I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 197 Video Fermentation

Just as Ji Yu imagined, in the early morning of the next day, after Ji Yu turned on his computer and logged on to the news website, he immediately saw the video about himself meeting the olm on the trending search.

The news was broadcast one after another, and the titles were also different.

【Amazing Discovery! God's Favored Human Night Gathering Earl Silver Dragon]

[God favored human beings are in Ryan, why should he cover up his existence? Can we find it out? 】

[I appeal to the gods and humans to establish contact with my Ryan official as soon as possible, and we will definitely accept the principle of fairness and openness]

[Is the terrifying giant really a god favored by humans? Why did Earl Yinlong seem to be very respectful? 】

【What are the gods and humans worried about? Why did he keep hiding his existence? Is there any secret in this? 】

[There is a connection between the creatures of the gods that we don't know, what does this connection between them mean? 】

Looking at the news headlines one by one, Ji Yu was also a little overjoyed.

However, Ji Yu was a little speechless about the most popular news headline.


What party? Can this wording be more rigorous? It was like a tryst.

And Ji Yu also noticed the sixth news headline.

There is communication and connection between the gods and creatures. This is a fact that the high-level officials of all countries are clearly aware of.

But the people didn't know it, and after watching this video, the unofficial media naturally discovered the key points, and felt that the connection between the gods and creatures was a bit too mysterious.

At the same time, some conspiracy theories emerged during this period.

However, compared to a few conspiracy theories, most people still care about whether Ji Yu's super-giant giant image is a creature of God or not.

Naturally, there are countless discussions and comments generated from this.

Just click on any news, and Ji Yu can see a lot of comments.

Fantasia 1996: "Look? I knew that gods and humans must exist, and because they were worried about being regarded as tool people by the government, they never appeared. See, am I right? Hehe~ I said that gods hate humans before, What about the people who want aliens to rule Blue Star? Come out and say it now? Continue the conspiracy theory!"

Ash dust: "@想想1996, no, I thought those keyboard warriors who were threatening were extremely disgusting. If there were no god-followed creatures and the help of the god deer codenamed 'Lingxiao', we, Ryan, would have nearly 20,000 5,000 extraordinary soldiers? Besides, if I were a human being favored by the gods, I would definitely not want to come out on the bright side. Anyway, with my IQ, I think I will definitely be eaten by those people who are good at calculating in the official Tough, I still prefer to be free and unrestrained compared to the possibility of being restrained or even passively cooperating with research.”

Dameng, Chuxing: "I agree with the upstairs very much. Why do gods and humans have to appear? Others want a free environment and it’s not enough? And the news about the fireball in Wuyang City before I think it must be this god The human beings have done it, and he is most likely in Wuyang City, and he is doing what he can, so what else do you want? Others don’t owe you anything?"

Exquisite life depends on you and me: "Hehe~ The three hot comments upstairs are really funny. People like you deserve to die immediately. What time is it now? Do you know how many realms Ryan has? Yes How bad is our Lane situation?

You still say that we have conspiracy theories, and I still think you have conspiracy theories? Is it hard to believe the official? What about gods favoring humans? He is not human anymore? Just because you are lucky enough to get the favor of the gods, you can stand high and be alone? Does he have no parents? Don't have any relatives?

He and his relatives can live in peace until now, isn't it all because of the official efforts of the country? Thinking so petty in the face of disasters, doubting this and doubting that, I think this is a typical selfish individualism, completely ignoring the country and the people.

I don't ask him to take the lead, but at this time, can you stand up and cooperate with the authorities? Given his strength, would he still be afraid of the official schemes? Besides, do you think the government doesn't even have this vision? Still studying and calculating him? If this is the case, can we still establish a good relationship with Shenlu? I just hehe. "

The night road of life walks slowly: "@精品生活Depends on you and me, brother, I must give you a thumbs up, you are so good, my hometown is in the thirteenth realm, you don't know the horror of the realm Ah, I don’t even want to think about that scene now. Really, the official releases are very little and I’m afraid to scare you. In short, the danger of the realm is definitely beyond everyone’s perception. At such a critical moment, if God really favors human beings, I still hope that he can stand up bravely, the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility, if he doesn't even have this bit of masculinity, then I have nothing to say."

