I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 279 Ryan's Change

"Old Qian, I can't understand these gods now, do you think what they said before is true?"

The administrative center of the universe, that is, the Mars-1 Eco-city, is near the river surrounding the city near the crystal wall barrier, and a group of officials from the Ryan Federation are walking along the river on foot.

"It's hard to grasp the true self, but maybe their so-called temptation is also somewhat?"

"However, I think they abruptly announced that they would no longer allow our countries to enter the so-called Nolan Star. Something must have happened in it. Otherwise, if they tried it purely, the Druid Order would definitely have Arrangements, the person in charge will not feel embarrassed in order to deal with the difficulties of other countries."

Qian Wenyao said in a deep voice, and at the same time, he kept looking at the hexagonal khaki glass barrier that towered into the sky on the opposite side of the river.

The ecological city barriers built by Malphite's descendants stretch into the sky. Just looking at it, everyone present can feel that they are out of touch with the times.

The interior of the eco-city seems primitive, but the existence of barriers gives people a sense of science fiction.

Outside the barrier, the yellow sand is all over the sky without stopping, but inside it is peaceful.

"Well, I have the same feeling. It seems that we all want to go together."

The old man nodded, and at the same time changed the subject: "Old Qian, Old Zheng, after you came here, do you have any thoughts on what you saw? Tell me about it?"

"We Ryan, and even all existing countries need to make a choice."

"The world pattern centered on the kingdom of the gods has been formed, relying on human power to go against the current is tantamount to fantasy, just the gods have shown such a powerful energy, let alone the so-called gods have never appeared Pass."

"So, next, I think we should also anchor a benchmark in terms of policy, at least not let us fall into a bad situation in the new era."

Some worries could be seen on the old man's face, but Qian Wenyao shook his head.

"Standards? What's the use of the benchmarks we set? Today, most countries have compromised with the United Kingdom of God, and everyone has seen the situation clearly."

"Any policy we set is actually just doing useless work. Is it possible that we can still fight against the so-called United Kingdom of God?"

Speaking of this, Qian Wenyao sighed sadly: "Confrontation is already impossible. As for breaking away from the system of the United Kingdom of God? I don't think they will care about decoupling from our Ryan with the current system of the United Kingdom of God."

"As long as we decouple the system of the kingdom of the gods, then we may be the ones who are behind. The current situation has changed a long time ago, and it has even been like this from the very beginning. It is we who seek the favor of the gods, and It’s not that the favored ones ask us.”

"They have been able to restrain themselves and accept all of us humans in a non-human way. In this respect, they have actually proved some of their goodwill."

"And the goodwill in this regard is reflected again from this meeting. Even if I say that I want to completely decouple from the Kingdom of God, are you willing?"

Qian Wenyao looked at the two old men beside him, but the two old men fell silent.

"That's right, it's us now, it's the human beings who want to be favored by the gods and the kingdom of the gods, not they want to be us."

"In addition, they intend to treat our Blue Star countries as their own, and let us participate in the affairs of the other world. In fact, this is also a signal of goodwill!"

"We already understand the attitude of the favored ones. Hey, I'm just worried. If things go on like this, our Blue Star countries will lose their kingdoms!"

The old man in military uniform spoke worriedly, with an even more worried look on his face.

The military officers and even some congressmen who followed the three old men were like this at this time.

Looking at the expressions of these people in front of him, Qian Wenyao smiled: "The general is not the country?"

"I can understand this concern, but I have also thought about a lot of issues these days."

"In ancient times, human beings have evolved from a single tribe to a large tribe, to a feudal kingdom, and to the current civilized world. This historical trend is obviously unstoppable."

"What do you think the United Kingdom of God is today? Is it a feudal theocracy?"

Qian Wenyao said lightly: "It's not, because they didn't rule human beings with power."

"With their current strength, do you think we can resist if they subvert some countries or even us by force?"


"The Commonwealth of America and even some countries in Western Europe are precisely because they have seen this clearly, so they will now completely fall to the Kingdom of the United Gods."

"Instead of slowly being annexed or even vassalized by the United Kingdom of Gods, it is better to join early, and then change what we think is unreasonable from within, so that our nation can gain more protection in the future system of the Kingdom of Gods."

"True global integration, we humans have not achieved it, but now the United Kingdom of God has achieved it, don't you think this is a great thing?"

"The starry sky is in front of you, and the journey is in the distance. The era of human beings embarking on the interstellar road has come, and it is not just the interstellar era we know, but an era in which all human beings can be sublimated across space."

"Extraordinary soldiers, different worlds, that's all. Don't you think about it late at night before you go to bed and you don't feel horror, shock, or excitement?"

"We are old, and we don't even have the vigor of youth, but there are more young people in our country, and more people who are eager to change themselves."

"The solidification of social classes has been prominent in all countries before, especially in our country, but now that young people have hope, what do you think these young people will think about the United Gods?"

"You, even us, must not become a stumbling block for young people, and we should even make way for young people when necessary."

As soon as Qian Wenyao finished speaking, everyone present fell silent.

"Yes, I very much agree with Mr. Qian's words. The solidification of social classes is not what the sages would like to see. We must have the courage to accept and change everything when we face the fork in the times."

"If you stay in the same place, or even keep thinking about the power in your hands, I think our society is really hopeless, especially in this special period."

Behind the three old men, a congressman spoke in a deep voice.

However, there are supporters, and of course there are opponents.

"No, I think what Qian Lao said is obviously biased. It is true that the solidification of social class is a big problem for us Ryan today, but is the United Kingdom of God really perfect?"

"Of course, the emergence of the United Kingdom of Gods must have given more people opportunities, but does it really belong to civilization and the country that human beings should support?"

