I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 252 Announcing the End (4K5)

That night.

There are a large number of helicopters hovering above the dark sky at this moment. Most of these helicopters are leased by some news media, but there are also many armed helicopters among them.

These armed helicopters were urgently added by the American military for security, but apart from security, these armed helicopters were used to observe the development of the rally.

The moment Hughes announced the establishment of the United Kingdom of Gods, and after all the favored figures appeared in the channel of the plane, no one was able to maintain the peace before.

"Mysterious Tree, Divine Deer, Earl Silver Dragon, Holy Terra Malphite, eh? What's going on with this aircraft carrier? Newly born god-followed creature? Creature? Aircraft carrier?"

Above the armed helicopter, a man in black frowned slightly, but apart from frowning, he was also completely surprised by the so-called divine changes in the aircraft carrier.

"Follow the Kingdom of God? Interesting, the Congress must have known what will happen in this rally, no wonder there will be an emergency meeting."

"However, considering the current situation, the Congress must not be able to deal with it. The creatures of the gods have long been freed from the constraints of the secular country. It seems that we must also make plans early."

Alec was pondering, and a man beside him just recovered from the shock.

"The Kingdom of the Gods? This is an incredible gathering! Colonel Alec, what do you think the Congress is thinking? Can we just watch this kind of thing happen in front of our eyes?"

Lawson felt a little complicated.

Because although he had a certain fondness for the god-followed creatures before, as a national security investigator who loves the country, he can't agree with the god-followed creatures, which is similar to splitting the country and splitting the human camp in the world. .

I can't agree with it, but I feel helpless and helpless.

Because, as an investigator, he was very aware of the extent to which the Druid Order had become a behemoth in just four months.

In more than a dozen countries including West Yorkshire and America, the number of followers of the Druid Order has already exceeded 400 million, accounting for almost one-third of the total population of the West Yorkshire countries.

In the face of the founding declaration initiated by such a behemoth, and in the face of the support of the supernatural beings, no one can stop and deal with it now.

As for directly declaring war on the creatures of the gods?

how is this possible?

Leaving aside the Ziyue crisis, let's talk about the so-called God's Eye that appeared before, which cannot be dealt with by conventional weapons.

Worried and confused, Lawson can only watch his captain Alec fall into a brief silence.

Alec could guess the general thoughts in Lawson's mind at the moment, but at this moment Alec could only shake his head helplessly and said:

"Lawson, the current situation is no longer something that one person can influence."

"Even if Congress intends to stop it, it can't do anything about it. The more this happens, the more everyone must deal with it calmly."

Having said that, Alec also pointed to the six huge gods that appeared in the plane passage in front of Lawson and said:

"There are five, no, six god-followed creatures coming out together. Do you still expect us, America, to compete against them?"

"Let's not talk about whether the people agree or not, even if we agree, we can't do it, because if we are a little careless, we will face the punishment from the 'gods', and the destruction of the country may only take a moment."

Speaking of this, Alec was obviously a little puzzled.

"However, having said that, I actually care about one thing, and that is why these god-followed creatures want to establish a so-called theocratic country."

"I don't think the countries' attitudes towards them before were not bad, and some people were even willing to do everything to gain their favor."

"And they, as so-called aliens, I really can't figure out why they need to establish a so-called theocracy based on human beings."

"Do they still want to restore the era when the theocracy enslaved the people in the Middle Ages?"

"But what good would that do them? The medieval church enslaved the people with theocracy because they were human beings, because human values ​​yearn for rights and satisfy certain desires."

"And why are the god-followed creatures? Do you expect to enslave humans for pleasure? Or do you mean to obtain the so-called rights?"

Alec had a strange look on his face.

On the other hand, Lawson fell into some kind of bewilderment and contemplation.

"Indeed, if the creatures of the gods are dissatisfied with us, they want to establish a country. Shouldn't they start with the interests of their own families and establish a so-called country that is equal to human beings?"

"Incorporating human beings into the system of the United Kingdom of Gods, this."

"Hehe~, can't you figure it out?" Alec smiled, and then said in a guessing tone:

"I think I may have found part of the answer."

"Huh?" Lawson looked at Alec puzzled.

"It's very simple, that is, these god-followed creatures are practicing the concept they have always preached from the beginning, that is, God loves the world, and God's love does not distinguish between races and borders."

