I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 247 Aren’t you wrong?

The second thing is that after reaching the silver level, a large number of supernatural abilities will spread throughout the body, achieving the effect of strengthening the body.

This is different from the body strengthened by the transformation of life levels.

What the transformation of life level strengthens is the intrinsic strength of the body, while the improvement of superpower level is the blessing of superpowers on the body to achieve the purpose of strengthening the body.

The next step for gold is to release its superpowers.

This is also the reason why ordinary golden superpowers can fly. The superpower can be lifted up and fly in the air.

This is different from Su Shu and others who can fly after their life levels have transformed.

After the level of life goes up, one's own supernatural powers will be purified, and with the increase in physical strength, one will become more compatible with the supernatural powers.

In this way, you can lift your body directly in the body and fly!

After arriving at Baiyin at the same time, Su Shu's combat effectiveness rose to another level.

Even if you don't use powerful abilities like Weakness and Spacetime Thorn, it's easy to defeat a platinum-level ability user!

After successfully arriving at Baiyin, Su Shu stretched his body and said, "Well, we finally arrived at Baiyin, let's take a nap to celebrate!"

After saying something softly, Su Shu fell down on the bed and fell asleep.

Early the next morning, the call came!

I picked it up and saw that it was actually Zhao Shilin calling.

As soon as the call was connected, Zhao Shilin's mysterious voice came from the other side: "Guess why I called you?"

Su Shu sat up suddenly after hearing this: "Damn it, don't tell me that you are the direct commander of our supernatural army?"

Immediately, Su Shu couldn't help complaining: "Damn it, you are the commander of the preliminaries. Why did you officially join the superpower army? The commander is still you, why can't you be replaced by a beautiful commander!"

Zhao Shilin was speechless after hearing this, and then said: "Am I really so annoying to you? Then I'll leave?"

Su Shu: "Forget it, let's make do with it!"

Zhao Shilin shouted directly: "Then what are you waiting for? Why don't you call Uemura and Wang Yuxian to report! I have already sent you the positioning!"

"By the way, remember to bring your luggage!"

This roar immediately woke up Su Shuhou, and he quickly got up and called Cun Sheng and Wang Yuxian up.

Afterwards, the three of them got into a commercial vehicle and arrived at the location.

Only when we arrived did we realize that this was a military base in the wild, and Zhao Shilin had been waiting for the three of them outside for a long time!

Looking at the three sleepy-eyed three people, Zhao Shilin couldn't help but smile: "I told you that it's true that you have a relaxing college life, but you have to join the supernatural army early and suffer!"

When Su Shu heard this, his expression turned bitter: "Commander Zhao, is it very bitter here?"

Zhao Shilin nodded: "It must be hard!"

Su Shu immediately complained after hearing this: "Damn you village students, you can't go to a good university, so you insist on dragging us to join some kind of supernatural army!"

When the village boy next to him heard this, he immediately refused: "Hey, Brother Shu, it's obviously you who promised the Spiritual Emperor, why am I dragging you along? You have to speak with your conscience!"

Su Shu: "Are you not wrong?"

Village Student: “¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿¿”

Immediately, Zhao Shilin took the three people to settle down in the dormitory, and then took the three people to have breakfast!

Then, the three people's nightmare began.

First run fifteen kilometers, then have lunch, followed by fast training on various terrains.

Zhao Shilin also followed the three of them, he also wanted to train.

On the way, Zhao Shilin told them that they were joining the ranks of the army with special abilities to open up wasteland.

As the name suggests, whenever a door to strange beasts opens, they are the first ones to rush in!

To do this, they need to adapt to various complex and dangerous environments!

This training will last for one month, and one month later, they will officially take up their posts.

Su Shu and the other three were training painfully while complaining endlessly.

And at night, their nightmares came again, and they couldn't sleep. While their bodies were tired, they needed to quickly absorb the alien beast crystal cores to improve!

As for Zhao Shilin and Su Shu, they were both students in the same dormitory, and they were not allowed to sleep at all!

As for Wang Yuxian, Zhao Shilin said not to worry, Wang Yuxian worked harder than them!

Just like that, a month passed.

The village student who originally liked to be lazy and never reached Baiyin also reached Baiyin under the pressure of Zhao Shilin!

You must know that Su Shu's double superpowers have reached silver a long time ago, but Muransheng has only reached it now. You can imagine how lazy he was before.

After a month of training, the three of them looked obviously much more capable.

Today is the day when the three of them officially take up their posts.

Zhao Shilin's chief, Li Ruiyan, came specially to meet with Su Shu and the others.

Now above, looking at Su Shu and the others, Li Ruiyan said seriously: "After officially becoming the superpower army, you will no longer live for yourself or consider your own interests. You will live for ordinary people in China!"

"Every mission you carry out in the future will be to protect the safety of ordinary people."

"I know that you must feel unbalanced in your heart and want to ask why!"

"I'm telling you right now, the Chinese supernatural army, from black iron to emperor level, no matter how strong or weak they are, they are all giving their all for the whole of China!"

"The reason why you can grow up in a peaceful environment is all because of the sacrifice of generations of seniors in the supernatural army!"

"Now, you will also become the pioneers of a new generation, fighting for ordinary people in China and fighting for the tranquility of the entire China!"

"At the same time, I want to tell you that this is not brainwashing. If you don't want to, you can leave. After you leave, countless people who are willing will come one after another!"

"Now, I want to ask you, are you willing?"

Su Shu, the other two, and Zhao Shilin immediately became serious and shouted in unison: "We are willing!"

Li Ruiyan nodded: "I want to remind you that once you join, you must obey all orders and be ready to accept the dispatch of the superiors at any time! If something happens because of your own reasons, you will be responsible for it!"

"Yes!" Su Shu and the others replied quickly.

Li Ruiyan nodded after hearing this, and his face eased: "Okay, your identities have been registered. In the next period of time, you will continue to train in the base. Tasks will be issued at any time. Once you receive an order, you must go to execute it as soon as possible. Please be mentally prepared!"

"Yes!" Su Shu and the other four shouted in response!

Li Ruiyan nodded slightly to the others and left.

In the next period of time, the few people can finally move freely.

After a month of high-intensity training, the subsequent training will not be so tight!

The four of them found a shady place to sit down, and Su Shu couldn't help but say: "Captain Zhao, I thought you were an officer, but it turns out that you are just like us, and you have just joined!"

Su Shu was still wondering before that Zhao Shilin trained with them every day, ate the same food, and lived in the same dormitory.

Until just now, he suddenly realized that Zhao Shilin, like the three of them, had just joined!

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