I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 286: National Awakening Plan

Time passed again unknowingly, and soon nearly ten days passed.

During these ten days, the Rob Yell kingdom on Star Nolan did almost nothing, and of course this included Ji Woo's avatars.

During this period of time, the Kingdom of Robuel was implementing reforms from top to bottom.

Yes, that's right, reform.

Recovering the country is obviously not the premise and the most important part, at least in the eyes of the royal family and the nobles.

For the future, and for their own benefit in the future, they must carry out institutional reforms, and they must start directly from within.

More than three-quarters of the Robuel kingdom had already fallen, and it was more suitable for them to start reforms during this fall. They rebuilt the national structure under the reforms, and then began to guard the land and reform from the inside out.

There is no country that lasts forever. If you want to prevent the country from being overthrown internally, if you want to ensure the permanent existence of the royal family and even control the power, then you can only learn from the Blue Star system.

In the past ten days, the blue star envoys have brought endless surprises to Rob Yell.

A large number of historical documents related to Blue Star, the current social structure, and the so-called seemingly equal but not equal society.

Equality is just a slogan, which can paralyze the people at the bottom, especially the so-called 'democracy'. Many countries in Blue Star are actually big capitalists, old nobles, and even the royal family who exist and control the direction of the country.

Giving everyone equality on the surface, and giving more people the chance to change their class.

But this kind of change probability is really a matter of opinion for the beholder.

Like the modernization of Blue Star, the Kingdom of Robuyer, under the influence of a group of missions from West York countries, directly adopted a similar reform plan of the constitutional monarchy.

The king rules but does not govern, and he does not manage politics when he is in the court; the king cannot intervene in the power faction struggle, and must maintain neutrality based on the principle of "justice and selflessness"; the king makes policy suggestions to the cabinet, which are not binding, and the ministers make suggestions to the king. The king is obliged to listen and act accordingly; the king exercises legislative power, executive power, judicial power and other powers under the entrustment or suggestion of the parliament or the cabinet.

In short, in the Kingdom of Robuel, the existing third prince Will directly inherited the throne, and then with the help of the so-called divine revelation, the church, and the mission country, he announced the reform of the country to all the residents of the royal city.

At the same time that Robuer announced the reform, a large number of resources supported by Blue Star also began to be transformed by Veronica and began to carry out large-scale modernization assistance in the center of Robuer's royal city.

Taking the royal palace in Wangcheng as an example, the ancient buildings are preserved, but inside the ancient buildings, a large number of engineering robots controlled by Veronica have begun to continuously erect modern objects such as wires and cables.

Even after setting up some machinery and equipment near the palace, Veronica only spent one morning building a nuclear power plant for Robuel in the southern port by atomic recombination.

The ignorant villagers, watching the Veronica flying across the sky due to the construction of large cables, and some large engineering vehicles and robots appearing on the ground all hid.

Veronica didn't even pay attention to these villagers, but every time she passed by, she sent the political officer arranged by Rob Yell to inform the local nobles, asking them to ensure the safety of cables and drones.

Veronica's construction is not as slow as that of humans. As long as there are enough resources and no obstacles, Veronica even predicts that she can completely remodel the entire royal city of Robuel in just one week.

However, Veronica would not do this, and the current King Will would not be so reckless.

At this stage, the Kingdom of Robuer has only signed a rough cooperation framework with various countries. Under the witness of the gods, Robuer will completely exempt the trade of various countries for five years in order to pay for the first payment of each country to the city of Robuer. Phase assistance.

In the first stage of assistance, the Blue Star countries only paid for a large amount of ore resources, chemical raw materials, and even nuclear raw materials, and Veronica built Robuel.

Among them, Veronica will take 30% of the resources as an "OEM fee".

As for the future, that is not Veronica's business.

At this stage, Veronica's construction for the Royal City of Robyel is more reflected in infrastructure construction.

For example, street lamps, electrical appliances, cables, etc., are just the threshold of bringing the royal city of Robuyer directly from the feudal primitive society to the modern electrified society in a brutal way.

Then, the larger construction, as well as commerce, etc., this is the matter of Robuyer and the Blue Star countries.

Because only in this way, the people of Robuyer can learn knowledge step by step with the "support" of the Blue Star countries and gradually adapt to the living atmosphere of the so-called modern society.

Social reform takes time, technology is only one aspect, and the most important subject is human beings themselves.

