I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 255 The Kingdom of God Rave Reviews

[Is the establishment of the Blue Star Life United Divine Kingdom a change of the times or a conspiracy of the times? 】

[The kingdom of the gods is the restoration of feudal theocracy, a reversal of history, and the ambitions of the creatures of the gods are completely exposed. 】

[What do you think about the country established by the creatures of the gods? 】

[Shocked, the creatures of the gods have conquered Mars, the story that the Kingdom of God has to tell. 】

The next day, when Ji Yu opened the news channel, almost all the hot news pushed were filled with such headlines.

Among them, news about conspiracy theories accounted for 70%, while the other 30% reported the entire process of the United Kingdom of God's announcement in America in a realistic manner.

Of course, the official media of the Ryan Federation is worth pondering.

Because, there was only one official media that reported it, and it was only a factual report of the whole process of the establishment of the United Kingdom of God.

The official media did not even mention the fact that the United Kingdom of Gods openly recruited citizens from all over the country.

You must know that once someone becomes a citizen of the United Kingdom of God, it also means that the citizen will have dual citizenship of the Kingdom of God and Ryan.

In Ryan, dual citizenship has never been recognized, and it is also illegal.

Therefore, the behavior of the official media not expressing their stance has aroused heated discussions among countless netizens.

My evolutionary barrier option: "I didn't go online for a day, and I didn't expect that the creatures of the gods even established a country. This is a big event. Why didn't our official media of Ryan express their position? What is the attitude of the official media? I I really want to join, but I was a little scared before the official media didn’t express their views. Is there anyone in the system? Can you tell me what the official media’s attitude is now?”

Immortal Pluto God of War: "Attitude? Now I guess the authorities are still struggling, right? After all, god-followed creatures are not easy to provoke, and our country has always cooperated with Shenlu. Doesn't the extraordinary army rely on Shenlu Luwu? Help was born? There must be a lot of quarrel among the officials now, in short, I think the current situation is really hard to say."

Learning is the most important thing: "Hey, I really hope that there will be no confrontation. The power of the United Kingdom of God is beyond doubt, and the mainland of the Kingdom of God is on Mars? If I can, I really want to join right away, Stars and Seas , Extraordinary physique, who wouldn't want such a good thing?"

If you are tired, take a rest: "Good thing? If the rule of the Kingdom of God is biased towards the dark theocracy system of the Middle Ages, I guess you will have no place to cry after joining. Take a good look at the reports on the Internet. Besides, you think you can join if you want to join. Ah, others have limited the number of places now, but the 30 million places in the early stage are given priority to devout believers. In the environment of Ryan, how many people believe in the so-called gods? Do you believe it?"

Ye Shimaoxue: "Believe it! Why don't you believe it? You forgot about the giant eyes full of thunder before? So what is that exaggerated ability if it is not a god? I have a few catties and a few taels. I have a B number. If the gods can give me an extraordinary opportunity , can give me a chance to change my life, let alone faith, I can give him my life."

Take a look at KM: "That's right, the above mentioned my heart, the middle and lower classes of society will always have the most people, and many migrant workers can't buy a house that belongs to the city even if they buy it. To be able to afford a house is to work overtime or work part-time, and finally get sick all over. Do you want this kind of life? There is no hope at all, okay? Who wouldn’t want to change their living environment if they could?”

Jin Youkou: "Yeah, it's okay if you don't say me, once you say it, I feel that I must fight for the matter of joining the Kingdom of God, let's not talk about the threat of Ziyue and monsters, just now this busy I don't even want to think about Wuwei's life. Superman, just like Superman, if joining the Kingdom of God is just about faith, I can definitely dedicate my faith and loyalty.

If someone recognizes you, you can change yourself. Don't you want such an opportunity? Not to mention that the future of the Kingdom of God can obviously go to the stars and the sea. For a man, the stars and the sea are our romance. There will be big ships and giant cannons. The divinely favored Veranika is obviously going in this direction Evolved gods. "


Ji Yu read too many comments, but after seeing the comments, Ji Yu felt quite relieved.

Yes, before the official media made a statement, and when many media experts were advocating the conspiracy theory of god-followed creatures, most netizens showed their truest side.

What bullshit dark dominion, what slavery? They don't care.

They are fed up with the blessings of 996, fed up with a society with solidified classes, and even more fed up with a life of worry and fear.

When faced with the threat of Ziyue, no one could refuse the generous olive branch given by the Kingdom of God.

After all, as the people at the bottom, they have nothing to lose long ago, and they don't think they have any surplus value for the creatures of the gods to look at.

If they just contribute their illusory beliefs, or if their loyalty can win the opportunity to change their lives, then of course they will choose to join without hesitation.

This is human beings, if lured with big profits, even people with status and social status can't keep calm, let alone ordinary people.

Therefore, no matter what news posts, Ji Yu can always see a lot of comments that are optimistic about the Kingdom of God and want to join the Kingdom of God.

Under these news posts, many people are praying that the Ryan official will choose to acquiesce in the establishment of the Kingdom of God. At the same time, they also hope that the Ryan official can set up a settlement of the Kingdom of God as soon as possible, and hope that the Druid Order can announce the recruitment point as soon as possible.

Looking at these remarks, Ji Yu couldn't help but smile, and then closed the webpage.

Ji Yu still has his own work to do today, which is to continue descending on Malphite's body and actively split the offspring.