"And in order to express themselves in front of their so-called gods, then they want to integrate the whole world, integrate all forces to fight against the purple moon monster, or in other words, in order to better protect the world based on their own ideas, then all of this is not true. I can't justify it."

"As for the Holy Son's claim that under the decree of the gods, they will establish the so-called Kingdom of God. In my opinion, this is very likely to be a cover."

"What is God? Does He really care what form the Blue Star humans or all life forms exist and distribute?"

"His gaze has always been looking at Ziyue. Even if it is to save human beings and all the lives of the blue stars, it may only be out of goodwill for him."

"And the god who intervenes in the power of mortal things on the ground? Is that really a god?"

"So, at least in my understanding, God should not exist like this. He should be far away from us, but at the same time, he should give us some guidance."

Alec looked at the sky, and at the same time remembered the God's Eye that appeared before, and part of the video of the God's Eye confronting Ziyue that he saw yesterday.

Thinking of the great power possessed by gods, Alec really couldn't figure out what the "gods" need from human beings.

With that kind of mighty god, human beings might not be as good as an ant in front of him, right?

Can you imagine a human being to establish an ant kingdom in order to obtain the recognition and so-called rights of ants?

Isn't this funny?

God loves the world, so there must be a reason for His appearance, and this reason is definitely related to the appearance of Ziyue. As for what desire does God have for human beings?

Alec just couldn't figure it out.

At least in Alec's beliefs, God should be an idealistic existence. He exists in everyone's heart. He does not exist in reality, but he can give people spiritual support when they are in trouble.

This kind of god is the god in Alec's cognition.

As for the gods that appear in reality now, to be honest, Alec still can't agree with them.

Although he couldn't agree with it, what the god-followed creatures did before, and the scene of the confrontation between the god's eyes and Ziyue made him a little complicated.

Because God is indeed saving the world, and it is indeed so high and invisible.

This is exactly the case, and now, Alec is a little confused about what the "God" wants to do.

What country in this world has the power to hinder the creatures of the gods? Isn't it good to keep a peaceful relationship like before?

Alec sighed, but at the same time he sighed, he was indeed full of curiosity about the kingdom of God announced by the creatures of the gods.

The unknown is full of temptation for everyone, especially the country established by a transcendent existence, which is even more tempting for Alec.

Therefore, based on people's views on the creatures of the gods, Alec also began to inexplicably look forward to the form in which the kingdom of God will be established, and what will happen to the system.

"Okay, Lawson, you don't have to think too much. The current situation is no longer within our control. Let the old men in Congress have a headache. The only thing we can do now is to continue to watch."

"I am very interested in the so-called United Kingdom of Gods."

"What kind of form do they plan to create a country, where is it located, and how do they plan to get along with the current countries? I'm very curious."

Alec was full of smiles, and his eyes even shone with a gleam of light as he looked at the huge lights and shadows in the distance.

Looking at Alec, Lawson didn't speak, but in the end, under a certain heaviness, he looked at the bottom of the assembly again, and the several lights and shadows that were swearing to exist.


Time passed by every minute and every second, but the Oak Adams had already dispersed their figures, leaving only a curtain plane passage like a white mist.

As creatures of the gods, they have already been extraordinary and are considered by some human beings to be gods, and they will not end up speaking in person.

Their appearance is just to let everyone know that the establishment of the United Kingdom of Gods is the common will of all their gods, and anyone who dares to stop them will be tantamount to directly declaring war on them.

Therefore, after the attitude is established, the next step is what the Druid Order needs to do.

But this time, the person standing at the foreground was once again replaced by Archdruid Ruskin of the Druid Order.

Ruskin looked solemnly at the meeting place full of discussions, and immediately said:


As soon as the words fell, countless people immediately looked up at Ruskin again.

Seeing the puzzled, puzzled, shocked, angry, joyful expressions of the people in the crowd, Ruskin remained calm.

"I can understand everyone's uneasiness and apprehension."

"However, the establishment of the United Kingdom of Gods is inevitable, and it is also forced by the reality of everyone."

"In the face of Ziyue's threat, we must concentrate all our strength."

"Maybe some people think that a single human being is powerless in the face of the purple moon monster, and some even think that we have our own country, and we have powerful weapons to deal with everything."