"Everyone, don't forget that the conditions for joining the United Kingdom of Gods must be belief in gods and no blasphemy is allowed, or even questioned. Don't you feel afraid about this? Although this country looks good now, what will happen in the future? Are you not afraid that society will become more feudal and authoritarian under the vassal of theocracy?"

"In addition, I absolutely do not approve of handing over the future of mankind to a group of non-human beings!"

This is a general behind the old man in military uniform, and his words are quite stubborn.

Faced with the general's rebuttal, Qian Wenyao just smiled.

"General Lu, I didn't say that the United Kingdom of Gods is perfect. In addition, your vision is obviously too limited."

"What did the gods promise to establish the United Kingdom of God? Everyone will not forget, right?"

"They just give priority to human beings who believe in gods and have no criminal records, and then they will gradually accept non-believers. In addition, based on my understanding of Luwu and even the news from its mouth, the gods This is just to maintain the majesty of the existence codenamed 'God'."

"Think about it differently. If it is the leader of our country, or your most beloved father, would you like to see him questioned?"

Qian Wenyao shook his head while talking briefly: "Freedom of speech must have a limit, especially at the official level."

"The existence of the code-named 'God' is of great help to us in the fight against Ziyue, and the reason why the gods treat human beings like this is obviously also his instruction."

"Using Lu Wu's confession to me: God's favored ones don't care what we think of them, but human beings should have the minimum gratitude and awe for 'gods', right?"

"Gods can help human beings, and they don't even care about human opinions, but those favored by the gods are not gods. They are independent individuals and they have their own feelings. Do you think their approach is wrong?"

"No! They are not wrong, and even in my opinion, people who have such thoughts are indeed hopeless!"

As soon as Qian Wenyao said this, everyone was silent, and the general just now seemed hesitant to speak.

But the two old men beside Qian Wenyao were pondering, and finally nodded in approval.

"That's true. Thinking about it in another way, we can understand how the God's Favored One did it."

"In addition, after listening to Lao Qian's words, I also understand that we have no choice now. It is only a matter of time before Blue Star is ruled by the Kingdom of God. During this period, what we have to consider is how to ensure that Ryan interests of the people."

"Perhaps we should raise some opinions on the United Kingdom of God, such as regional autonomy, to ensure that 'Ryan' can continue to exist."

The old man in the military uniform sighed, and said at the same time: "Everyone is a sensible person. If you think about it carefully, you can know that the trend of 'globalization of the gods' has long been irreversible. It's just that everyone is unwilling to admit it emotionally and is unwilling to face it squarely."

"Yeah! I don't want to admit it, but the reality forces us to recognize the reality." Another old man next to the old man in the suit also said.

"Okay, let's put this aside for now, and discuss it in Congress. Now let's talk about the different world Nolan Star."

"The gods want us to communicate with other worlds and help us build at the same time. This is much easier than colonization. In addition, I am more inclined to business exchanges than colonization. After all, there are too many problems in colonization, and the early investment is too much. big."

"Business exchanges are much better. The opposite is the primitive medieval society. This is a huge cake for us. Under the large-scale commercial dumping, the economy of our Ryan and even the entire Blue Star will recover quickly."

"In addition, during business negotiations, we can also buy things that our Blue Star doesn't have. A whole different world. This kind of opportunity is something we didn't dare to think of before."

"So, here's what I think. This trip is the first time that the gods are in the process of 'enlightening' the five countries in the different world. I will go with Lao Qian? Old Zheng, how about you stay in China?"

When the old man in suit said this, both the old man in military uniform and Qian Wenyao were stunned.

"Are you kidding? Why don't you stay in China, Lao Li? That's a different world. Is it the same thing if I have a chance to see you for the second time in this life? I found that you are really more and more instigating, Lao Li. It's gone!"

The old man in military uniform was obviously a little unhappy, and immediately retorted angrily.

"Considering the relationship between Laoqian and Luwu, Laoqian must go. We can rest assured that Laoqian will do the negotiation with Luwu. In China, it doesn't matter whether you or I stay, so you stay. ,I go!"

The old man in the suit looked at the old man in the military uniform in astonishment, but at the same time felt helpless.

"Hey, don't you need to command the military to defend the boundary? I'm not familiar with the military. Can scheduling and other matters be left to you? Old Zheng, don't be confused about this!"

The old man in the suit looked so earnest that the old man in the military uniform stared wide-eyed.

"Old Qian, look? Who are these people? They are very old, and they are talking nonsense with their eyes open. Who was in charge of the military eight years ago? Come with me?"

"Besides, are you the leader in China or am I the leader? If you run away, I can greet those people in the Congress?" The old man in military uniform blew his beard and stared.

"You've already said that I'm the leader, so why don't you listen to my arrangement? Besides, Lao Qian and I will spend no more than a week at most. Doesn't Congress still have big guys to help? Can it be messed up?"

The old man in the suit looked at the group of people behind him, and the group of people behind him were all smiling and silent, looking like they were having fun.

Ryan's national conditions are different from those of other countries. Due to the history of the merger of the two countries, there have always been three people in power at the top, although there is only one leader externally.

"Okay, don't talk about those useless things, do you see what everyone is talking about? You are the leader, you stay! I will go with Lao Qian!"

"Heh~ I don't understand anymore, Zheng Huandao, are you the leader or am I the leader? I order you now, you stay and guard the country, and Lao Qian and I will go there!"

When the old man in the suit said this, the old man in the military uniform immediately stared blankly.

In the end, the old man in military uniform was discouraged, and said angrily:

"Li Baozi, you are absolutely amazing. I'm going to retire soon. If you don't let me do it once, I really owe you in my previous life!"


Old children, old children, these people are talking about, no matter how high their status is, they will always show some unexpected scenes that make people feel out of place and unexpected when facing people close to them.

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