I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 136 Oak and Hughes (fifth, add more for lovely book friends)

Banner Federation.

In the early morning, when the first ray of sunlight falls from the sky above the forest, the whole forest suddenly comes alive.

At this moment, under the oak tree, little Hughes came to pray under the oak tree immediately after having breakfast.

"Master Holy Tree, Hughes came to greet you again today, I wish you good health and everything is well."

"Today, Hughes and I plan to go to the sky with Ophelia to adapt to the environment in the sky, because little Hughes thinks that the monsters in the future are likely to appear in the sky, so in order to protect Lord Sacred Tree, I will hone myself, and Guard you with Ophelia, Nick, Donna and others."

Under the tree, little Hughes kept his head down and kept talking.

The words are also full of trivial things, such as what will be done today, and what will be done tomorrow.

In short, Hughes told Oak Shu everything clearly before turning around and leaving.

Adam naturally paid more attention to Hughes, a special young man.

Because Hughes has special characteristics that most people in the tribe don't have.

It is an ability that is very close to nature and can make birds and animals feel close.

And under this ability, Hughes has already become the most special existence in the tribe at this moment.

Even the tribal priest Barton took a very lenient and special treatment for everything about Little Hughes.

Today, Hughes has already gathered many animals beside him. Apart from most of the birds, there are also three pythons and a giant otter.

The three pythons are all green pythons unique to the Amazon Basin.

These green pythons were all about nine meters long at the beginning, but now, in the tribe with the strongest oak radiation, they have broken through to fifteen meters in length at this moment.

Moreover, during this period, the three green pythons got along very well with the surrounding humans and birds.

Because of Hughes, and because of the gradual development of their spiritual intelligence, even if these three green pythons want to find food, they will go to the big river ten kilometers away to look for it.

At the same time, there was a giant otter standing up to a height of nearly three meters with them.

Giant otters are also unique to the rivers of the Amazon Forest.

Their normal adult size is 1.5 to 1.8 meters in length, but now, this giant otter has grown to a size of about three meters in just a week after living under the oak tree.

It has no clan, because when it was discovered by Hughes and brought back to the tribe, it was just an old giant otter expelled by the clan.

At that time, its skin was full of parasites, and it was full of bumps, and its whole appearance was quite horrible.

But even so, Hughes accepted it, drugged it and let it follow him until now.

In this regard, after the giant otter gradually developed his intelligence, his feelings for Hughes were extremely hot.

Hughes is the only person who has established an intimate hub relationship with all the animals in the forest, and is also the holy son recognized by everyone in the tribe.

But even so, Hughes still has no pride, and honed his fighting skills as always.

The battle in Purple Moon World completely changed Hughes, and made Hughes far more mature than children of the same age.

For Hughes, the tribe is full of expectations.

And it's not just the people of the tribe who are full of expectations for him, there are also expectations from Oak Adam.

Adam is naturally very pleased and appreciative of Hughes, who is smart and sensible.

There is no other reason, because compared with other people, Hughes treated the oak tree with less respect, but with a little more intimacy.

Every day when Hughes came to pray and told what he was going to do today, Adam listened with interest, and at the same time, he showed his eyes and watched quietly in a secret manner.

All of this is so natural for Adam.

Now that there is no need to meditate, just the Enlightenment Oak and the Familia, Adam has too much time now, so paying attention to Hughes during the boring time has become Adam's greatest pleasure now.

The more attention, the better Adam's perception of Hughes.

Under Adam's gaze, Hughes came to the open area under the oak tree after praying.

Then after Hughes whistled with his fingers, a group of birds flew down from the dense canopy of the oak tree nearly 500 meters high.

The biggest one among them is a vulture eagle. Although this vulture eagle is still stuck at the pinnacle of a first-level life form, its body is already very large.

Standing on the ground, the body is nearly 1.8 meters long, and the wings are nearly five meters wide.

It is still very easy for such a huge monster to fly into the sky with Hughes, a child who is less than 1.5 meters tall.

Adam is not worried about Hughes' safety.

Because apart from Ophelia, the female eagle eagle, there are dozens of different kinds of big birds around Adam, including Nick and Donna.

With these big birds, even if Hughes fell from the vulture eagle, these accompanying birds would be enough to save Hughes.

At the same time, because of the first flight, Hughes will inevitably fly at a high altitude around the oak tree. Even if there is an accident, Adam can use the tree roots to save Hughes.

Now, Adam has entered the second-level peak life state, and the length of more than ten roots that go deep into the ground has already exceeded 1,500 meters.

These roots penetrate deep into the rock formations underground, and some even enter underground rivers.

Under the ground, the roots of the oak tree Adam extend in all directions and are densely covered.

In addition to the changes in Oak and Hughes, the changes in the people of the tribe are also extremely exaggerated.

Everyone here is a real first-level life form at its peak.

In addition to the thousands of human beings brought by Simon who were radiated farther around and all changed, the power gathered around the oak tree is not weak.

In the school field under the oak tree, many tribal people have already changed their previous attitude of just praying and doing nothing.

Because of the incident of entering the Ziyue world, these people began to practice their fighting skills one after another.

In America, and with the strong support of Fanny Campbell, all of these people learned military boxing.

And at this moment, under the tree, these people are also constantly practicing duels.

The confrontation of fists and fists, the contest of flesh and blood, that is the real fist to flesh.

Although these people have restrained strength during the sparring process, bruises will still appear on the people who are hit.

Fortunately, however, around the oak trees, the herbs of the forest are also multiplied by the radiant properties of the area, so that those injured in this practice will also recover very quickly.

In addition to physical exercise, the people of these tribes are also practicing firearms.

Under the teaching of the American military officer, these people are undergoing a qualitative transformation, sweeping away the previous posture of only praying but not fighting.

Of course, during this period, the soldiers sent by America also enjoyed the great benefits of the radiation in the Oak area.

The 3,000 soldiers on the periphery are all heading towards the peak state of the first-level life form.

And because of the influence of Fanny Campbell, these people also developed a very strong belief in the oak tree after gaining benefits for themselves.

In this way, where the whole oak tree is located, everything is developing in a better and stronger direction.

Thanks to the book friend Song Yifang; the Egyptian polar bear;

In addition, it is customary to ask for votes and ask for everything.

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