While Su Shu continued to kill, figures flew out from the guarded city and faced the strange beasts around the city wall!


At the same time, a terrifying thunder suddenly came from the sky, and then countless terrifying thunder fell down, hitting the group of alien beasts below.

Suddenly, the alien beasts were killed and died one by one, and then fell down!

Other figures also took action one after another, and countless terrifying powers fell into the group of alien beasts, killing groups of alien beasts immediately!

"Reinforcements are coming, that's the Spirit Emperor!"

Seeing this, everyone in Dongjiang City cheered, with expressions of relief on their faces!

Finally, they are no longer fighting alone, they have reinforcements behind them!

"All the supernatural troops in Dongjiang City, please go back and rest first! Su Shu, you go build a wormhole, and we will deal with it here!"

The Spirit Emperor’s voice resounded throughout the sky! Let everyone be convinced!

The Spirit Emperor is here, they have nothing to fear!

Su Shu didn't waste any time and flew directly to the exit of the wormhole in the city! Start building wormholes!

Now Su Shu's wormholes are one-way!

Therefore, each city needs to build ten wormholes leading to other cities, and ten exits from other cities.

Counting each city, twenty entrances and exits need to be constructed!

This can be described as a huge project!

Therefore, Su Shu did not dare to neglect any time. After all, the situation in several other cities without imperial guards was not much better than that of Dongjiang City!

After Su Shu spent ten minutes building all ten entrances, Spirit Emperor and the others had almost cleared away all the attacking alien beasts!

After all, except for the Spirit Emperor, the other king-level superpowers who came together were all king-level elites who had jumped over the dragon gate. In terms of strength, they were all comparable to ordinary emperors, and they were all very powerful!

As long as there are no master-level beast gates nearby, it is relatively easy to deal with them now!

Soon, the Spirit Emperor led everyone to fall next to Su Shu!

Immediately, Su Shu chose a wormhole entrance and said, "Let's go to Gubei City first!"

After that, without any nonsense, he walked in directly!

The Spirit Emperor also immediately followed with his people.

"Congratulations to Your Majesty the Spiritual Emperor, Su Shu, the number one scholar! All king-level lords!"

The entire Dongjiang City's superpowers shouted to see each other off at the same time!

However, no one responded to them, because the Spirit Emperor and others had already disappeared at the entrance of the wormhole.

Originally, everyone thought that the situation in Gubei City would be better than that in Dongjiang City, but when it came to that, they still overestimated!

Because half of the entire Gubei City has been destroyed, countless strange beasts rushed into the city and started killing!

Human superpowers have to build a city wall with their flesh and blood to constantly resist the attacks of alien beasts!

After a group of people arrived, Su Shu didn't waste any time and rushed forward with the Spike of Time and Space!

On the way, the thorn of time and space flew out instantly and entered the group of alien beasts to shuttle wildly!

Su Shu also teleported directly over, weak and weak and released at the same time!

Suddenly, the alien beasts fell one by one under the thorns of time and space. The alien beasts on Su Shu's side were all weak due to Su Shu's body, and all their powers were lost!

Immediately, the appearance of Su Shu directly relieved the pressure on all the superpowers in Gubei City, allowing them to regain hope after being in despair!

The Spirit Emperor and his people followed closely behind!

Looking at the situation in Gubei City, his face condensed! It’s hard to see the extreme!

Without any hesitation, he flew up directly, and his superpowers burst out like crazy!

The other kings who followed also quickly took action and joined the battle!

As they joined, the entire Gubei City sounded the clarion call for counterattack, slowly emptying out half of the lost city.

At the same time, a large number of manpower came over and began to repair the city wall!

Seeing that the situation was finally stable, the Spirit Emperor asked Su Shu to quickly build a wormhole!

"Lord Spirit Emperor, you have to tell me which city is more urgent! Otherwise, the cities that were guarded in the past are gone, so what's the point of the past?"

Emperor Ling was startled after hearing this. He knew why Su Shu said that. It was simply because half of Gubei City had been lost, so why didn't he warn him earlier!

In fact, there was nothing the Spirit Emperor could do. When he was in Longyuan City just now, Gubei City was actually fine.

But not long after arriving in Dongjiang City, something broke down here!

The battle situation is changing rapidly. No matter how powerful the Spirit Emperor is, he cannot predict these things, so he can't help himself!

"Shannan City is about to be lost. You need to build a wormhole connecting there first. Let's get there quickly!"

In the end, the Spirit Emperor did not explain too much, but directly told the situation over there!

The situation was urgent, so Su Shu didn't say anything more and flew away to build a wormhole!

By the time Su Shu built the wormhole leading to Shannan City, Linghuang and the others had not yet cleared away the attacking group of alien beasts.

Su Shu had no choice but to jump in first!

It’s no wonder he’s not in a hurry, there are two acquaintances he hasn’t seen yet!

One is the officer, Zhao Shilin, and the other is the principal, Wang Wuchen.

Both of them went to different cities, and it was a city without an imperial guard!

The two of them had sent messages to Su Shu before. Because they both have SSS powers now, they are also extremely crucial and have been entrusted with important tasks!

But Su Shu understood that entrusting him with an important task meant extreme danger!

Therefore, Su Shu is also worried about the two of them!

As the surrounding scenery changed, Su Shu stood in Shannan City.

The surroundings were densely covered with corpses of strange beasts, and the ground had long been stained dark red by blood!

The sky was still blocked by countless strange beasts, and the entire Shannan City was in the shadow!

Compared with the other guarded cities, the temperature in Shannan City was obviously much lower. I don’t know if it was due to the influence of human superpowers or strange beasts, or because the temperature of the environment here was originally low!

Looking up at the sky, snowflakes kept falling, and strange beasts that were frozen into ice fell from the sky.

Bang bang bang——

The moment they landed, the ice cubes were directly broken into pieces, and the strange beasts inside were dead and could not die anymore!

Looking at this familiar superpower, Su Shu’s eyes lit up and his heart was happy!

Finally found it!

Then, Su Shu teleported into the air and released it weakly and madly!

At this time, on the city wall, Zhao Shilin’s eyes were red, his whole body exuded a breath of despair, and there was a miserable smile on his face!

His superpowers had been exhausted two days ago, and he had been using them up a little bit since then. This situation lasted for two whole days, causing his body to be overdrawn to an extremely weak point!

And the whole Shannan City has been in this state, not just Zhao Shilin, but all the superpowers in the whole Shannan City are like this!

So Zhao Shilin understood that they could not hold on for much longer!

But at this moment, a figure appeared, and Zhao Shilin's eyes widened immediately, and he even stood up straight with his mouth slightly open!

Why is he here?

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