I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 29 Use your red bellyband to attract fire

According to common sense, it is basically impossible for the three people with their strength to catch a lord. After all, the number of strange beasts is extremely terrifying. Without Su Shu's special ability, Wang Yuxian and Cunsheng would hardly see the lord.

So Su Shu is the main force of the three people, and Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian must ask for his opinion.

Su Shu thought about it carefully and nodded seriously: "If you take off your red bellyband to attract firepower, I think it's okay!"

After hearing this, the village student's face fell and he shouted: "Say it again! If you say it again, I will break up with you!"

Su Shu: "I haven't settled the score with you for playing tricks on me! You still have the nerve to break up with me!"

The village student: "It's not over yet, right? You have fought, and you have smelled my stinky feet, and you still don't want to let me go, right?"

Su Shu: "I will never forget this in my life, I am a very vengeful person!"

The village student wanted to say something, but Wang Yuxian suddenly looked over: "We didn't actually prepare anything this time! It's all thanks to your ability, Su Shu, I hope we can gain something!"

Su Shu: "This is simple. If each of you lends me fifty bronze crystal cores now, let alone the lord, the overlord may be caught by him!"

There has always been an overlord beast in the Gate of Chouwu.

At the overlord level, the IQ is very high, so every time the beast is cleaned up, the other party is not found.

Special beasts are born according to the number of ordinary beasts, so every once in a while, the gate of beasts will be cleaned up to prevent too many beasts from causing a major outbreak.

As for whether there are higher-level beast kings in the gate of Chouwu, it is unknown. If you go deep, you may find something.

However, the king level is still too far away. Even if Su Shu and his team meet, they can't do anything to him.

Wang Yuxian and the village student thought about it, and finally the village student said: "I have it, but I didn't bring it!"

Wang Yuxian also said: "Who would take so many beast crystal cores out?"

Beast crystal cores are generally used for cultivation, and they are not very helpful for restoring superpowers, so few people take so many out.

Su Shu could only shake his head in disappointment after hearing this: "That's a pity!"

In this case, the plan to capture the overlord can only be temporarily shelved, and then the three began to talk about some details.

Unknowingly, the car drove to a busy street.

The three people who were chatting suddenly subconsciously looked up at a place.

There were two people standing there, Li Yafei and Huang Shijun.

"Huang Shijun is such a jerk. He has two SS-level abilities, but he doesn't study hard and comes here to go shopping! I've been itching to death these days!" Su Shu couldn't help but mutter.

As soon as the village student heard it, he knew that this Huang Shijun would definitely not have an easy time at school. After all, anyone who was hostile to Su Shu would be skinned alive.

"Should we go down and beat him up!" The village student took out a giant meteor hammer from behind the seat.

Wang Yuxian was speechless: "You almost want to kill him!"

Su Shu shook his head directly: "Forget it, business is more important. When he comes to school on Monday, I will get along with him!"

The village student nodded and put down the meteor hammer.

The car slowly passed in front of Li Yafei and the others.

I don't know if it was intentional or unintentional, but Wang Yuxian opened the car window at this time.

The breeze blew, ruffling her hair, and she immediately became a beautiful scenery on the road.

Li Yafei, who was outside, was startled when he saw Wang Yuxian. He also saw Cunsheng and Su Shu.

The three of them looked calm at this time, as if they didn't see her, Li Yafei.

The car slowly passed by and gradually went away.

A mess of thoughts floated into Li Yafei's mind.

Since Su Shu was sitting in the rightmost seat, Huang Shijun didn't see him, but he saw Li Yafei's worries, so he asked quickly:

"Yafei, what's wrong?"

Li Yafei shook his head: "Nothing! I just saw that car a little familiar!"

Huang Shijun: "Well, maybe I saw the same one before! By the way, my teammate who participated in the preliminary assessment just called me and asked me to go to the Gate of Chouwu. Do you want to go with me?"

Li Yafei shook his head: "No, I have passed the preliminary assessment! I can't get involved in your mission."

Huang Shijun was startled after hearing this. This result was somewhat beyond his expectations.

But he immediately said: "No, we are not on the assessment mission this time, we just want to go to the Chouwu Gate for training!"

"You are a double SS superpower, and you are also a pre-selected candidate. My teammates will definitely not refuse you to join!"

After listening, Li Yafei thought about it, and finally gritted his teeth and nodded: "Okay, I'll go with you!"


Chouwu Town is very lively, with constant hawking and team formation.

Because a large number of ordinary black iron superpowers want to enter the Chouwu Gate to hunt monsters to make a living, a town has gradually formed outside, and it is also named Chouwu Town because of the Chouwu Gate.

At this time, a commercial vehicle drove in and drove straight to the Chouwu Gate.

Arriving at the superpower military base at the gate, Su Shu and the other two got off the car to register.

Because the superpower gate is extremely dangerous, every entrant needs to register, apply, and pass the review before entering.

However, because Su Shu and the other two are pre-selected candidates, they don't need to apply at all and can be approved to enter directly.

At the same time, there is a shop for the superpower army in the base, where you can buy some things you need to prepare, and it is also convenient to deal with the harvest when you come out!

Unfortunately, Cunsheng and Wang Yuxian checked the military merits of the pre-selection, and found that they were not enough to exchange 100 bronze crystal cores for Su Shu.

After all, it was one million yuan, and it was not so easy for them to take it out.

In the end, the three of them could only enter the Gate of Strange Beasts with regret.

It must be said that the Gate of Chouwu is very beautiful. The endless grassland is in sight, and the sunshine adds a bit of beauty.

Cunsheng said seriously at this time: "Don't be confused by the scenery inside. It looks safe, but it is not dangerous at all!"

Wang Yuxian couldn't help but roll her eyes at Cunsheng: "Don't listen to him. I read the detailed information before coming here. The most dangerous thing about the Gate of Chouwu is not the beasts, but getting lost!"

Su Shu looked at the endless grassland in front of him and couldn't help but nod in agreement. Indeed, this grassland is endless. Once you are far away from the entrance and exit, you will be confused by the same environment around you, and it will be difficult to find the way back.

Wang Yuxian continued: "Because we got lost so many times, the predecessors marked the route. We must follow the marked route and cannot deviate, otherwise it will be very dangerous!"

Su Shu and Cunsheng nodded solemnly at the same time, indicating that they understood.

This is a matter of life and death, and it is not a joke, so the two of them were more serious than ever before.

The route marks are pits on the ground, which are not so conspicuous because they are covered with green grass.

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