I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 4 With your special ability, you can only get fourth place if you drive an excavator

After everyone finished playing around and it was time for school to end, Su Shu packed up his things and returned home.

The situation at Su Shu's family is actually not very good. His parents' awakened powers are very poor, so their jobs are not good and their wages are very low, so they can barely make ends meet.

The place where I live is a crowded old city, which is also called a slum by others.

Panting and climbing up to the sixth floor, Su Shu opened the door and walked in.

"Dad, Mom, I'm back!"

Su Mu was cooking: "Shu'er is back, wash your hands and eat!"

At the dinner table, Su Shu's father, Su Yixin, asked while eating: "What kind of power was awakened today?"

The other party's words were neither sad nor happy, and seemed to be routine.

But Su Shu didn't care at all, because he knew that it was the influence of his father's awakened power that made him like this.

Speaking of which, my father's superpowers are considered weird in the weird world.

The name of the power is emotionlessness, which means that the owner can have no emotions. Su Shu thinks it is of no use anyway.

In comparison, Su Shu felt that his mother's powers were more useful.

Su's mother's power is that she can summon a pan. Su Shu thinks that this is at least a weapon. It can also cook vegetables, and she can even use it to shoot her father during a quarrel.

Anyway, Su Shu saw her mother holding a pan and pointing at her father to argue more than once.

When asked about the superpowers, Su Shu did not hide anything and said directly: "Father, I have awakened dual superpowers!"

Su Yixin and Su's mother's eyes suddenly lit up after hearing this. Double superpowers are indeed rare.

Su Yixin nodded slightly: "Okay, what quality is it?"

Su Shu: "They are all E-level!"

Su's mother's eyes widened immediately after hearing this, while Su Yixin was very calm. She nodded slightly and said, "It's okay. Just wait until graduation and learn to drive an excavator with me!"

Su Shu's eyes widened after hearing this: "Father, do you mean that there is nothing I can do to save you?"

Su Yixin nodded lightly: "If you can save it, learn from me. You can participate in the National Excavator Competition in the future and strive to come back with a fourth place!"

Su Shu was dumbfounded: "You can only get fourth place in the end?"

Su Yixin glanced at Su Shu: "Think about it, the top three at least have the auxiliary ability to drive an excavator. Your ability is of no use! So you can get fourth place at most!"

Su Shu: "But you haven't even asked me what my superpower is!"

Su Yixin: "The person who assists in driving the excavator must be at least D-level!"

After hearing this, Su Shu was stunned on the spot as if he had been struck by a bolt from the blue.

Mother Su quickly comforted her: "You don't have to drive an excavator, Shu'er can also deliver food. I heard from a neighbor yesterday that his son earned 1.02 million in three years of delivering food!"

Su Yixin turned to look at Su's mother: "Are you stupid? Can you believe that? I used to take advantage of the holidays to give gifts, and the maximum I gave to the deceased was 10,000 yuan a month. How could it be more than one million in three years? He It’s more like giving gold!”

Su Shu didn't want to talk to them anymore, it was too shocking, so he went back to the room without eating.

Through his parents' words, Su Shu probably understood how humble E-level powers were. Even dual powers couldn't save him. No wonder the whole class readily signed a betting agreement with him.

Even the head teacher signed the contract without hesitation. Is this because she loves him? This is the core of an alien beast that loves to gamble! Betting against Su Shu is like Su Shu giving it to them for free.

Even if Su Shu cheats and refuses to give in the end, they won't lose anything because Su Shu can't win.

Fortunately, fortunately, I have a power that can improve the quality of the power, otherwise I would really regret it for the rest of my life.

Jiejiejie, Jiejie, just wait. When the time comes, I will be admitted to Longyuan University, and then I will see what your faces look like.

Early the next morning, as soon as Su Shu entered the school gate, he heard others talking about him.

After arriving in the classroom, he roughly figured out the reason. It turned out that the incident of gambling between himself and the whole class had spread, and all the students who heard about it were despised.

Su Shu even heard someone say that if Su Shu really passed the exam, he would stand on his head and eat shit.

Su Shu wanted to rush over and sign a gambling agreement with the other party for cheating on food and drink.

But then I thought about it and it definitely wouldn't be possible, so I just ignored it.

After arriving in the classroom, Su Shu didn't say a word. Under the blank stares of everyone, he just picked up the desk and stool and left.

Soon, Su Shu came to the door of the toilet, which is usually the most crowded place. After putting down the table, he sat down, took out the banknotes, and wrote a few big words: Use the toilet, five yuan per time!

Then Su Shu calculated: "One five yuan, ten fifty, one hundred five hundred, at least a thousand people a day, that's five thousand, which can buy five black iron grade alien beast crystal cores!"

In this infinite imagination, Su Shu began to wait.

It was probably the time for the first class at this time, and no one came over. Su Shu suddenly felt a little bored.

But at this moment, a person ran over holding his stomach, and was surprised when he saw Su Shu sitting here.

Then he ignored Su Shu and prepared to bypass Su Shu and go to the toilet at the back.

As a result, Su Shu immediately stopped him. Then Su Shu raised his finger and pointed at the paper on the table and said, "Classmate, it's five yuan for a trip to the toilet."

The man was dumbfounded: "What? Are you charging excessively? This is a school toilet. I want to sue the teacher!"

Su Shu didn't waste any time. He took out his phone and clicked on the playback function. The principal's voice suddenly came from the phone: "Okay, okay, Level E, right? Starting tomorrow, the important tasks of the school will be handed over to you!"

Then came Su Shu's voice: "Principal, what's the mission?"

"Guard the toilet!"

However, the scanned characters were clearly out of sync and had obviously been processed.

The man immediately became unhappy after hearing this: "What I heard was clearly toilet cleaning!"

Su Shu: "Believe it or not, it doesn't matter if you don't pay. You know my powers. You don't want to suddenly appear outside when you're feeling comfortable, and then be accidentally photographed by me!"

At this time, the other party couldn't bear it anymore, threw five yuan to Su Shu, and then hurried away: "You're cruel!"

Su Shu stared at the money in his hand and was immediately delighted: "It's open!"

Not long after, the first class ended and the sound of get out of class was dismissed.

Suddenly, dense crowds of people came to the toilet.

As a result, everyone was dumbfounded when they saw Su Shu guarding the door and the piece of paper that said "five yuan for a trip to the toilet."

Then there was an outpouring of anger and denunciation of Su Shu.

Su Shu was not afraid at all: "You can go in, and I won't stop you too much. However, I have just awakened my powers, and I can't control them. If I suddenly lose control and release them on the way, I will get people out."

"I'm afraid that everyone will be embarrassed when the time comes!"

Suddenly, everyone was dumbfounded. To be honest, no one could do anything about Su Shu's weird power.

Simply, those who were in a hurry paid and went in, while those who were not in a hurry went to another toilet.

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