I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 449: Alliance is formed, huge crisis

Su Shu: "But I have a wormhole. I can just build one and transport materials. It's just a simple matter!"

Spirit Emperor was stunned after hearing this. Indeed, arguing with a hacker about this is just asking for trouble.

After a while, Spirit Emperor spoke: "I admit that having the ability of wormholes is indeed convenient, but there is another function that wormholes don't have!"

"What function?" Su Shu was immediately curious.

Spirit Emperor: "Do you know why it is so expensive to enable this function?"

Su Shu: "Why?"

Spirit Emperor: "Because the enabler can set the transaction fee! And the Spirit Clan does not charge a fee for the clan transaction system!"

Su Shu was stunned after hearing this, and immediately figured out the key.

In other words, if Su Shu set a 10% transaction fee, then this 10% fee would be his.

You know, there are hundreds of millions of people in China now. If a 90% fee is set, wouldn't it be a fortune?

Wait, 90% is too high. Setting a fee of 8.90% is more appropriate.

By the way, foreign tribes can also be brought in. Their handling fee is slightly higher. Well, let’s set it to 9.999999… Okay, we have to leave some for them, otherwise what if they don’t use it.

Thinking about it this way, Su Shu felt that this tribe trading system was not so useless.

Then, Su Shu asked the Spiritual Emperor: "Sir, can we separate the Chinese and foreign people and charge different fees?"

Spiritual Emperor: "Yes, but it needs to be set one by one, and the same applies to the Chinese people!"

Su Shu was shocked: "That's too troublesome!"

Spiritual Emperor: "Hey! Let me help you! It's troublesome, but I'm idle anyway, and I don't have anything to do."

Su Shu: "Then thank you, sir."

Spiritual Emperor: "How are you going to set it?"

Su Shu: "How about this, the Chinese seller will charge a 10% fee, and the buyer will not. As for foreigners, let's set the buyer and seller to 20% each!"

Spiritual Emperor: "Damn, you are so mean to foreigners! Sellers and buyers are 20% each, which is equivalent to charging a fee of 40% of the selling price!"

Su Shu: "Who said they are not Chinese!"

At this time, someone has applied to enter the ethnic trading system.

Su Shu handed over the authority to the Spiritual Emperor. Next, he will agree to the application and set the fee for each person entering.

Su Shu was also inspired, and casually picked a second-level life from the sack, and then hung it on the auction system.

The price was set at five legendary golds.

Su Shu did not give an explanation, he just wanted to try, and believed that no one on the human side could afford it at present, and not many people knew about the grass of life.

Therefore, Su Shu speculated that it could not be sold at all, and it would be returned after a while.

After seeing that the time was almost up, Su Shu got up and washed, and then went to the office of the management center building.

At this time, from the information on the chat square of the spirit panel, it can be seen that many tribes have reached a consensus and have formed an alliance, and began to send a large number of exotic beasts to target the human race.

Among them, the Qinglong tribe and the Taotie tribe among the nine tribes are the leaders, and below are the legendary tribes, the dragon and tiger tribe, the thunder dragon tribe, the black ghost tribe, the nine-tail tribe, etc. A powerful alliance.

"Old American, is the nine-tail tribe also good at illusion?" Su Shu couldn't help asking out of curiosity.

Meiyangyangsang: "Yes, this time the one-eyed tribe is here too. They are good at seeing through things. My illusions will be useless then. You have to be prepared!"

Su Shu: "One-eyed tribe?"

Meiyangyangsang: "Yes, they were once a legendary tribe. The gate of the alien beasts they were assigned is also legendary. The tribe's strength will be even higher. By then, an ordinary one-eyed tribe will be legendary. Unless I restore my emperor-level strength, it will be able to see through everything about me!"

Su Shu: "How long will it take you to recover to the emperor level?"

Meiyangyangsang: "About a hundred years!"

Su Shu was dumbfounded after hearing this. A hundred years, that's a lot of changes. It seems that it can't be counted on.

Coming to the office, Su Shu began to formulate the next policy.

Two hours later, Su Shu issued several policies.

The first one is that the whole nation is prepared for war to deal with the extermination plan of the alien beasts.

The second one is the release of information on the tribe trading system. Regarding the usefulness of the tribe trading system, everyone is called on to join and get familiar with it.

Article 3, the expansion of the supernatural army and the increase of military expenditure.

Article 4, the construction plan of the city guarded by ordinary people, the transfer of ordinary people to the central area of ​​​​the ten guarded cities.


Article 4 is of course a protection policy for ordinary people. After they are transferred there, once the monsters really launch an attack, the supernatural army defense line formed by the ten guarded cities can form a buffer zone.

This can guarantee the safety of ordinary people to the greatest extent.

Moreover, after ordinary people are transferred there, they can just develop infrastructure there, such as large-scale grain planting, production of basic items, etc.

The subsequent policies are to largely open up factory construction, planting and breeding subsidies, and other policies to encourage multiple developments.

After finishing these, it was already afternoon, and Su Shu had to continue processing documents. He couldn't be idle yet.

Looking at the piles of documents on the table, Su Shu couldn't help asking: "Lord Linghuang, what method do you need to restore your physical body?"

When the Spirit Emperor heard this, he immediately knew what Su Shu was up to, and simply said, "Don't even think about it, kid. The Spirit Clan also wants to restore their bodies, but they are so powerful that they have not been able to find a way after thousands and tens of thousands of years of searching."

"You are probably overthinking about wanting me to come back to review documents. Besides, even if I recover, I will never come to review documents!"

"Do you know how many years I have been reviewing documents? More than five hundred years! More than five hundred years. Do you know how I have been through these five hundred years?"

There was endless resentment in the Spirit Emperor's words. In Su Shu's opinion, he was like a woman in the boudoir, complaining about the injustice of the world.

Su Shu thought for a moment, then said: "It's not that there is no other way. Let me spread out all the documents, and you will be responsible for reading them, and then tell me how to correct them directly. In this way, even if you don't have the physical documents, you can still correct them!"

Spirit Emperor: "You are a devil! Can't you hear my resentment about correcting documents? Or are you pretending not to hear it?"

"No, I don't have time. You can change it yourself. I have to continue to set the transaction fee for the trading system. I don't have the time!"

Su Shu had no choice but to not force it: "Okay!"

However, Su Shu's next operation almost made the Spirit Emperor go berserk.

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