I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 309 Timed nuclear bomb?

The black hole ability has changed significantly at this time.

Black hole

Quality: A

Create a black hole with a diameter of 1.2 cm, which oppresses time and space.

Can grow steadily and continuously.

Controllable duration.

Controllable dissipation.

Controllable out-of-control time.

Currently required to improve the quality: 100,000 platinum beast crystal cores.

Looking at the new changes in the black hole ability, Su Shu was surprised!

The range has increased by twelve times, and it can continue to grow?

Does this mean that if you throw it in one place, it can continue to absorb the surrounding matter to grow itself?

And the following new abilities can also determine the duration of growth and the time of space-time explosion!

If the previous black hole is like a small grenade, out of control!

Then the current black hole is a timed nuclear bomb that is constantly growing!

This is simply perfect!

Su Shu suddenly thought that it seems that there are some original abilities in his body that can be mobilized at any time!

What if this original ability is used to use this black hole ability?

How about trying it?

Then, Su Shu shook his head violently!

If this is not controlled well, the entire city of Taier may cease to exist!

Forget it, let's go back to the Gate of Exotic Beasts and try!

After checking, Su Shu went back to the Cailide family first.

As soon as he entered the door, Si Wang looked over: "Vibian, where have you been these days?"

Su Shu then remembered that he didn't seem to tell Si Wang about going to the Gate of Exotic Beasts, so he quickly replied: "I went to the Gate of Exotic Beasts!"

Si Wang was suspicious: "To get your silver ability?"

But Si Wang knew that Su Shu's silver-level ability had been obtained a long time ago! I don't know what the purpose of this trip is!

Su Shu nodded directly: "Yes!"

Si Wang could only nod, then walked up and threw himself into Su Shu's arms!

No matter what Su Shu wants to do, she will support him without reservation! Because this is the most important person in her life!

The next morning, after Su Shu came to the government building in Taier City, he directly summoned everyone and began to arrange the rules of action!

The population of a city is too large, so Su Shu decided to do it in batches!

The people of Qigu Town and Duer County will still be brought along every time!

The rest of the people in Taier City will all act in batches!

Due to the large population, Su Shu could not act in batches like Duer County. In the end, Su Shu decided that all areas where the gate of the strange beasts are located can follow the action!

In this way, there will be less trouble in batches!

However, there will be a problem in this way, there are too many people!

Su Shu didn't care and decided to change from cleaning one a day to cleaning two a day!

After Su Shu announced his decision, he set off with a group of people rubbing their hands!

Soon the group arrived at the first gate of strange beasts!

"Everyone wait outside and act after I come out!"

After Su Shu said loudly, he flew directly into the gate of strange beasts!

Although the people outside were puzzled, they remembered Su Shu's order and stood there waiting!

Su Shu, who entered the gate of the alien beasts, found a position, then mobilized his supernatural powers, condensed a black hole in his hand, and threw it out!

In an instant, the black hole flew out and landed directly in the alien beast space, and then spun wildly!

As it spun, the surrounding matter was constantly attracted by it and then entered it!

With the entry of various substances, the size of the black hole became larger and larger!

One centimeter, two centimeters... one meter, two meters, five meters, ten meters!

After ten meters, the size of the entire black hole can be described as giant!

At this time, even the surrounding alien beasts could not resist the suction of the black hole, and were sucked in one after another, and then there was no movement!

At this time, Su Shu also felt that it was almost done, and then he detonated it directly!

Boom boom——

Boom boom——

A terrifying light burst out directly from the black hole, and the entire space-time collapsed directly!

Seeing this, Su Shu quickly turned around and went out of the exit.

Boom boom——

The terrifying sound kept coming from behind!

The black light even rushed out of the exit of the gate of the alien beasts!

"Everyone retreat!"

Su Shu yelled as soon as he came out!

Fortunately, Su Shu's order was very effective, and everyone turned around and left immediately after hearing it!

Fortunately, the alien beast gate blocked the explosion energy of the black hole, which was weakened too much after it was released, so the energy that escaped did not hurt anyone!

After the explosion was completely over, Su Shu spoke: "Everyone, move!"

Suddenly, the dense crowd rushed in excitedly!

However, everyone was dumbfounded as soon as they entered!

I saw that the entire alien beast space had been divided into several large pieces, and from the huge gap, the void stars could be clearly seen!

"Damn, what did the mayor do in there just now?"

"My God, this is too fierce! The entire alien beast space is destroyed!"

"The mayor's strength seems to have increased again!"

Everyone couldn't help but sigh!

"Quickly shoot it!" Glidden was excitedly urging the cameraman at this time! His hands were shaking, which was caused by excitement!

Su Shu also followed in and was somewhat dissatisfied with the scene inside!

Because only the 50-meter diameter area at the center of the black hole explosion turned into a void! Other places were just cracked!

After all, the quality of the black hole was only A-grade, and it was already amazing to have such an effect! Su Shu didn't want to ask for more!

At the same time, a thick layer of corpses of alien beasts was also spread on the promoted continent!

Everyone was very conscious and stepped forward to pick out the crystal cores in the corpses of alien beasts!

And Su Shu no longer cared about this side, and went directly to take another group of people to the next alien beast gate.

Out of curiosity, Su Shu used the original ability to use the black hole ability this time!

The result made Su Shu dumbfounded, the entire alien beast gate was blown into a void! All the corpses of alien beasts disappeared in the void!

Now, Su Shu has a new understanding of this original ability!

This thing can greatly enhance the power of the ability, about the range of one quality!

It can be said that this is an extremely amazing increase!

After all, the highest quality of Su Shu's ability is only SS level now, and it can reach SSS level after amplification. What if Su Shu's ability is upgraded to god level in the future?

No wonder this thing can make people break through the legend. Now it seems that it may not be as simple as making the ability person reach the legend!

Perhaps, this thing can make the ability reach a level above the god level.

This may also be the reason why Baobao and Meiyangyangsang are so crazy about the ancient apricot tree!

Next, Su Shu dared not use the original ability to amplify, after all, it would be a loss!

Even if it is a black hole ability, Su Shu tried to control the size as much as possible to avoid breaking the entire beast space.

After understanding the approximate effect of the black hole, the next step was much smoother.

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