I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 360 Wormhole plus time stop equals invincibility

To be honest, at the moment when the superpowers were exhausted, Su Shu missed someone in particular!

Yes, it was Suo Youren who absolutely had no superpowers.

Unfortunately, before the Gate of the Beasts completely erupted, the other party was still in Longyuan City, and Su Shu did not think of calling him over at the first time!

But this result is not bad, Suo Youren will definitely not be useless there! At least in terms of replenishing superpowers, no one in the whole of China can match him!

Now that the earthen helmets of the village students have been upgraded, this fatal shortcoming has also been made up. If Suo Youren is there, it will become a chicken rib!

Immediately, Su Shu stopped thinking about this aspect and focused his attention on building wormholes and those beetle beasts!

Instantly, weakness and superpower deprivation were released again!

Countless beetle beasts that had been approaching began to fall quickly.

Groups of pure superpowers were deprived, flew to Su Shu in the air, and entered his body!

The demand for improving quality is also decreasing!

In just two minutes, the amount of power required to improve weakness was reduced by more than 60,000!

Tens of thousands of beetle beasts died in Su Shu's hands!

At the same time, a deep hole as dark as ink appeared behind Su Shu, which was a wormhole!

That's right, Su Shu's wormhole has been built!


Suddenly, a deafening sound appeared, making people's heads dazed!

Su Shu reacted immediately, and flashed into the wormhole behind him and disappeared!

Then, a giant terrifying figure instantly appeared in front of the wormhole, and followed Su Shu closely, and was sucked into it by the wormhole!


Behind, several giant terrifying figures appeared and entered one after another!

The dense beetle beasts around did not stop, and rushed into the wormhole frantically.

When Su Shu appeared again, he was already in a dark space!

Under it, a giant ancient tree was growing! It was the space-based supernatural fruit tree.

That's right, Su Shu built the exit of the wormhole in the space-time of the space-based supernatural fruit tree!

Before Su Shu could make any move, the black light of the exit lit up, and a giant worm leg slowly stretched out from it!

Su Shu was not panicked when he saw this, but suddenly smiled: "I came just in time, just in time to try my time-stopping supernatural power!"

When one-third of the beetle beast's body appeared, Su Shu's supernatural power suddenly broke out, and then a mysterious breath burst out from Su Shu's body, instantly filling this space-time!

The air that was originally flowing around suddenly stopped! The leaves that were originally swaying on the space-based supernatural fruit tree suddenly stopped!

And the beetle beast with only one-third of its body appearing was miserable. The time in the space-time was stopped, but the body behind the other party did not stop, and was affected by the inertia of the wormhole and continued to squeeze in!

Suddenly, the body behind the beetle beast was squeezed and exploded, and the edge of the entire space-time seemed to cut directly through its body, leaving a huge hole.

Green blood kept flowing out, and those that flowed into the space-time were directly stopped by time and stayed at the edge of the space-time, while those that flowed outside kept flowing into the wormhole!

And this was just the beginning. With the continuous arrival of several alien beasts behind, they continued to move forward directly against the body of the emperor-level beetle beast!

In an instant, the emperor-level beetle beast was constantly squeezed, and its entire body was constantly crushed into powder by the space-time that stopped time!

Two seconds passed in a flash, and the time-stop effect disappeared instantly!

That's right, now Su Shu's time-stop ability can only stop the entire space-time for two seconds!

And in these two seconds, Su Shu was not idle either. He had already flown to the space-ability fruit tree and took out the sack!

And with the disappearance of the time-stop ability, the remaining body of the beetle emperor beast also entered the space-time!

It's better to come at the right time than to come early. Su Shu opened the sack and put the body in it, and at the same time opened the sack and took away the space-ability fruit tree!

As soon as he finished doing this, countless beetle beasts had already poured in!

Su Shu quickly used the time-stop ability again, then turned around and jumped into the entrance of the wormhole next to him and disappeared!

That's right, Su Shu had just built two wormholes in total!

One was to enter this space-time from the outside, and the other was to go from this space-time to the city of Hehu!

From the beginning of building the wormhole, Su Shu had already thought of all the retreats!

When he appeared again, Su Shu had returned to the city of Hehu!

Then, Su Shu quickly dissipated the wormhole that came out!

At the same time, the time-stop effect in that space-time also disappeared instantly!

The exit of the wormhole first squeezed out a pile of flesh and blood, and then countless beetle beasts poured into it.

In just a moment, the entire space-time was filled with countless beetle beasts, and as the back continued to pour in, it began to squeeze directly!

Although the beetle beasts were not squeezed to death due to their physical strength, they were really uncomfortable! Especially the beetle beasts at the edge of time and space, whose faces were pressed against the edge and had been squeezed and deformed!

"Don't come in, those behind!" A king-level beetle beast roared with difficulty!

But its words were destined to be in vain, as the beetle beasts deep at the entrance obviously couldn't hear it, and they were still pouring in!

If their king didn't enter, they might still be afraid of the danger inside and not go in!

However, their emperors have already entered it. As insects, there is a hole in front of them. How can they resist not to drill in! They can't control their bodies at all!

At this time, Su Shu has entered the sack where the ancient apricot tree was planted, and planted the space power fruit tree not far from the ancient apricot tree!

Then he left the space again and came directly to the sack space where the time and space were located.

Looking at the time and space that was constantly squeezed by countless beetles and beasts, Su Shu couldn't help but smile.

Walking over and grabbing the iron chain connecting the time and space, Su Shu directly launched the deprivation of superpowers!

In an instant, the superpowers of countless beetles and beasts in the time and space began to be deprived. At the same time, the pure superpowers were quickly transmitted into Su Shu's body along the dark purple iron chain!

At this time, Su Shu had only one feeling, that is, cool!

In order to prevent the beetle beast from being squeezed to death, Su Shu deliberately took out the body of the beetle beast that had been deprived of its superpowers through the iron chain, freeing up some space for time and space!

This deprivation process lasted for more than half an hour!

Finally, there were only a few beetle beasts left at the entrance, with only a few scattered flying in it!

Finally, there was no influx of beetle beasts at the exit of the wormhole in time and space!

Su Shu was forced to stop the deprivation of superpowers!

After checking the weak and powerless upgrade requirements, Su Shu couldn't help but be surprised!

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