I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 253 The Order and Existence of the Kingdom of God (1)

Under the night, everyone quietly looked at the huge curtain on the podium.

On the curtain, Fanny Campbell's explanation is being played at the moment, and the content of the explanation mainly revolves around what form the United Kingdom of God will take.

The United Kingdom of Gods will not be above all countries, but only appears in a slightly different form. The United Kingdom of Gods can establish diplomatic relations and even exchange transactions with other countries in the world, and everything will be fair and just.

The requirement to join the United Kingdom of Gods is very simple, that is, as an independent existence, everyone in every country in the world can freely choose whether to join or not.

Countries are not allowed to make things difficult for the joiners, otherwise the Gods will cut off diplomatic relations with the subsequent United Kingdom of God, which will directly affect the priority order of the Gods to help the country fight Ziyue.

You must know that Blue Star has a population of more than 7 billion in the world, and there are more than 200 countries in total. The help of the gods has always been a priority.

Therefore, once the gods cut off diplomatic relations with some big countries that currently have exchanges, then when this big country faces the Ziyue disaster, the gods may choose to turn a blind eye and choose to help other small countries.

In addition, in the early stage of the United Kingdom of Gods, only 30 million people will be allowed to join.

People who join the Kingdom of God can choose to live in the Kingdom of God, or they can choose to live in the original country. In fact, it is equivalent to the fact that the person concerned can hold dual nationality.

However, the support received by people with dual nationality may be very low. For practical reasons, if a large number of people are distributed in various countries, the gods and their families will certainly not be able to provide them with immediate help and assistance.

Therefore, in the face of this situation, the gods will negotiate with the existing countries and try their best to delineate a fixed settlement area in each country.

The settlement area is managed by the country concerned, and the gods will not intervene, but when there is danger, the settlement area will be immediately protected by the gods.

If the gods protect the people of the Kingdom of God so vigorously, then the people of the Kingdom of God have the obligation.

All the citizens of the Kingdom of God must obey the arrangements of the first Council of the Kingdom of God, that is, they must obey the various work arrangements of the Druid Order.

As for the establishment of an army of gods, it will also be put on the agenda in the future.

Those who join the army of gods will enjoy the greatest benefits, the right to settle in the kingdom of gods, the best right to strengthen the kingdom of gods, and even more welfare priorities when the kingdom of gods expands in the future.

At the same time, the Kingdom of God will also divide the citizens of the Kingdom of God into two categories.

The first category is the pious believers who can settle in the Kingdom of God. These believers can not only enter the territory of the Kingdom of God to settle, but also accept the holy family of the gods and obtain the best welfare treatment for physical strengthening. People in the army will also be selected in this category.

The second category is the believers who intend to join the Kingdom of God. These believers may not believe in God, but at least they have a good impression of God physically and psychologically.

After joining, this group of people can settle in the settlement areas subsequently established by various countries and enjoy a relatively safe living environment.

As for how to judge whether the people believe in gods or have a good impression of gods, Fanny Campbell just smiled, and bluntly said that this will be identified by personnel sent by the Druid Order, and will not accept any doubts.

At the same time, she also said that in the follow-up, the United Kingdom of God will gradually relax the restrictions on the people who join the Kingdom of God.

However, even if the restrictions are relaxed, all people who join the Kingdom of God are not allowed to engage in blasphemy. They think they can, but they can’t say they can’t do it. The first time they discover blasphemy, they will be warned, and the second time they will be expelled. .

In this way, after explaining and announcing the approximate development and existence of the Kingdom of God, the projected screen also released a video of the small town of Bwado in the Bana Federation near the area where the oak tree is located.

At this moment, the small town of Boisdeaux is no longer a small town.

Because this small town with less than 50,000 people has a population of more than one million at this time, and a lot of high-rise buildings have been built one after another. In addition, in the video, you can also see images of countless hanging towers and crowds being built in full swing.

At the end of the video, the president of the Banna Federation and many high-ranking members of parliament also appeared in the screen, and they claimed to have reached an agreement with the United Kingdom of God.

