I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 284 Salvation and Encounter

"Sister Kelly, I'm so hungry, when can we go home?"

In the quiet mountain forest, a weak child's voice suddenly came from among the bushes and grass.

Looking at the weak child in her arms, Kelly felt very uncomfortable, but even if she felt uncomfortable, she couldn't do anything now.

"Hurry up, Bell, wait a little longer, Sister Kelly will definitely take you back, you lie here first, and Sister will find you something to eat first."

Kelly spoke softly to the child, and at the same time placed the child among the grass.

Half a month ago, Kelly entered the forest near the village in order to collect herbs. At the same time, she was accompanied by four and a half children from the village.

The children of poor families are the head of the family early, especially in this medieval world, children are far less expensive than the developed modern society.

So it was this time when she went out to collect herbs. When Kelly, who was about 17 years old, returned to the village half a day later, what she saw was a group of soldiers slaughtering the entire village.

Three of the children rushed back to the village from the mountains crying because they were young and ignorant, and because they were at a loss.

The brutal soldiers vented their 'war syndrome' recklessly, burning, killing, looting, and doing everything they could.

Kelly, who was hiding in the woods, looked at the tragedy of the village in horror and tightly covered the mouth of the only Bell beside her.

She escaped and took Bell into the deeper mountains.

She was crying and running. Originally, she wanted to take Bell to escape to Kama City, which is the closest to the village, but when she took Bell to the so-called Kama City, she found that the so-called Kama City had already fallen.

On the top of the city are the flags of five different countries that Kelly has never seen before, and a large number of Kama city nobles are hanged under the city gate.

And many civilians were executed outside the city. In the woods outside the city, she was horrified to see the civilians inside the city gate being escorted and pushed out by soldiers from other countries.

With a condescending attitude, those soldiers wantonly smeared the Holy See of the Night and the Lord of the Night, and claimed that the Lord of the Night was the initiator of the evil moon and monsters.

The high-ranking officers said as if they were giving alms, as long as they insulted the Lord of the Night and changed their beliefs, they would be able to live.

Naturally, some cowards begged for mercy immediately and betrayed their faith in this process, but more civilians were very devout followers of the night.

Therefore, this also led to piles of corpses outside the city, and blood flowed along the horse path. The terrifying scene once again gave Kelly a strong spiritual shock.

She ran away in a panic again, and carried Bell, who had a cold and a cold, to the last place of hope in her heart, the Royal City of Robuel.

She didn't dare to take the big road, and she didn't dare to make noise easily.

Eating wild vegetables or fruits when hungry, drinking dew and stream water when thirsty, unarmed, she passed one village after another.

But everything she passed was in ruins, and from time to time she could even see many soldiers from the Allied Forces of the Five Nations searching the deserted villages and towns.

Kelly is not stupid, she knows that the reason why there are no people in these villages and towns close to Wangcheng is probably related to the previous decree of Wangcheng.

The king led the army to conquer, and many young men in the surrounding cities and even villages and towns participated in the army fighting for the gods under the propaganda of the clergy.

And more people entered Wangcheng and surrounding cities to seek refuge in batches according to Wangcheng's order.

But how big were medieval cities? There is simply no way to accommodate too many people entering the city, let alone eating and drinking for everyone.

Therefore, the village where Kelly lives is actually a small village that was abandoned outside the city.

The capture of the village was something everyone could have expected, but even if it was expected, no one could have imagined the ferocity of the five-nation coalition forces.

There is no nonsense in Tucun. Those who are a little better will force everyone to change their beliefs. If they do not change, they will all be sentenced to death for the crime of running dogs of the evil god.

"Where is the knight?"

"Why aren't the knights here? Why do they allow soldiers to kill unarmed civilians?"

There was anger in Kelly's fearful heart, but at the same time, she felt deeply hopeless.

But Kelly didn't give up, yes, she didn't believe that Rob Yell would perish, so she continued to take Bell to the royal city.

However, when she was only five days away from the royal city, Kelly discovered another reality that made her feel extremely desperate.

That is, walking through the edge of the forest, she found a huge five-nation coalition army on the main road to the king's city.