"But, everyone, think about it carefully. Can our army really handle what happened in the eastern hemisphere last night and the horrible scene?"

"Obviously not."

"So, the more we need to integrate forces at this time."

"The Favored Ones actually didn't intend to establish such a troublesome country as the Kingdom of God at the beginning, but since the Favored Ones came into the world, the conflicts and intrigues between countries, and even the uneven distribution of resources, they can all understand. See it."

"Boundaries between countries, discrimination and prejudice between races, all these dirty things should have withdrawn from the stage of history long ago."

"Everyone should know that the times are different, and we are at the crossroads of such an era."

"Facing Ziyue, facing the threat of monsters, and facing some people's prejudice against those favored by the gods, the establishment of the Kingdom of God is absolutely necessary."

"If the favored ones don't establish a kingdom, what do you think will happen in the future?"

"Under the framework established by the politicians, the favored ones will always be restrained, and their every move may arouse dissatisfaction or suspicion among certain politicians."

"And in order to prevent people from being suspicious, to prevent careerists from having room to manipulate, and to prevent the already chaotic world from becoming even more chaotic, the divinely favored ones have always been restricted by certain rules and it is difficult to do what they think is right. Good for all, so it is indispensable for the establishment of the Kingdom of God."

"Of course, at the beginning of the establishment of the kingdom of God, the gods may still be attacked by many ambitious people. They may say: Look, these gods are really conspiring. They want to subvert our country and enslave human beings? "

"In this regard, do you think I am right or wrong?"

Ruskin's face remained flat, but at the same time he continued with a slight smile on his face:

"These ambitious people, these delusional human beings who are persecuted, don't even know how great the gods they face are, and how they consider all beings."

"Such remarks are ridiculous and ignorant, but let them speak if they have a mouth. The gods will not be angry because of the remarks of ordinary people."

"So, even if some people don't want to, the Kingdom of Gods is officially established at this moment."

"All the current congregants of our Druid Order will also be the first to follow the will of the mysterious tree to join the Kingdom of the United Gods at this moment."

"The Kingdom of the United Gods will not be limited to one religion and one faction, just like we believe in nature and the mysterious tree, Earl Silver Dragon's followers, and even believers of other gods can also establish their own sects .”

"However, all of this will be something that needs to be done later, and before that, the first thing that the United Kingdom of God needs to consider is to review the qualifications of the joiners."

As soon as Ruskin finished speaking, the place that was originally a little quiet suddenly became noisy again.

But amidst this noise, the support that the Druid Order had already arranged came in handy.

Therefore, in the press box under the podium, there were reporters asking questions immediately.

"Mr. Ruskin, there are still review criteria for joining the Kingdom of God? Wouldn't this be too harsh? Shouldn't God love the world and save everyone?"

"In addition, Mr. Ruskin, where will the so-called kingdom of God be established? It can't be built on the land of America, right? Or is the so-called kingdom of God actually a symbolic meaning? Just like a religious organization , Joining is only a nominal join, where should all the people be or where should they be?"


The questions from the reporters in the front row can be said to hit the hearts of all the believers. They still have too many puzzles about the Kingdom of God.

And that's exactly the case, at this moment Ruskin laughed instead, and said:

"I know everyone is anxious and anxious, but you have too many questions."

"Well, how about this, please watch the three sets of videos first, and you will have all the answers in the videos."

"In one of these three videos, the Druid Order will introduce the rules for joining the Kingdom of God, and let everyone understand the necessity of gratitude and reverence."

"Secondly, God's Blessed One will also show everyone the video of the god's eye having wiped out the disaster area brought by the purple moon yesterday, and at the same time let everyone know how great the gods are and how they care for us."

"As for the third thing, everyone is concerned about where the Kingdom of God will be established. In short, after reading it, I guarantee that everyone will actively want to join the Kingdom of God."

"Okay, that's all I can say. Next, please read the content of the projection screen behind the podium behind me."

After finishing all this, Ruskin said no more, and slowly walked to the side of the audience.

Then, after Hughes and a group of old people followed Ruskin to leave the podium, a huge curtain immediately dropped behind the podium.

With the lighting of several projectors on both sides of the podium, images appeared on the screen soon.

In this way, while everyone is staring at the image with their own thoughts, this night is destined to change the whole world.

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