At the same time, it will also establish the closest diplomatic relationship with the United States of God.

The small town of Bwado is currently the outer settlement of the people of the first United Kingdom of God in the world.

At the end of the video, the president of the Bana Federation did not forget to give a publicity message to everyone.

That is, although the 50-kilometer radius around the Bowaduo Shenguo settlement cannot be opened to the outside world, they will carry out the largest new city construction in the surrounding area.

At the same time, they welcome people from all over the world to come to work, buy houses, invest, etc. The President of the Bana Federation is also very confident that he will build a huge financial city center centered on the settlement of the Kingdom of God in the Bana Federation.

Here, everyone will get a job and get the most help possible.

In this way, in the end, the Banna Federation thanked Fanny Campbell for everything he had done for the Banna Federation, and at the same time repeatedly assured that the Banna Federation will always be a friend and partner of the United Kingdom of God.

With this, the first video is considered to be over.

Seeing this, the hundreds of thousands of believers present have already started discussing.

"The Bana Federation is really speculative, building a financial city centered on the settlements of the Kingdom of God? Once this is established, the economy of the Bana Federation will be considered to be soaring."

"Isn't it? It seems that the whole world can't calm down now, right? If the first person to eat crabs comes out, then there will inevitably be a second and a third, especially some poor small countries."

"I seem to have seen the future where the world pattern is broken by the new order."


People with business vision naturally look at things in different directions. Many ordinary believers may only see that joining the kingdom of God can obtain settlement welfare policies, etc., while successful people see the huge financial cities around the settlements. benefit.

So, no matter what, as soon as the first video came out, all the high-level official officials of the major countries in the world who were watching the video couldn't help but look heavy.

In the Ryan Federation, in a small conference room in its capital at this moment, more than ten people centered on three old men are gathering and watching the video.

The moment the video ended, one of them frowned and opened his mouth.

"The United Kingdom of Gods has a huge plan. They will dig out the foundation of all our countries by doing this."

"Old Qian, tell me your opinion? Do you think we should wait and see what happens next, or take the initiative to contact them and build this so-called settlement?"

The old man looked at Qian Wenyao, who was meditating aside, while Qian Wenyao shook his head and sighed:

"Old Li, you don't understand the current situation, do you? The god-followed creatures have long been out of our control."

"It's not like you haven't seen the video of the ice-covered thousands of miles from Annan Province just now. Facing the idea of ​​the gods wanting to build a country, what method and ability do you think we have to stop it?"

"They are no longer able to be fought by modern weapons. Moreover, although Luwu seems to have some conflicts with us, it is just a child throwing a tantrum in general. Therefore, I think we should not fall into the Empress."

"So if you ask me about my plan, I definitely support the establishment of a relationship with Luwu or the Druid Order. As long as we delineate the settlement area for the United Kingdom of Gods as soon as possible, then we can still pursue it." Let’s ride the tide of change.”

"Perhaps the establishment of the United Kingdom of Gods will damage the foundation of our country? But is it only our country that will be damaged?"

"In addition, I don't think this nascent United Kingdom of Gods can eat so much of the world's population in one bite. The so-called quota of 30 million in the early stage and the establishment of settlements actually show that this nascent United Kingdom of Gods is simply There is no so-called own country.”

"The Kingdom of God may be just a cover, and the establishment of the Kingdom of God, I think it may just be that the mystical tree and these god-followed creatures want to be free from the restrictions of various countries, so as to obtain a more free environment."

Having said that, Qian Wenyao obviously showed some hesitation on his face.

Looking at the two old men beside him and more than a dozen high-ranking officials opposite, he continued to murmur: "Of course, it remains to be determined whether the Kingdom of God is a cover before they play the next two videos."

"But even if there is a so-called land in the United Kingdom of Gods, let's think that they use their own so-called planes to establish a country."

"With this as the premise of thinking, don't you think we must also maintain a good relationship with them at this stage?"

Qian Wenyao sighed and said earnestly: "We have to think about the safety of all the people of our country, we must find a way out for them."

"Since we can sit in this position, then we must consider for all the people, what is a country? A country is made up of people, can a country be considered without people?"