The number of this coalition army exceeded his imagination. She didn't know how many people this army had. After all, she couldn't calculate it with her knowledge.

In her sense of self, this army was huge and imposing.

The army that stretched for several kilometers was far from comparable to those rangers in villages and towns she had seen before.

Exquisite armor, sharp weapons, such a large-scale march, such an elite army, it is hard not to make her feel hopeless.

"The king lost? Did the battle of Katu Heights fail? Impossible! This is impossible!"

Kelly was a little distraught, and she was so frightened that she no longer dared to continue to the royal city.

Moreover, in these days, the situation of the child Bell has become worse and worse. She needs to let Bell rest and let him rest.

So, in the end, Kelly chose to stay where she was, and went deep into the forest to build a grass shed with branches and plants and stopped temporarily.

However, even so, the situation of the child Bell has not improved, and there is a trend of getting worse.

The reason for this is precisely because the moisture in the mountain forest is too heavy, and there is too little food, wild vegetables are eaten raw and there is no meat.

In such a bad situation, fever is undoubtedly a very risky thing for children.

Although Kelly knew a little about herbal medicine, it was just a local method to treat some minor ailments. In this primitive world, a cold was nothing, but a fever could kill someone at any time.

If there are priests, you can take people to church with a fever. If you are lucky, you will meet healing priests who often travel around the kingdom to heal civilians.

But now, in the midst of war, all this has become a luxury.

Looking at Bell, who was pale and weak, Kelly felt unprecedented despair.

"Sister Kelly, no, cough, don't go, Bell is afraid, Bell, know, know that Bell is going to die."

"Bei, Bell wants Sister Kelly to accompany her, Bell. Ahem!!!"

When the little boy was talking, he suddenly coughed violently again, and his little face even turned red for a moment.

Seeing this, Kelly immediately picked up Bell again in panic, held her in her arms and kept patting his back.

"Bell, don't talk anymore, sister is not leaving, sister is with you!"

"Sister is really useless, sister is really useless."

Unconsciously, tears rolled down Kelly's eyes.

"Sister, sister Kelly, don't cry, it's not my sister's fault, it's all the fault of those bad guys."

Bell managed to catch his breath, about seven or eight years old, he stretched out his hand weakly to grab Kelly's wrist, and said like a flash of light:

"My sister is right, the bad guys are all those bad guys, Bell wants to cough cough"

Suddenly, Bell coughed violently again.

Seeing Bell in her arms cough violently again, Kelly's heart clenched again.

Kelly is just a little girl, and a girl her age in Blue Star's world is only at the age of high school.

Although she is not beautiful, and even has many freckles on her face and calluses on her hands, she is stronger than girls of the same age and different worlds.

Kelly panicked and patted Bell on the back again, and at the same time said in a crying voice:

"Stop talking, Bell, my sister will definitely cure you, just wait for my sister, I'll go out and collect medicine for you, you will be fine."

As Kelly spoke, she immediately wanted to leave immediately.

But Bell was holding on to her sackcloth clothes tightly at this time.

Little Bell's face was pale, panting, struggling but showing a final strong smile.

"Bei, Bell doesn't want to die, but, but, Bell doesn't want Sister Kelly to leave now."

"Bell is so tired, sister, don't leave Bell."

Bell was so weak that he even wanted to close his eyes while speaking.

But seeing Bell looking tired and about to fall asleep, a certain string in Kelly's heart seemed to be disconnected.

Kelly's eyes were blurred by tears, and she didn't even know what to do or say.

At this moment, she could only cry helplessly, limp and holding the last warmth that was about to be lost in her arms.

The sound of crying spread far and wide in the quiet mountains, and Kelly finally burst into tears under the strong despair and pressure.

The weak Bell looked at the crying Kelly, he wanted to comfort him, but his eyelids and hands were so heavy.

Looking at Kelly, looking at the sky, Bell's ears gradually lost Kelly's crying, and at a certain moment, his eyes even seemed to see the phantoms of his dead parents waving to him in the sky.

Slowly, Bell slowly closed his eyes.

However, at the moment Bell was about to close his eyes, suddenly, a huge creature he had never seen before suddenly appeared in Bell's line of sight looking at the sky.

