I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 143 One-sided (Fourth)

Time passed by every minute and every second.

In the rainforest, both the flock of birds and the soldiers in the helicopter gunship all began to quiet down.

At the moment, everything seems very quiet except for the loud noise of the wings carrying you.

But this quietness carried a dignified atmosphere.

Because although the strange creatures flying from the distance of the rainforest where the oak tree is located do not seem to be many, there are some larger individuals.

And the dense jungle below the rainforest has more and more dense but loud vibrations.

The herd of wild boars, and even some snakes and pythons were mixed among them.

Among these treacherous creatures, the adult wild boars are the most eye-catching, because some individuals have already exceeded the size of two tons.

Their fangs are curved and long, and they collide all the way, causing chaos wherever they pass.

Under the woods, no one could see what was actually there, but the huge noise might have made people more worried.

And above the sky, the first to attack was not the creepy creatures, nor the birds of the oak tree.

But those American gunships.

Because these armed helicopters did not have the concerns of the flock of birds and the people of the tribe, they were the first to fly in all directions where there were strange flying creatures flying.

"Let us fire the first shot, haha~."

"It's just a group of bigger guys, it's not worth mentioning at all, and the mysterious tree is completely fussing over a molehill."

Accompanied by the rapid swallowing of flames from an armed helicopter, dense gunshots sounded immediately under the darkness of night.

It is really not easy for heavy machine guns to deal with flying birds that have just changed and have not changed much.

A round of strafing quickly cleared the surrounding sky.

Even a treacherous bird with a body size of five or six meters still cannot break through the blockade of the flames.

All of a sudden, on one side of the sky, countless wailing sounds suddenly appeared, and then slowly quieted down.

On the ground, the armed helicopters of America were also unceremonious. After clearing the visible birds in the sky, they directly chased and fired at the sound with large-caliber cannons.

For a while, many trees were interrupted, and at the same time, the screams of strange animals continued to be heard from below the forest.

The power of the machine gun is very strong. The two-ton wild boar was directly pierced through the body and fell down after being hit by a single shot. Although it was not completely dead, after the supplementary guns accompanied by the machine gun, this larger creature was also completely killed. kill.

The soldiers in five of the armed helicopters even chased and shot some fleeing creepy creatures because of their excitement.

For a while, the entire forest was in a one-sided scene.

On the other side, in the direction of the American military camp, there was a lot of artillery fire and machine gun fire soon.

In this way, under the watchful eyes of all the tribesmen and birds in the sky, they became spectators instead.

"This? We don't seem to be able to help at all?"

Hughes was a little stunned and a little disappointed, and at the same time he was a little envious of the powerful weapons of the American soldiers.

Like Hughes, Adam is also full of emotions about the human weapons of America.

In fact, although there were a few more weird creatures in the rainforest tonight, most of them were just like that.

After all, the rainforest still has a natural environment for avoiding. Even if there are birds and animals that do not escape in time, it is impossible for the intensity of the purple moon to mutate to reach the level of a hard heat-resistant weapon all at once.

Even in Adam's opinion, the weird creatures that appeared tonight were not as good as the group of crocodiles more than a month ago.

In this way, watching the scene of the massacre of American soldiers, Adam felt that this might be the case tonight.

In fact, Ya can't remind all the human beings around him today and night.

Because these people already have night watchmen, when the creepy creatures get close, they will naturally find them and deal with them immediately.

But as a more benevolent and pertinent existence in the eyes of humans, necessary reminders can actually increase humans' better perception of him.

Therefore, in order to maintain his own image, Adam issued a kind reminder.

The tribe was around the oak, and Adam was perfectly capable of protecting them.

But Adam doesn't think of himself as a nanny. Tribal people and evolved birds must know how to protect themselves.

And that's why it reminds the tribe of people and birds.

They still have to participate in the necessary battles and let them adapt. After all, no one knows how bad Blue Star's future will be.

In this way, under the brilliance of gunfire and artillery fire, the birds in the sky and the people of the tribe also moved.

They headed for several other wind directions, and with light rifles they took out any that slipped through.

In this way, in less than half an hour, the battle began to end.

"Tsk, I haven't had enough fun yet, it's over? Is it too weak?"

Inside the armed helicopter, there are soldiers who still have more to say.

After all, in the era of great peace in the modern context, many of these soldiers have never been on the battlefield.

So this first battle naturally made many soldiers feel a little uneasy, but after being uneasy, they began to underestimate the harm Ziyue brought because they won too easily.

"Too weak? That's fine. When I get back, I'll ask the officer to transfer you to the battle army sequence against the Purple Moon Realm."


"Just kidding, I'm kidding, really, Captain, don't talk nonsense, I heard that the battle in the boundary area is very tragic, it will kill people, even if I want to go, I will wait until my body is as strong as these natives talk later?"

The soldier was a little embarrassed.

"Heh~ You still know how much you weigh."

"In addition, don't you think that we are here to protect or guard against the mysterious tree. The nature of our transfer here has long since changed."

"Recently, I heard the latest news from the lieutenant colonel. The military headquarters has already begun to plan to transfer us to guard and participate in the border battle after our physical changes are close to these natives."

"And this?"

In the public channel, all the soldiers who heard the news were stunned and stunned for a moment.

But the next moment someone said in a joking tone:

"What are you afraid of? Isn't it just to participate in the boundary battle? When our physical fitness is really as strong as these natives, what are we afraid of? If we can't win, I can't run?"

"Haha, Tony, can't you be a little ambitious?" Many soldiers were amused and scolded at the same time.

"It's not a matter of ambition or lack of ambition. I don't believe that you don't know the situation in the realm. It's hard to describe it in that place. In short, if you can't win, you'd better run fast. Most of those things can't appear in our Blue Star. As far as that goes, it’s pretty good.”

"If one day they can appear on Blue Star, then, I feel like I'm just asking for blessings."

Tony shrugged meaninglessly and said to his colleagues on the public channel in the headset.

"Okay, don't be too pessimistic. Don't we still have the mysterious tree? According to the current situation of the mysterious tree, maybe it won't be long before it becomes stronger?"

"These changes in us may also become stronger by then. Now you all pray that the mysterious tree will become stronger quickly, and we can stay for a little longer."

"Nowadays, the situation in the whole world is already very bad, and the appearance of god-followed creatures can be regarded as a kind of comfort."

The officer said, and then planned to stop everyone's chatting.

However, at this moment, in Ziyue's quiet sky, a black cloud that moved very fast suddenly appeared on the inner side of his eyelids.

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