I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 257 Crazy Fleet Construction

The blue runes shone brightly, and the three fully solidified 120,000-ton nuclear-powered aircraft carriers started to move amidst bursts of roars.

No one controls them, but they seem to have their own will and start to move on the sea level.

Then, in less than five minutes, the three aircraft carriers had adjusted their positions and stopped in a triangular position to escort the Veranica aircraft carrier in the center.

While the three aircraft carriers were adjusting their positions, the ring after ring of huge mosaic halos around the Veranica aircraft carrier continued to fly a large amount of fluorescent lights into the decks of the three aircraft carriers.

And just as these fluorescent lights gathered on the decks of the three aircraft carriers, the phantoms of fighter jets began to appear one after another.

These fighters are very similar to the American sixth-generation fighter H35, but unlike the H35, the overall size of these phantom fighters has been reduced by about a quarter.

Then, one fighter after another began to change from phantom to real.

The streamlined luster of the metal on the fuselage of these fighter jets is extremely strong, and at the same time, there are many mercury-like lines on the fuselage.

These lines are like flowing water, and the light shines with a faint blue light, which makes this fighter plane more magical.

And at the moment when these fighter jets appeared and turned into reality, these fighter jets had already started their engines one by one.

Accompanied by a moderate roar, these fighter jets entered the taxi runways of their respective aircraft carriers in an orderly manner, and quickly rushed to the sky one after another with the assistance of the electromagnetic ejection device on the aircraft carrier.

Fighters rushed out one after another, and all of them soared in the sky just after the three aircraft carriers adjusted their formations to protect the Veronica aircraft carrier.

Nearly 250 fighter jets formed different formations in the sky and sprinted back and forth at a speed exceeding the speed of sound. The spectacular scene made countless people feel silent.

"Richards, how do you feel looking at all this now?"

At the port, on an American aircraft carrier, the fleet commander was gazing at the fleet of fighter jets in the sky, and said so to the deputy commander Richards beside him without audible emotion.

Richards was speechless, his eyes were always looking at the three aircraft carriers near the Veronica, and the halo that was at least half the size before.

"Feelings?" Richards said in a complicated way:

"What else do you think I can feel about this miracle of reality?"

"Didn't the Congress come to a conclusion earlier? We can't fight against the god-followed creatures. Only by cooperating, or even taking the initiative to get close to each other, maybe we can not be eliminated in the next era?"

"Some old ideas may indeed be time for us to change."

Richards was really shocked by what was happening in front of him, but as a high-ranking naval officer, he still suppressed the wavering and eagerness in his heart.

As a traditional person, although he has seen some of the abilities of the creatures of the gods before, he has also seen videos about the appearance of the eyes of the gods.

But the impact of video is never as real as that seen in reality.

Perhaps many people were still unwilling, or did not want this era or the world to be dominated by god-followed creatures before, but anyone with a little common sense would know that it was only a matter of time before the world was dominated by god-followed creatures.

There are still some traditional human beings in various countries, they clamor for similar slogans such as non-my races must have different hearts, and even declare that they do not want to be dominated by aliens even if they die.

But such people will never be able to occupy a dominant position in the officials of various countries.

The term dead word is simple to say, but it is different when it is really done.

What's more, for the people at the bottom, it doesn't matter who rules them, because the bottom people only really care about their own interests.

When the social resources allocated by the rulers to the people at the bottom reach the level they want, and at the same time the society is relatively more fair and just, then who cares whether the ruler above you is a human or a monster?

As long as the rule of monsters is better than that of the current society, the beautification of monsters into gods is a matter of moments.

Therefore, it is the officials of various countries and the upper echelons of the original social class who are most wary of the creatures of the gods and the kingdom of the gods.

These people will worry about their status and interests being impacted, so it is normal for some radical remarks to appear among them.

However, no matter how clamoring these people are, the public opinion environment they want will never come again.

This is because the previous reports from various countries on the creatures of the gods were too positive, and the second is that the top group of people in each country have already tasted some of the sweetness, not to mention the benefits that the United Kingdom of God can give, at least compared to the simple More valuable in terms of money.

At this time, after the three aircraft carriers and nearly 200 to 500 fighter jets were formed, the next thing Ji Yu had to do was to manufacture submarines in large quantities.

Ji Yu doesn't need the so-called carrier frigates, cruisers and destroyers at all.

Ships on the water are not very useful to Ji Yu now, after all, in the environment of Blue Star, he will not land on the beach or attack certain countries.

Furthermore, no country in Blue Star dares to attack, so submarines are what Ji Yu needs most at present.

Because Ji Yu really needs to use submarines to explore how many boundaries exist in the sea. At the same time, Ji Yu also needs a large number of submarines to dive and look for the weird marine life that was polluted by Ziyue before.

Therefore, Ji Yu has no reason to lag behind in the manufacture of submarines.

And it is precisely this, at this moment, when the mosaic halo around the Veranica aircraft carrier sinks again in large numbers and is shaped at the sea level.

Everyone saw a more magnificent scene than when the previous three aircraft carriers were built.

Within a radius of twelve nautical miles, a large number of fluorescent lights flew out from the huge ring of light, and these fluorescent lights covered the sky while also sinking and converging.

A total of one hundred phantoms of nuclear-powered submarines nearly 120 meters long appeared.

These nuclear-powered submarines consume much more than the three aircraft carriers during the forming process.

Therefore, in the process of shaping the nuclear-powered submarine, Ji Yu immediately began to absorb the mines on the shore.

Of course, Ji Yu didn't let go of all the chemicals on another ocean-going freighter.

And in this kind of continuous swallowing and construction, in less than an hour, the materials of the entire port and the freighter were all exhausted.

Remaining on the sea level with its head sticking out, the light blue nuclear-powered submarine neatly and semi-submerged in the water.

Looking at the densely packed nuclear submarines on the sea level that seemed to have no end in sight, the surrounding naval officers and soldiers became more and more silent at this moment.

Can technological creations still play like this? Is this a technological creation or a magical creation? They already don't know how to judge.

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