"I know some people care about their own rights, but if the whole world really comes to the day when Ziyue fully invades, will these rights still be useful?"

"The consequences of breaking ties with the creatures of the gods are very serious, you have to think about it yourself."

"In addition, even if we don't consider the righteousness, we can also judge in the form of settlements, whether this so-called United Kingdom of Gods is what they said, the dark theocracy in the Middle Ages is not feasible, and we must firmly resist it .”

"If the Favored Ones really have any conspiracy, or want to enslave humans, then the settlement is a good place to observe."

"Of course, judging from so many things happening today, I don't think it is necessary for the favored ones to enslave us humans. After all, if they and the gods behind them really have that kind of thought, they can completely stand by and watch beforehand."

"Wouldn't it be easy for all the kingdoms of Blue Star to fall into chaos and division under the erosion of the purple moon, and then they will come as saviors?"

"So, even if we are not close to the establishment of the United Kingdom of Gods, we can't stop it, let alone choose to fight stupidly."

"Moreover, we still have to try our best to reach a follow-up agreement with Luwu for the expansion of the extraordinary army, and the existence of settlements can solve this problem very well. In addition, the existence of settlements can also create a huge employment environment. It still has a strong boost to the current financial turmoil."

"At this point, I think we have to make up our minds as soon as possible. Falling behind also means missing opportunities."

Qian Wenyao saw the current situation very clearly.

Qian Wenyao has already reached the age of retirement, and he has long since had no great desire for power. The so-called greater power comes with greater responsibility is Qian Wenyao's true feeling.

The creatures of the gods and the giant eyes of thunder have already given several lessons to all countries in the world. If you can't see the gap between yourself and the creatures of the gods at this time, then you are really stupid to the extreme.

The god-followed creatures must be unbeatable, since they can't be beaten, wouldn't it be good to choose to join?

It's better than turning into a monster yourself, or even being killed by Ziyue's monster.

Now people still have choices, and when Ziyue really invades in an all-round way, then human beings will have no choice at all.

It's really too late to think about it by then.

After Qian Yaowen's voice fell, the two old men beside him obviously showed some contemplative expressions.

And the dozen or so people across the round table were all thoughtful.

"I agree with Lao Qian's words. The current god-followed creatures are indeed beyond our control. The only thing we can do now is to follow the trend and try our best to test the unity of the gods established with the Druid Order as the center. Is the country as fair, just and open as they claim?"

"Although we are following the crowd, we must also set a rule, at least not to cause instability in the country because of this kingdom of God, if everyone wants to join this so-called United God country, our Ryan country really exists in name only, and has instead become a vassal of the kingdom of the gods."

"This is not only leaving a way out for the people, but also leaving a way out for our own children and grandchildren."

"So, when the next parliament is held, we must determine the next thing, that is, all public officials are not allowed to join the United Kingdom of God!"

"And in order to warn and warn some opportunists, once it is discovered that someone has secretly joined, the benchmark for punishment will be a warning of five years to ten years of detention."

"In addition, from now on, no official will be allowed to resign. Those who resign will give a verbal warning for the first time. If there is a second time, then they will be directly charged with treason."

"This newly added criminal law will not be disclosed to the public, but an internal punishment within the system with the highest level of secrecy."

"Special treatment in special times. In order for Ryan to survive in a healthy and stable manner, this is a necessary measure. So, let's talk about your opinions next."

Li Yuanzheng, as the current highest person in power of the Ryan Federation, spoke with an unquestionable tone.

But in the face of Li Yuanzheng's words, how can everyone present object?

In the final analysis, Li Yuanzheng's ability to sit in this position is the result of the joint efforts of these people on the scene, and for so many years in his position, Li Yuanzheng has already suppressed all opposition voices with kindness and power, even his own people. in this way.

In a country with a population of 1.7 billion, it is impossible without a strong leader.

Therefore, as soon as Li Yuanzheng finished speaking, the main tone was basically confirmed, and then everyone had to discuss the details and watch the next two videos of the Druid Order.

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