After discussion, this method was finally chosen!

When everything was going on in full swing, Su went directly to Japan for a visit!

This time, Su Shu specially brought the IOU written by Ono Jiujiro!

Even if he couldn't find Longmen in Japan, he had to get the money on the IOU back anyway. He couldn't make a wasted trip!

After getting ready, Su Shu set off with a group of people.

Soon, the group arrived in Japan!

Facing Su Shu's arrival, Konghuang prepared a grand welcome ceremony!

This ceremony was even grander than what China had prepared before!

As for licking, Japan is the best!

Under the attention of a group of people in Japan, Su Shu and his men descended from the sky and landed in front of Konghuang!

"Welcome the President of the United States to visit Japan. Japan is honored by this humble country!" As soon as he saw Su Shu and others, Konghuang immediately welcomed them!

Su Shu nodded gently: "Emperor Kong prepared such a grand welcome ceremony, it's really thoughtful!"

Emperor Kong: "For the President, it's worth it! Please come in, President!"

Su Shu nodded and followed Emperor Kong slowly into the meeting room.

Sitting down in the conference room, the two began to discuss the current international trends!

"Mr. President, I heard that you visited China a few days ago and reached a number of cooperation agreements with China!"

"Mr. President, don't blame me for being too talkative. Cooperating with China is like seeking the skin of a tiger!"

"China is a country full of treacherous villains, full of hypocritical words, but doing petty things! It is definitely not a good thing to cooperate with them!"

Emperor Kong said proudly, but he didn't notice that Su Shu's face was getting gloomier and gloomier!

After speaking, when Emperor Kong looked up at Su Shu again, he immediately found that Su Shu was gloomy and silent! His face couldn't help but freeze, and he was a little at a loss!

At this moment, Su Shu did not speak, but slowly took out a white note from his bosom and gently placed it in front of Kong Huang.

Kong Huang hurriedly took it and read it in his hand.

The more he read, the uglier Kong Huang's face became. It was because he did not know about this matter!

It was because Ono Jiujiro did not tell him about this matter at all!

Finally, Kong Huang took the note and said hesitantly: "Well, Mr. President, this is about the diplomat Ono Jiujiro, we don't know the details!"

"Or, you can release Ono Jiujiro first, and I will ask him!"

After this, Su Shu realized that Ono Jiujiro was indeed still imprisoned in the United States.

However, Su Shu felt that this could not be an excuse for Kong Huang, so he said directly: "Are you trying to default on your debt?"

Kong Huang was shocked and said quickly: "No, no, I just think this IOU is a little unclear!"

Si Wang's eyes condensed: "Are you suspecting that I, the President of the United States, am blackmailing you?"

Kong Huang was shocked and said quickly: "No, no, I didn't!"

Su Shu: "Then pay back the money!"

Kong Huang hesitated again! After all, the United States didn't know how much money it had cheated Japan, and now the person was still detained, and the IOU came first.

No matter who it was, they would not be willing to pay!

Seeing the other party hesitate, Su Shu became even more angry, and the time and space thorns in his hand condensed, and he flew up instantly!


The king-level superpowers on the Japanese side reacted immediately and quickly flew up to stop it!

Su Shu didn't say anything, but took out the Wisdom Scepter with his other hand, and then said, "I said, you have to be powerless!"

As soon as the voice fell, all the kings who flew up fell down like rain!

This scene directly shocked all the people in Japan! They all opened their mouths and looked at the scene in front of them, their eyes full of disbelief!

What is this? Is it true that what you say is true?

Just one sentence made all the kings in Japan powerless, and even unable to use their superpowers, and fell down one after another!

This may only be possible for the legendary gods, right?

Originally, they always thought that the new president was only silver-level and not strong.

But now, who the hell said that? Stand up?

At this time, Su Shu did not stop his action immediately, but held the Wisdom Scepter in one hand and the huge Space-Time Thorn in the other hand, and flashed to the front of Konghuang in an instant!

Konghuang was shocked and quickly used his superpowers, and the superpower fluctuations on his body burst out crazily, trying to stop Su Shu.

But how could Su Shu let him have his wish? He spoke again: "You, too, must be powerless!"

As soon as the words fell, the supernatural fluctuations on Kong Huang's body disappeared instantly, and all that was left was the shock and disbelief on his face!

Then, the Space-Time Thorn in Su Shu's hand hit Kong Huang directly!


Kong Huang screamed instantly, and was directly hit and flew out, falling into the crowd, rolling on the ground, struggling in pain!

Kong Huang looked up in horror: "Mr. President, I..."

He wanted to say that he would pay, but before he could say the word "pay", the Space-Time Thorn had already fallen on him again!



With a crisp sound, Kong Huang screamed and was hit and flew out again!

Kong Huang, who was flying in the air, couldn't help but regret it in his heart. If he knew, he wouldn't have said the first few words.

Just say I will pay, then you don't have to take this hit!

But he may have thought too much. Su Shu originally wanted to find a reason to beat Kong Huang.

Who told this guy to be so mean and say China!

If he mentioned the Spirit Emperor or the God Emperor, Su Shu would not be so angry, but this guy mentioned the entire China!

This is absolutely unforgivable!

Then, when Kong Huang was still flying in the air, Su Shu had teleported to his side and slapped him with the Space-Time Thorn in his hand again.


Kong Huang was slapped again before he landed, and flew even higher!

The Japanese superpowers who had not moved before finally couldn't stand it anymore and flew up one after another! Prepare to save Kong Huang!

Seeing this, the people Su Shu brought also flew up, and their superpowers fluctuated wildly!

The people Su Shu brought this time were not ordinary people, all of them were king-level superpowers!

At the moment when their superpowers fluctuated, all the Japanese superpowers who flew up paused!

"The President is performing official duties. Anyone who dares to interfere is an enemy of the United States!"

One of the king-level superpowers spoke directly, and the momentum on his body pressed all the Japanese superpowers to bow their heads!

Su Shu used the Space-Time Thorn to whip Kong Huang, while looking down, his voice was full of majesty: "Whoever dares to move, kill him!"

When these words came out, all the superpowers in Japan were shocked. Is this for real?

How dare they, such a small country like Japan, confront a behemoth like the United States!

Not to mention the other five emperors, just one president has beaten all the top superpowers in Japan without any chance to fight back!

If the five emperors come, they will easily destroy their entire country!

All of a sudden, all the superpowers subconsciously shrank back! Dare not say another word!

At this time, Su Shu's Space-Time Thorn hit Kong Huang again.

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