I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 460 Finally Becoming a Platinum Psychic

After going back and giving the address to Mei Yunxian, Su Shu returned to the office.

As soon as he sat down, the voice of the Spiritual Emperor rang out: "Boy, why are you looking for someone to make fake crystal cores?"

Su Shu: "To sell!"

The Spiritual Emperor couldn't help but be surprised: "Sell? Sell to whom? Who would leave the real one alone and buy your fake crystal core?"

Su Shu: "You don't have to worry about this. China is now under siege. I must find a way to make money to buy crystal cores for China. Otherwise, after a while, China's crystal core inventory will be exhausted, and its strength will stagnate."

The Spiritual Emperor was stunned after hearing this. He hadn't thought of this yet, but Su Shu was already thinking of a way!

At this time, he had to admit that Su Shu's mind was sometimes really bright.

However, the Spiritual Emperor was still in doubt: "How can fake crystal cores make money?"

Su Shu: "It's very simple, just do this, this, and then do this again."

The Spiritual Emperor was so angry that he yelled: "What do you say?"

Su Shu: "That's it, this!"

The Spiritual Emperor: "Your sister!"

It must be said that Mei Yunxian is very practical. As soon as he arrived at the place, he first put some basic things in place, and then started to buy raw materials and recruit workers.

Mei Yunxian cherishes this opportunity very much. He was once a confused teenager who didn't know what he would do in the future.

In the end, he went astray and became a liar in the black market.

Now, he seems to have found the goal of life, and he has devoted himself to it, realizing his life goals and realizing his own value.

Soon, the first production line of the factory began to be put into production.

The first production line mainly produces fake crystal cores of the king-level overlord level.

And next, the production line will be accelerated and expanded.

The initial goal is 70 production lines, each level from ordinary to legendary seven qualities, ten levels, a total of 70 production lines.

According to the leader's plan, this is just the beginning. The production line will be expanded in the future, so that the daily output of single-quality crystal cores will reach tens of billions.

Mei Yunxian roughly calculated that if all these crystal cores were sold at the real level, the daily income would reach an astronomical figure.

However, Mei Yunxian didn't know how the leader would sell them, so he had to produce the things first.

At the same time, Su Shu was improving the quality of Meiyangyangsang and Baobao's abilities.

This was the third time Su Shu had improved the two beasts, and each time he randomly improved the quality of a superpower.

Every time, the two beasts were very surprised. As long as they continued to improve like this, their superpowers would all reach SSS level or even higher.

Every time, the two beasts would feel lucky in their hearts that it was really right to make the decision to follow Su Shu, which violated their ancestors!

After improving the two beasts, Su Shu began to devote himself to absorbing the crystal cores.

According to Su Shu's prediction, he would be able to break through the gold level tonight and reach the platinum level.

As Su Shu continued to absorb, time passed bit by bit.

Finally, in the second half of the night, the superpowers in Su Shu's body accumulated to the limit, and then under Su Shu's constant pressure, the quantitative change caused a qualitative change, and the superpower level instantly transformed.

With the breakthrough of the superpower level, the superpowers in Su Shu's body fluctuated instantly, emitting a horrifying breath.

After a long time, the superpower fluctuations in Su Shu's body stopped.

"Su kid, congratulations, you finally reached the platinum level, one step closer to the emperor level!" The spirit emperor couldn't help but congratulate.

Su Shu calmed down and asked curiously: "Lord Spiritual Emperor, how long did it take for the five emperors to reach the emperor level?"

Spiritual Emperor: "It took me 120 years, which is relatively slow. The Ice Emperor took the fastest, less than 100 years, followed by the Royal Emperor, about 100 years, and the Divine Emperor was slower, more than 110 years, and the slowest was your father, the Sword Emperor, who took more than 140 years."

Su Shu was surprised after hearing: "It takes more than 100 years at any time! I don't know when it will take to get there!"

Spiritual Emperor: "You are fast, it takes at least seven or eight years for others to reach platinum!"

Su Shu: "If I tell you that from bronze, the crystal cores I used are all king beast quality and above, and silver and gold even use legendary quality crystal cores, do you still think I am fast now?"

Spiritual Emperor was choked after hearing this, and spoke after a long time: "Are you so extravagant? Use legendary crystal cores for absorption? And then it took so long to get platinum?"

You know, it is already a luxury for ordinary people to use elite or lord quality crystal cores.

As for the legend, ordinary people can't touch it. Even if they get it by luck, they would like to use it as an heirloom. Who would be willing to absorb it!

But then again, absorbing the crystal core of legendary quality is much faster than that of ordinary quality, so Su Shu can reach platinum in such a short time.

But this is still too slow in the eyes of the Spirit Emperor, after all, it is a crystal core of legendary level!

Ordinary people only need to take a breath to clearly feel the increase in strength.

As if afraid that the Spirit Emperor would not believe it, Su Shu casually took out the silver legendary crystal core that had not been absorbed from the sack, and took one in each hand together with the gold legendary crystal core in his hand.


The sound of the Spirit Emperor sucking as if sucking cold air sounded next to Su Shu.

Su Shu: "Hey! These two crystal cores are useless to me now, I will reward them to some special contributors!"

Spirit Emperor: "Su boy, look, why don't you give them to me! I will use them as a collection!"

To be honest, the life of the Spiritual Emperor was very difficult back then. It was the time when humans were at their most disadvantaged in the confrontation with alien beasts.

The crystal core he used, let alone the legendary one, even the elite one, required a huge price to snatch.

There was no stable trading platform like now. There was no place to buy it. At most, you could go to the market to barter.

I don’t know if it was the influence of that time that caused the Spiritual Emperor to have an irresistible desire for high-quality crystal cores.

Su Shu: "Lord Spiritual Emperor, it’s useless for you to take it. In fact, this thing can only be used to improve the strength of the younger generation of China to play its greatest value!"

The Spiritual Emperor also knew the key, so he didn’t force it.

Then, Su Shu began to feel the platinum-level superpowers.

As he tried, a transparent shield slowly appeared on Su Shu’s body, wrapping Su Shu’s whole body, and it was constantly emitting powerful superpower fluctuations.

This is the change brought by platinum.

The superpower of gold can lift the superpower to fly in the air, which is a manifestation of superpower release.

When you reach platinum, your ability is even more powerful, and you can directly form a shield for defense.

With this shield, you can block many attacks from abilities of the same level, making the ability user more comfortable.

In addition, after reaching platinum.

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