I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 387: Granting Superpowers

What surprised Su Shu was that the other party was holding a phantom antelope in his arms!

This, this, this, getting the recognition of two kinds of beasts at the same time, can be said to have exceeded Su Shu's expectations in an instant!

And looking at the other party's profile, Su Shu was also shocked! He knew him!

It turned out to be the little girl who brought him noodles when he was in Shannan City before!

Why did she come to Hehu City?

Wait, she doesn't seem to have reached the age of awakening superpowers yet?


What kind of player is this who can get the recognition of two kinds of beasts without awakening superpowers?

At this time, the other party finally noticed something, and the leopard and the little girl turned their heads at the same time!

Suddenly, the man and the two beasts were shocked at the same time, and then they braked suddenly in the air!

That's right, even the phantom antelope was shocked.

After all, this man and the two beasts knew Su Shu.

After they stopped on a roof, Su Shu also asked the leopard to stop and fly over and land!

"What are you doing?" Su Shu asked with a pretended serious face.

Su Shu looked like this, and immediately frightened the man and the two beasts.

The little girl lowered her head and said timidly: "Leader, we just came out for a walk at night!"

Su Shu nodded gently: "Aren't you from Shannan City? Why did you come to Hehu City?"

Speaking of this, the little girl suddenly felt wronged: "Leader, my father got a few pieces of exotic meat because of his meritorious service these days, so I thought of sending you a piece to try!"

"Although I know you definitely don't need it, but without you, my father can't survive and can't get the exotic meat, so I think I should express my gratitude!"

Su Shu was surprised after hearing this! How deep is this obsession, so that you will go to Hehu City specifically for this matter?

Then, Su Shu immediately asked: "By the way, did you register when you came?"

Since all the wormholes have been constructed, those who pass through need to register, including the purpose of going to the destination must be clearly registered!

Otherwise, people come and go, and some of them will not come back, and the ten guard cities will be in chaos sooner or later!

Before building the wormhole, the Spirit Emperor had already thought of this and made arrangements in advance!

As for the idea that the other party did not come through the wormhole, Su Shu directly ruled it out!

Can this little girl who has not awakened her superpowers cross the distance between the two cities alone? It's impossible!

Let alone her, even the Five Emperors dare not easily set foot in the wild now! One careless move may be enough!

The little girl felt guilty after hearing this, and then shook her head directly: "I didn't register, I came here secretly through the wormhole!"

Su Shu was speechless after hearing this. He really wanted to call the person in charge of Shannan City to ask how to manage the entrance to the wormhole! People can actually sneak here!

Then Su Shu thought of something again, and hurriedly asked again: "Do your parents know about your coming here?"

The little girl shook her head directly: "My mother died on the city wall when the Beast Gate first broke out! I didn't dare to tell my dad when I came here this time! I was afraid that he would disagree!"

After hearing this, Su Shu felt very complicated! He couldn't even say the words of blame!

Then, Su Shu waved to the little girl: "Come here!"

Although the little girl was confused, she couldn't help but walk to Su Shu and looked at him with a wronged face: "Leader, don't tell my father!"

Su Shu opened his mouth slightly: "You mean you don't want to go back, right?"

The little girl nodded directly without pretending, and then turned to look at the leopard and the phantom antelope: "I can't bear to leave them!"

Su Shu: "What about your father? Aren't you afraid that he will worry?"

The little girl lowered her head after hearing this: "But, but I can't do anything!"

"Hey!" Su Shu sighed, then raised his hand and pressed it on the little girl's head: "What's your name?"

Feeling the contact of Su Shu's palm, the little girl was startled, and then quickly answered: "Leader, my name is Mi Wenwen!"

Su Shu nodded gently, and then, in his palm, a terrifying supernatural power fluctuation suddenly bloomed, directly covering Mi Wenwen's whole body!

Although Mi Wenwen knew that Su Shu would not hurt her, she could not help but be afraid when she saw this situation: "Leader, what are you doing?"

Su Shu whispered: "Don't talk, feel it with your heart!"

At this time, Su Shu's voice sounded in Mi Wenwen's ears, and she immediately felt unprecedented stability!

Then, she followed Su Shu's words and felt it with her heart!

As she felt it, Mi Wenwen gradually felt that an unknown force was gathering in her body!

This? It can't be superpowers, right?

After all, this is an era dominated by superpowers. Mi Wenwen must have imagined countless times what she would look like after awakening superpowers!

For countless days and nights, she was looking forward to growing up quickly and awakening superpowers!

And at this moment, all the previous desires seemed to be realized at this moment!

At the same time, her heart was also in turmoil! The leader's strength is too terrifying! It can actually make people awaken superpowers in advance!

She has consulted countless materials about superpowers, but has never seen any introduction to superpowers in this regard!

While Mi Wenwen was thinking, the supernatural power fluctuations in Su Shu's hand disappeared, and then he asked softly: "Look, what supernatural power?"

That's right, Su Shu used an ability in the quality improvement, granting supernatural power!

This ability has always been explained as giving a special ability to a strange beast, and the requirements are also quite demanding, and it needs to be at the same life level or below! The abilities given are also abilities that are lower than the level of quality improvement!

In other words, if the current quality improvement is to SS level, what will be given will be below SS level!

The reason why Su Shu has not been used before is actually because the quality of the improved quality is too low. Whether it is used by village students or Wang Yuxian, it is not necessary!

And a life can only be used once, so Su Shu has always wanted to wait until the quality reaches the god level before letting them use it. Then it will be possible to give them an SSS level power!

Another point that Su Shu hesitates about is whether humans belong to the category of alien beasts. Can this ability be used on humans?

But after this attempt, Su Shu also got the result!

Humans indeed belong to the category of alien beasts!

In other words, due to the invasion of superpowers, humans have awakened superpowers, so they have been assimilated by the alien beasts, and have also entered the category of alien beasts!

Therefore, although the annotation is used on alien animals, it can also be used on humans!

At this time, after careful sensing, Mi Wenwen suddenly raised her head and looked at Su Shu: "Master leader, I have awakened an S-level power!"

Su Shu's eyes lit up after hearing this, he was very lucky! It was actually given directly to an S-level one!

You know, the annotation is marked with SS level or below, which means that if you are unlucky, it is very possible to give an E-level power!

Originally, Su Shu was still thinking about it.

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