According to the number of nearly 9,000 daughters that Malphite can split every day, the daughters needed for the establishment of the next Martian city are not far away, so in order to establish the second fortress city of the Kingdom of God as soon as possible, Ji Yu has to Just make an effort.

In addition, the standard for Malphite to advance to the third level is to split one million offspring. Even if he does not want to build a fortress city, Ji Yu must make Malphite split off offspring as quickly as possible.

At the same time, Ji Yu on the aircraft carrier Veronica must also spare some time to give some help.

Now, the Druid Order has contacted dozens of large mining and technology companies belonging to America, and has also actively contacted some senior officials of the International Atomic Energy.

These companies and high-ranking officials will purchase a large amount of various materials and send them to a certain bay in the near future, and then it will be the time when Veronica will officially go on a rampage.

Therefore, time is still very tight for Ji Yu, and there is no room for him to waste it.

Facing Ziyue's disaster, Ji Yu still has a long way to go. The establishment of the Kingdom of God is only the beginning, and then the real beginning.


Time is like water, fleeting.

Perhaps it was because the last confrontation between Ji Yu and Ziyue made Ziyue consume too much power on the blue star. After more than 20 days passed again, Ziyue didn't show up even once.

And in the past twenty days, the changes in Blue Star are not insignificant.

Half a month ago, the United Kingdom of God reached cooperation agreements with more than 80 countries around the world and set up settlements, and Ryan was no exception.

Then, seven days ago, the Druid Order declared to be the legal official organization of the United Kingdom of God. In the early days of the Kingdom of God, everything will be managed by the Druid Order.

But at the same time, the Druids also firmly declare that they believe in the great father of the belief in the mysterious tree of nature. In the subsequent establishment of the Kingdom of God, if there are religious organizations following other gods The dependents admitted that they would give up some of the management positions of the Kingdom of God to welcome the new religious organization.

At the same time, the Druid Order also officially announced the national system of the Kingdom of God.

The actual operation mode of the United Kingdom of Gods will adopt a parliamentary system, and the actual highest leadership of the Kingdom of Gods will also be those favored by the gods.

Those favored by the gods are the House of Lords (also known as the "House of God"), while the management established by the Druid Order and subsequent religious organizations is the House of Commons (also known as the "Ting Council").

The Divine Ritual Hall will not directly intervene in the management of the Kingdom of God, but only listen to the decree and convey the divine revelation.

It is Tingyi who directly manages the Kingdom of God, and at the same time, Tingyi is also directly responsible to the Divine Ritual Hall, and runs the entire Divine Kingdom according to the divine decree and the orders of the Divine Ritual Hall.

In short, although the Divine Ritual Hall does not directly manage the Kingdom of God, it is the actual controller of the Kingdom of God.

The Kingdom of God, the reason why it is a Kingdom of God is of course centered on the favored ones and gods. If there were no favored ones and gods, then the Kingdom of Gods would not be a kingdom of Gods.

Therefore, the Blue Star countries were not surprised at all after the Druid Order announced the system of the Kingdom of God.

It is no surprise that the first court speaker of the Kingdom of God Council was the Archdruid Ruskin of the Druid Order.

The deputy chairpersons are the Archdruids Rosalia and Lawrence respectively.

And the three of them can be considered as the top three current chief executives of the Kingdom of God.

After the United Kingdom of God announced and appointed all the administrative officials of the Kingdom of God, it officially announced the recruitment of citizens three days ago.

As for the recruitment of nationals, the United Kingdom of God cannot favor one over another, so it also allocates quotas according to the situation of each country.

Among them, America and the whole of Western Europe are allocated 20 million places, while the Ryan Federation and the small countries in the east are only allocated 3 million places.

This distribution was not intentional by the Druid Order, because it was requested by the Ryan Federation itself after the Druid Order contacted and negotiated with the high-level members of the Ryan Federation.

If possible, Ryan would only open 500,000 places, because Ryan is still very wary of the United Kingdom of God, especially religious organizations.

Therefore, they are not willing to allow too many people from their own country to join the Kingdom of God before they can clearly see whether the rule of the United Kingdom of God is clear.

However, this approach of the Ryan Federation must have dissatisfied the Druid Order.

The Druid Order only has religious ideas, and official believers will not and are not allowed to have racial discrimination and national prejudice. Therefore, considering Xiaolu's identity, they actually still want to allocate more quotas to the Ryan Federation.

But the Ryan Federation refused, and finally accepted two million places very unwillingly during the bargaining.

In this regard, the several "Bads" of the Druid Order who are in charge of contacting the high-level members of the Ryan Federation are also speechless and inexplicable.

Because from the standpoint of the Druid Order, they thought they had the intention to take care of Ryan more, but Ryan didn't accept it? Doubt their good intentions?

This left the Bards of the Druid Order a little speechless.

However, the people of the Druid Order didn't take this matter too seriously. After all, giving more places is just that they think they want to distribute the places as fairly as possible, and they deliberately I don't want the fawns to think that they are so thin-skinned and do this.

But in the end, Ryan himself did not accept it, so the Druid Order naturally allocated the extra places to some countries in West Yorkshire with peace of mind.

The entire East, centered on the Ryan Federation forces, was allocated 3 million quotas.

Afterwards, the remaining 7 million places were allocated to countries in the Southern Continent and the Central Continent.

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