I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 237: The Beginning of Breaking (Part 2)

When the deer looked at the officer, the officer was immediately shocked.

The strength of Xiaolu is obvious to all, and even if the so-called god is not as good as Ziyue, the thunderous eyes revealed by him are not something humans can fight against.

To speak ill of a god in front of a god's patron would not have been burned at the stake in medieval society.

Fortunately, Xiao Lu just stared at the officer for a while, then turned around and left like a snort.

At the same time, Xiaolu also used his mind to transmit sound to all the people present.

"You humans are really annoying. We have helped you so much, but now you still blame us?"

"If it weren't for us, the situation of you humans would be miserable. Besides, you can speak bad things, but you can't speak bad things about your father."

"You guys are so ungrateful. If that's the case, I won't help you this time. I don't care how you die."

Because Xiaolu was angry, he didn't hide it anymore, and directly called the so-called "God" by the word "father".

At the same time, after saying all this, the deer also summoned the goblins Mira and Rosie and walked towards the depths of the circular forest in a fit of anger.

After hearing Xiaolu's words, Shi Lei's face changed drastically.

Shi Lei took a hard look at the officer who said the wrong thing just now, and the face of the low-ranking officer who knew he said the wrong thing just now turned pale in an instant.

Xiaolu's angry speech is not a joke. If some people above know about it, one can imagine his situation.

So, just when the low-ranking officer was stunned with regret, Shi Lei ran to Xiaolu and explained:

"Commander Lu, don't be as knowledgeable as He Bin. He just seemed a little outspoken because he was too worried about the situation in our country. So, he didn't mean anything malicious."

"Besides, Commander Lu, you are a god-followed creature, so why don't you remember the faults of villains? Besides, I can ask He Bin to make amends to you."

Speaking of this, Shi Lei changed his mind and said: "By the way, how about I ask him to buy you a cart of potato chips as an apology? Isn't it your favorite food?"

As soon as Shi Lei mentioned potato chips, Xiaolu's original steps stopped instantly, and there was indeed a hint of greed in his eyes.

In the past few days of working with Ryan, Xiaolu has learned a lot about human artifacts and food.

During this period, Xiaolu tried a lot, and also liked the taste of potato chips and cola in food.

So, after Shi Lei said this, Xiao Lu's eyes lit up for a moment.

After all, children have the nature of mind, so this is inevitable.

However, the moment Xiaolu showed his greedy expression, Rosie, who was flying above Xiaolu's head, revealed a trace of helplessness and sigh.

Afterwards, Rosie immediately transmitted a word to Xiao Lu through sound transmission.

Immediately, Xiaolu's greedy expression disappeared, and at the same time, there was a hint of annoyance in Xiaolu's eyes.

"Shi Lei, I'm starting to hate you too, are you treating me like a child?"

"Don't deny it, right? I can feel it myself."

The deer was really angry this time.

He was angry that he couldn't stand the temptation, and he was angry that everyone and everything around him treated him like a child, but what made the deer most angry and annoyed was that he was angry that he forgot his principles for a little food.

Therefore, at this moment, Xiaolu's angry voice became even more anxious: "I don't need to be angry if you treat me like a child, and I can try my best to forgive you even if you speak ill of me behind my back, but the only thing I can't do is you speak ill of my father." endured."

"In addition, you yourself just said that He Bin blamed his father because he was worried about the domestic situation, so can this also explain that after this incident, you humans will have more regrets? Do people have the same thoughts as this He Bin?"

Xiaolu's sudden outburst made Shi Lei a little unexpected. Shi Lei wanted to explain, but Xiaolu didn't give him a chance to speak, and continued to say angrily:

"You have always regarded me as a human child, but even if I am a child, it does not mean that I am stupid."

"After you human beings this time, there will definitely be many people who will blame the father for this incident."

"Even if you don't have it, can you guarantee that others don't?"

As Xiaolu spoke, his thinking seemed to become clearer, but he spoke more logically.

"Actually, I have always felt a little weird to cooperate with you humans, but I can't say why."

"But now I have figured it out, that is, even if we and our father want to prevent Ziyue from polluting Blue Star, why do we have to cooperate with you humans?"

"We can completely ignore yours. Isn't it good for us to do our own?"

"Besides, many of you don't feel grateful at all, and you don't have any absolute trust in your father or us."

"So, I think that we, the so-called god-followed creatures in your mouth, can only save those we think are worthy of saving."

Xiaolu spoke very freely, but at the same time, it was not what he really wanted to say to him.

He just felt that the disrespect of human beings towards their father was simply too heartless.

"Just say, do you think it makes sense for me to say that?"

Xiao Lu looked straight at Shi Lei, but Shi Lei felt a strange headache, and also felt that the situation was developing in a direction he could not imagine.

Therefore, Shi Lei still wanted to try his best to recover.

"That's the truth, but Commander Lu, didn't you say it before? The reason why a god is a god is because of his benevolence, kindness, and greatness."

"And that's exactly how the gods appeared after the purple moon disaster on the blue star. At the same time, he also cared for kind lives like you. His intentions are worth mentioning."

"So, in my opinion, the reason why a god is a god is naturally the existence of all beautiful imaginations. He saves and treats all life well, and he must not stick to the views of all things on him. This is my understanding. I don’t know Commander Lu, do you think that’s the case?”

Shi Lei's praise and nice words to the gods are naturally effective for the deer.

However, the premise is that there was no previous conversation between Xiaolu's brother and sister. On this premise, Shi Lei said so this time, Xiaolu must have exposed this matter.

But because of the last conversation, Xiaolu couldn't talk so well at this moment.

Xiao Lu stared at Shi Lei for a moment, and then said something that Shi Lei didn't expect.

And these words are not the style Xiaolu has always shown before.

"I agree that the gods are not constrained by the views of all things on him, but at the same time, as beings favored by the gods, we cannot do without actions and expressions."

"At the same time, you who are receiving grace and salvation should not have such arrogant thoughts."

"Because the gods don't need it and don't care, so you can judge maliciously at will, accuse you at will? Vent your emotions unscrupulously at will?"

"You who lack awe will never understand us."

After Xiaolu said this, a trace of depression flashed in his eyes, and then he was in no mood to pay attention to Shi Lei anymore.

Seeing the little deer who opened the plane channel and disappeared directly inside, Shi Lei stayed in place for a long time, then he finally sighed deeply while looking at the sky.

"It's really a wave of bad things! How can we make a difference now?"

Thank you book friend 20180430171352341; cover your face in the middle of the moon; walk slowly on the night road of life; early morning auspicious reward, thank you everyone.

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