The creature was silver-white all over, and its pupils were even bigger than a house.


Bell's eyes suddenly widened as the light flashed back.

He could see clearly that above the sky, it was a terrifying creature hidden in the clouds and mist, but glowing with clear light.

This creature appeared above the forest without a sound. Between the clouds and mist, the huge creature lowered its head and was getting closer and closer to the ground.

Its body is so long and big; its pupils are so blue and scary.

This kind of thought was the only thing in the mind of the child Bell, and at the same time, Bell was terrified.

Bell looked at Kelly who was still crying, he wanted to yell, he wanted to reach out, and he wanted to let his sister Kelly run away.

But at this moment, Bell couldn't move at all, it was really too weak, it would even die in the next moment.

'Bell doesn't want to die, Bell wants to save her sister'

The child Bell was shouting in his heart, but no matter how his thoughts shouted, the miracle did not happen to him.

He still couldn't speak, couldn't move, and even he could already feel the gradually disappearing temperature of his body.

The monster was getting bigger and bigger in Bell's eyes, because the monster's head had just hovered over the forest.

The monster looked at Kelly who was crying, and Bell in Kelly's arms, with a very humane sympathy in his eyes.

Yes, Bell saw sympathy in the monster's eyes, the kind of look Bell had seen in his sister's eyes before.

And just as Bell was stunned and Kelly was crying, suddenly, the monster opened its mouth.

A gust of 'breeze' passed through the monster's huge mouth, and Bell saw that the breeze was like water and silk threads, and they were constantly pouring into his young body.

A cool breeze came, and a strong wind blew up in the forest.

Kelly, who was still howling and ignoring reality for a long time, followed her perception instantly, and raised her head with eyes blurred by tears.

And just looking up, Kelly found that just above her head, just in the treetops of the forest, a huge and terrifying head like a pavilion was quietly watching her.

Kelly was stunned, and even crying seemed to freeze in an instant.

There was a brief blank in her thinking, and even her brain was in a state of shutdown.

However, during the few seconds when Kelly was stunned, Bell, who was already about to die, suddenly moved.

Just now, just after the breeze and transparent water entered Bell's body, Bell felt unprecedented warmth.

It feels like being wrapped in warm hot water in a bath tub in the cold winter.

At the same time, Bell even felt that there seemed to be countless streams of heat flowing in his body.

The heat flows down his hands, his chest, his legs, and spreads to every part of his body.

For a moment, Bell felt unprecedented clarity.

The voice that disappeared in my ear came back, the strength that I lost in my arm came back, and the slightly black and white picture in my eyes turned into a colorful painting again.

"I'm ready?"

Bell stretched out his hand, and its unbelievable murmur of surprise and surprise reached Kelly's ears instantly.

As if getting an electric shock, Kelly instantly turned her head to look at Bell, who was holding her arms with clear eyes and raising her hand.

Unbelievable, surprising, all kinds of things, instantly turned into unspeakable surprises!

"Bei, Bell, you, how are you?"


"Sister Kelly, I'm fine, I'm fine!"

Bell was a child after all, and the huge surprise made him even forget that there was something still watching him.

He freed himself from Kelly's arms and jumped to his feet.

His eyes were full of surprise, and his words were full of excitement.

However, just after Bell finished speaking, Bell also looked up at the sky again.

However, when Bell looked up, it was no longer the 'god' he saw just now.

Yes, because beside Irisviel, Bell also saw a Malphite who seemed to be stepping on the top of a tree, and whose whole body was full of rock and flame colors.

Malphite relied on magnetic fields to levitate, but did not fly either.

He looked down at the two ant-sized humans among the trees, his eyes full of indifference and plainness.

However, just as Bell stared dumbfounded at the two 'gods' in front of him, exclamations suddenly came from the trail in the distance of the forest accompanied by the sound of horseshoes.

"Lord of Radiance, what kind of monster is that!"

"Alfred, let's leave quickly!"


Thanks to book friends Wangduan, Tianya, book friends 20201213190958221; book friends 20190525114254168; book friends 20210624010626724 for their rewards, thank you.

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