Mushroom-picking lettuce: "You guys are funny enough, and the greater the ability, the greater the responsibility? Is the greater the power, the greater the responsibility? Did others get any benefits before they became gods and humans? Did they enjoy any high welfare policies? ?

Now when something happens, someone else should stand up and bear all the dangers about Ziyue for us? How dare you say it out loud? Anyway, if I were a god-fated human being, I would never pay attention to you. I will only protect the people and things around me as much as I can. That's all. Come on, keyboard warriors, you can scold me. "

Chitong o Jiangchen: "@采草的芝节, sister paper, I very much agree with your reply, these people are a bunch of idiots, and they make others have to stand up, and oppress others with the righteousness of the country, if they really stand up , in the future battle, if a certain defeat causes some purple moon monsters to hurt the surrounding humans, are these guys going to spray other people's hot chickens again? Why didn't they spray others to protect them? It's really funny, this It’s a thankless thing, even if it’s me, I definitely wouldn’t take care of it.”

Learning is the most important thing: "The polarization in this comment area is really strong, but I still have to talk about my views. From a neutral and objective perspective, we are first of all a person, and we are extremely vulnerable ordinary people. Don't you and I not want to obtain a safe environment for such a mysterious disaster like Ziyue?

People are afraid of Ziyue, that's why they want the gods and humans to stand up and destroy the realm. This kind of psychology is understandable. However, as others have said, people, after all, have selfishness, and those who make up the framework of society and the country are also people with different ideas. In this environment, everyone should not think too much about the officialdom.

At least if I am an official leader, I definitely hope that by studying the creatures of the gods, I will have the opportunity to allow the whole people to evolve, and the creatures of the gods will definitely not be so cooperative, and I will certainly not think about maintaining a normal relationship between the two. I will do this, but the gods and human beings are different, because they are both human beings, so I can use various indirect means to try to break through his psychological defense line in the interests of the country and from the perspective of his relatives and friends, and at the same time gain the ability to study possible condition of his body.

Of course, this kind of research will definitely not be a low-level method such as slicing. It is the most wise method to draw a little blood and get some stem cells.

Blood can be drawn to see if there is any specificity in the composition of the blood, and even if this specificity cannot be transplanted into a normal human body, one can also consider using the stem cells of divinely favored humans for cloning. In short, there are countless methods.

Therefore, it is understandable that the gods and humans do not stand up at this stage, and you don't have to be too harsh in special times. After all, the gods and humans seem to have helped us in Wuyang City, which is actually not bad in this regard. "

Yeyue Hli: "After reading a lot of your comments, I think you guys are pretty funny too. It's boring enough to quarrel over an undetermined incident. You're so sure that the giant in the video is a godsend Human? Don’t forget that his appearance has horns and a tail, so it’s not good to be human.”

Billion big bags: "That's right, didn't you see Earl Yinlong in the video seemed very respectful? Didn't you suspect that it might be the so-called god descending into the world? An external image created at will?

What exactly is a god exists, but I have not yet determined it, but I think it is absolutely beyond our imagination to be able to create such an exaggerated fantasy life as a creature of the gods. At the same time, I think a real god should be a The state of intangible matter, he can be human or animal, but all of this is just a manifest image that he shows at will. He should be a high-dimensional existence, and it must be a human being that we cannot understand. Existence, and only in this way can he be worthy of the image of a god I imagined. "

Ling Xiao Y: "I don't want to guess what kind of state the gods are, but now I think the gods must exist. As for how he views humans and the entire Blue Star, I don't think so from the dynamics of the gods. It should be a kind of malice, because at least these god-followed creatures are relatively close to humans nowadays, and I have never heard of them doing any evil deeds, so in this regard, I think we should still have a certain reverence for the gods, if It’s not that he is not the appearance of a creature of the gods, the current situation of our Blue Star may have been out of control long ago.”

A set of books by Baishi Jinglun: "Yes, what the upstairs said is very pertinent. The gods should not have malicious intentions, but we should pay more attention to the secret connection between the gods and creatures. After all, I still believe that. It is not a wise saying that the minds of our race must be different."


Ji Yu looked at the comments on the news, and was a little surprised by the polarization that appeared in it. At the same time, it also made Ji Yu see one thing clearly, that is, most of the people in Ryan now have an understanding of the existence of gods and gods. sense of trust.

That's a good thing, and a good start.

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