I can improve the quality of my abilities

Chapter 96 Were you in charge of the black market before?

Suddenly, an invisible transparent claw rushed out from the forbidden corner and grabbed straight up.

Wherever it passed, countless building ruins were turned into powder.

This was the S-level superpower that Su Shu had deprived of in the spiritual bronze beast gate before, the claw of strong thoughts.

At the same time, this is also a bronze lord-level skill, equivalent to the level of black iron overlord.

Under such a strong thought claw, the ordinary building in front of him was simply vulnerable.

Then a huge hole was cut out above.

The three of them stood in the hole and let the surrounding buildings fall.


The smoke and dust scattered, and the entire beast hall was instantly turned into ruins.

At this time, a person was standing in the sky. It should be him who destroyed the entire beast hall.

All the customers who had shopped in the beast hall before also fled, and now they all gathered around to watch the excitement.

"Who gave you the courage to rob my beast hall?"

The person who spoke was named Tang Jian, a platinum superpower, and the person in charge of the beast hall in the entire Luoan City area.

Su Shu looked at the other party with a surprised look: "Robbery of the Monster Hall? How can this be justified? We are here to shop!"

"As a result, the entire Monster Hall suddenly collapsed, and we escaped at the risk of our lives. We are actually high school students!"

He turned his head to look at the village student and Wang Yuxian and asked: "Isn't it!"

The two nodded with their heads covered with stockings, and said at the same time: "Ah, yes, yes, yes!"

Tang Jian narrowed his eyes: "You wear stockings on your head and carry sacks on your shoulders, and you still say it's not you? Today I will let you understand the consequences of robbing the Monster Hall!"

Su Shu: "Who said you can't wear stockings when shopping in a mall? Does China have such a law?"

"You little brat, I saw it all in the surveillance!"

After Tang Jian finished speaking, he suddenly accelerated and rushed straight down to Su Shu and the others below!

Then, he suddenly disappeared, and when he appeared again, he was already in Su Shu's arms.

Suddenly, their eyes met, and Su Shu's mouth was amused: "What are you doing? Jumping into someone's arms!"

Tang Jian was confused at first, and when he reacted, he was immediately furious: "Who are you? You are so brave! I tell you, I have already notified the Superpower Army, you are finished!"

Su Shu was surprised: "Are you still colluding with the Superpower Army?"

Tang Jian was stunned. He couldn't admit this thing. He gritted his teeth and said: "You are breaking the law. Isn't it normal for me to notify the Superpower Army!"

Su Shu directly took out the proof of the Superpower Army: "I am the Superpower Army! You notify me!"

If he was not weak now, Tang Jian would have gone crazy: "You are the Superpower Army and you robbed the Monster Hall. You are so brave! This is breaking the law knowingly!"

Su Shu: "You didn't mention that your Monster Hall is a dark web branch at all, right?"

Tang Jian's face was still calm: "Don't slander."

Su Shu was about to speak, and a terrifying superpower wave suddenly came from the distance, and it arrived in an instant.

Suddenly, a terrifying sense of supernatural oppression weighed on everyone present, making everyone feel breathless.

Su Shu raised his head and frowned: "Diamond supernatural! Your Supernatural Hall and the Supernatural Army are so deeply connected!"

The Supernatural Hall itself is not under the jurisdiction of the Supernatural Hall, but is a personal asset.

The regulations of the Supernatural Army are very strict, and no business assets are allowed under the name, so many Supernatural Army choose to withdraw from entrepreneurship in order to make more money.

And the boss of the Supernatural Hall is like this.

Tang Jian did not respond to Su Shu's words, but breathed a sigh of relief and said: "You are finished, Lieutenant Colonel Lin Fangcai is here!"

Su Shu was about to speak when a figure passed through the sky and came over the few people.

The strong sense of oppression from the other party made Su Shu and the other two feel weak in their legs.

"You are so brave, you dare to rob the Supernatural Hall! Wait, are you the three who robbed the black market store last time? What's Su Shu's name?" Lin Fangcai stared at the three people with narrowed eyes!

Su Shu was surprised: "Did you manage the black market before?"

Lin Fangcai did not hide it. He was sure that the few people could not make any waves. He nodded and admitted: "So what?"

Su Shu nodded: "Okay, okay, you admit it! Let me have a target, otherwise it would be hard to find!"

When I came out of the Gate of Chouwu, I heard that the black market was robbed of more than 10 billion by them. This is obviously putting the blame on them and letting them fill the hole!

So Su Shu has been brooding over this matter, thinking that there is a chance to find the person who made them take the blame, and then find a way to get back the 9.8 billion that was reported in excess.

As a result, he didn't even go to find him, and the other party came up and took the initiative to admit it.

Lin Fangcai: "This doesn't seem to have anything to do with you, right? Now it's your business to rob the Beast Hall. I now announce as a lieutenant colonel in the Superpower Army that you are formally arrested and I will send you to the military court for trial!"

Su Shu: "You said arrest? Where is the arrest warrant? And why don't you ask us why we robbed the Beast Hall? The Beast Hall colluded with the dark web and set up a dark web branch. As the Superpower Army, we have the right to destroy it!"

Before Lin Fangcai spoke, Tang Jian in Su Shu's arms was the first to disobey: "You said our Beast Hall colluded with the dark web, you show us the evidence!"

Su Shu didn't waste any words and threw out the golden superpower caught from the Beast Hall from the sack.

As a result, Su Shu was dumbfounded as soon as he threw it out. Dead?

Tang Jian looked at the corpse and couldn't help frowning: "You killed a superpower! And then took the corpse to frame our Monster Hall? You are really brave!"

Su Shu was surprised: "Isn't this someone from your Monster Hall?"

Tang Jian shook his head directly: "How is it possible! We don't know this person at all. If you don't believe it, you can ask all the audiences who have come to our Monster Hall and ask them if they have seen this person!"

After hearing this, Su Shu subconsciously turned his head to look at the crowd around him.

The crowd around him immediately talked about it. Obviously, they had never seen it, otherwise they would be filled with righteous indignation!

Su Shu thought to himself that he was finished and was going to be fooled by these people.

Then he quickly brought out the contact person, but he was also dead!

Su Shu was dumbfounded, and Cun Sheng and Wang Yuxian were also dumbfounded. This was obviously going to be a big problem!

Su Shu didn't believe it, and quickly released Liu Erzhu, but it was still a corpse. Su Shu slightly sensed the situation in the space and found that the other killers captured at the same time were also dead!

It seems that he died of some kind of toxin, and died suddenly!

What to do?

Su Shu felt a mess in his head.

Then he gritted his teeth and took out one of the cages.

Inside was a girl, with messy hair and dull eyes.

Su Shu hurried over and asked: "Were you captured and taken to the Monster Hall?"

The girl looked at Su Shu, her eyes regained some spirit, but only a little, and then she shook her head gently: "I don't know, I was in it when I woke up!"

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