I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 275 Secret Undercover Mission

After hearing what the Spiritual Emperor said, Su Shu's first reaction was that the other party was joking, and then he laughed: "Lord Spiritual Emperor, stop joking! How could Longmen be lost?"

After all, the importance of Longmen to China is self-evident. The Spiritual Emperor will definitely be cautious about such things. How could it be lost under such circumstances!

Spirit Emperor: "Su Shu, I don't need to joke with you about this kind of thing! In fact, Longmen is not safe, because it requires a large number of superpowers to jump."

"This leads to a problem. We can't keep it 100% confidential! Some of the foreign infiltration into China, even I can't find out!"

Su Shu heard that Ling Huang was not joking, and suddenly he felt bad: "It can't be true?"

Spirit Emperor: "It's true!"

Su Shu's face suddenly became gloomy: "Are there any countries that you suspect?"

Spirit Emperor: "The initial suspect is the United States! Because our forbidden stones were often lost before, and the United States has been selling forbidden stones to foreign countries!"

"But until now I don't know how the other party stole it, the means are too weird!"

Su Shu: "What are your plans, sir?"

Spirit Emperor: "I don't have a very good way. After all, it's been so long, and the confidentiality work on the United States is too good!"

Su Shu: "Please tell me, sir, what can I do?"

Longmen must be found! That is the only way for the entire China to fight against the beasts in the future!

Spirit Emperor: "I really need your help this time! I know you have the ability to disguise yourself. After all, you have done so many things in the United States before, and the other party has not discovered your true identity!"

"So I arranged an identity for you in the United States at the first time. You can go there and investigate undercover!"

"In the whole of China, you are the only one I can rely on, Su Shu! This time it was my negligence. I really feel sorry for you. After all, Longmen was obtained by you with great effort, but I lost it!"

Su Shu: "Don't say it, I'll go!"

Spirit Emperor: "Be careful. Don't forget to improve your strength after you go there!"

"Only the two of us know about this operation. I can't send you there. You need to sneak over by yourself. I will send you information about the person you disguised yourself!"

Su Shu: "Okay! What about Luo'an City?"

Spirit Emperor: "I have arranged someone to take over. You can leave immediately!"

Su Shu nodded: "Okay!"

After hanging up the phone, Su Shu notified the Luo'an City Superpower Army to withdraw. After returning to the Superpower Army base, Su Shu transferred 10,000 military merits to each of them!

Then, under the somewhat confused gaze of a group of superpower soldiers, Su Shu left directly!

When he returned home, Su Shu wanted to say goodbye to his parents, but his parents had not returned yet!

Su Shu once again doubted the identity of his parents!

But now there was no time for Su Shu to investigate further.

After packing up, Su Shu rode Leopard out of China and headed for the United States.

As for the Luo'an City Superpower Army, they didn't know until the new person in charge came to take office that Su Shu had left. He left in a hurry and didn't know where Su Shu had gone.

Looking at Su Shu's 10,000 military merits, all the superpower soldiers tacitly chose to turn back. They needed Su Shu to give them an explanation before they would receive this military merit!

At the same time, Cun Sheng and Wang Yuxian also found that they could not contact Su Shu.

Just when the two were anxious, they suddenly received a message from the Spirit Emperor at the same time: "Su Shu went to perform a secret mission. Don't worry and don't leak any news!"

The reason why the Spirit Emperor specifically notified the two was that he was worried that if the two couldn't find Su Shu, they would do something bad.

After all, when Su Shu was put in solitary confinement before, the two of them were so bold that they demolished the headquarters building of the Superpower Army like that!

And now the two of them are not as strong as before. If they really want to do something, no one in the whole of China can stop them except the Five Emperors!

That's why the Spirit Emperor specially notified the two of them, which is considered to be giving them enough face!

The village student looked at the message sent by the Spirit Emperor on his mobile phone and couldn't help complaining: "In the end, Su Shu just wants to get rid of us! Damn it, he didn't tell me in advance, which made me feel so uncomfortable!"

"I also know that there is no banquet that will not end in the world. I know that sooner or later we will separate and go our own way! I just didn't think it would be so soon! Damn it, can't we wait a few more years?"

Wang Yuxian stood on the roof of the headquarters of the Superpower Army, her white skirt fluttering in the wind!

Looking up at the sky, tears welled up in his eyes: "I don't know what I'm waiting for! I don't know what I've been expecting in my heart!"

"But in the end, nothing came! I'll wait for you to come back, waiting for all your expectations with me!"

In the ice and snow, a supernatural military base stood in the wind and snow.

The Ice Emperor, wearing a crystal-colored classical long dress, stood on the terrace, looking at the whistling wind and snow outside, and whispered: "This time, I can only rely on you!"

Su Shu's departure, after all, only affected the people around him, and did not cause any waves for the whole of China.

The whole of China is still running as it should! Everything, no impact!


At this time, Su Shu has come to the streets of the United States.

At this time, he has changed his face, looks like a white American, wearing a suit, and a pair of shiny leather shoes on his feet!

At the same time, Su Shu was eating a grilled sausage in his hand!

While eating, Su Shu held his phone in his other hand and looked through the information sent by the Spirit Emperor, all of which were about his current identity!

From childhood to adulthood, he had wet the bed three times, peeped at women taking a bath twenty times, dated six girlfriends, and even went to find street girls fifty times later, all of which were recorded.

It can be said to be extremely detailed.

Of course, Su Shu's most important thing is not these, after all, he is not very interested in other people's gossip!

What Su Shu pays most attention to is the other party's ability.

After all, if the ability is not very similar to Su Shu's, he needs to keep pretending later!

Fortunately, the Spirit Emperor seems to have considered everything.

The other party's name is Vibian Turksterling Luz Manchester John Niagara Tasarep Mismi.

Vibian for short, is a space-based ability user, a bit similar to Su Shu.

The first ability is the awakened SS-level ability teleportation, and the second ability is the acquired S-level ability Void Thorn!

Although Vibian's Void Thorn and Su Shu's Space-Time Thorn only differ by one character, they are very different!

Whether it is power or weirdness, Space-Time Thorn is much higher!

It should be specially selected by the Spiritual Emperor. The opponent's ability is too similar to Su Shu's!

While watching, Su Shu thought that if he wanted to find out the news about Longmen, he would need to have a very high status in the United States!

In this way, the Spiritual Emperor should hope that Su Shu can step up to a high position step by step, so that he can eliminate all suspicions to the greatest extent, and it will be easier to get to a high position and get news about Longmen!

While thinking, Su Shu finished the grilled sausage in his hand.

A child happened to pass by.

When Su Shu left, there was a stick stuck in the child's asshole hook!

PS, a new chapter has begun, please give me a gift

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