, Su Shu's reputation was reversed, and the spearhead was directed at classmate Su Shu.

And where is classmate Su Shu at this time! He is in the office of the Spirit King!

Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian also came with him.

The Spiritual Emperor looked unhappy at this time, because he had just learned from the Divine Emperor that the United States was colluding with alien beasts!

The Spiritual Emperor was actually very angry about this, so his face was unhappy!

It was fine that the United States had been engaged in internal struggles, and they had tolerated it, but they actually colluded with foreign races, which was absolutely unforgivable!

Su Shu seemed to notice that the expression of the Spiritual Emperor was not right, so he subconsciously asked: "Lord Spiritual Emperor, why do you still look unhappy after we won the championship!"

"Since you are unhappy, why don't we return the championship to the United States! This way you will feel better!"

The Spiritual Emperor glared at Su Shu: "I think I should return you to the United States!"

After that, the Spiritual Emperor sighed: "It's still the matter of the United States colluding with the alien beasts. There is no evidence, otherwise I must issue a notice to condemn them!"

Su Shu curled his lips: "What's the use of condemnation! In my opinion! The five emperors will go directly and kill all the remaining six emperors of the United States. It will be clean and neat, and it will be over once and for all!"

The Spiritual Emperor looked at Su Shu and was immediately furious: "You Boy, I've taught you for so long, why haven't you made any progress? "

"If we attack the United States without any reason, we will definitely face pressure from other countries! We Chinese have always advocated unity against foreign countries. If we really attack the United States, wouldn't that go against our principles!"

"This will have a great impact on our future call for the world to fight against alien beasts! There is strength in numbers, humans, we need unity now!"

Su Shu: "Okay! Condemn if you want! But who said there is no evidence?"

When the Spirit Emperor heard this, he immediately became energetic and asked subconsciously: "Why? Do you have it?"

PS, everyone must think that the plot of the United States is not very interesting, and I actually think so too.

But there is no way, many things in the United States need to be left for the protagonist to go again, yes, the protagonist will go again.

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