Otherwise, we will forcibly pull a primitive handicraft feudal society into the age of science and technology, and no one can predict the hidden dangers.

Furthermore, the countries of Western Europe like to export their own values, and one of the important conditions for aiding Robuer is that Robuer must change according to the social system they think.

At present, the country that mainly assists in the construction of Robuyer has been determined, and America is the leading country.

Then the five major countries will be "carved up" by the Ryan Federation and other countries.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten. This is an absolute fact. If you are weak and I will help you, then you must pay a certain price. Otherwise, who will help you?

Furthermore, the feudal rule does not conform to Blue Star's human values, so no matter whether it is intentional or not, these missions still want to incorporate all the countries of Norlan Star into the similar modern social system of Blue Star.

Of course, Robuyer also has the right to continue to maintain a feudal society, but anyone who is a little shrewd can actually see the benefits of the existing systems of the Blue Star countries.

Under the basic conditions in line with the national conditions, the third prince Will directly chose the direction of reforming a constitutional monarchy.

At the same time, he chose America as his ally among the five countries, and at the same time accepted America's assistance, guidance and reforms, and all the nobles who opposed the reforms were completely ignored by him.

There are two benefits of realizing the constitutional monarchy reform: in the short term, Robuer can get a lot of aid from America; and in the long term, Robuer can maintain the continuation of the royal family for a longer period of time.

In this way, Robuyer began to carry out unprecedented changes.

While Robuer was carrying out reforms, in order to let the people know as soon as possible what is a modern society and what is a wealthy and equal social environment, at the request of Will, Veronica also concentrated the flow of people in the Royal City of Robuer. Hundreds of large LCD screens were built in the neighborhood.

Some of these LCD screens stand directly on some large ancient buildings, while others are built directly on the side of the road.

Every LCD screen is guarded by Rob Yell's soldiers, in order not to be damaged by ignorant civilians and hooligans.

Those LCD screens will scroll through a slew of promotional videos, nearly all of which are expedited and edited by America.

The broadcasted content includes the modern urban landscape of America, as well as the family life of the American people, and of course the output of values ​​is indispensable.

The voice translation in the video was done by Veronica, and Veronica also added a picture that must be broadcast every day to the content.


It was around ten o'clock in the morning at the Xicheng Square in the Royal City of Robuyer.

The flow of people here is concentrated. Before the war, this was the most prosperous commercial center area in Robuyer.

If it was before, this place should have been full of hustle and bustle, but at this time, the hustle and bustle has long since disappeared.

The only sound covered here is only one, and that is the music played by the public speakers placed in various places in the square.

The entire Leiner Plaza covers an area of ​​nearly 50,000 square meters, surrounded by tall stone and wooden buildings.

While facing the direction of the square on the outer walls of these buildings, five large LCD screens are installed at this time.

The crowd is like a tide, here, at this time, a dense stream of people has gathered.

All of these people looked up at the contents of the LCD screen, or they were fascinated, or they talked in groups of three or four in low voices.

Whether they were nobles or ordinary people, most of them showed an unprecedented shock and longing when they watched the content of the video.

This is the third day after the new king of the Robuel Kingdom announced reforms, and it is also the second day after the construction of LCD screens throughout the city.

On the day when the new king announced the reform, many commoners and even minor nobles were panicked and didn't understand why.

Facing the different world, the so-called Blue Star, and the God-Fated Ones, Masters, etc., these people are all at a loss.

There are many people who are worried, apprehensive, and conspiracy theorists, but most of them choose to remain silent under the watchful eyes of the ‘gods’.

Many people's anxiety is visible to the naked eye.

However, after the second day, after seeing countless promotional content played on the LCD screen, people began to settle down and were attracted by the detailed content of the video.

Now, on this third day, under some uplifting music that blared throughout the city in the morning, the crowds gathered again and concentrated in places with LCD screens all over the city.

At this point, the content on the LCD screen is playing the video that will always be at the beginning of the title along with the music.

The opening video is in the form of a slideshow, and the flashing images are images of Oak Adam, Fawn, Irisviel, Malphite, Vera and Nika, and Raven Mitchell.

There is no audio introduction on the screen, just the general subtitles of Nolan's continent floating on the side or bottom of each slide.

1. "Adam the God-favored: He is the elder brother of the gods; he is the god of vegetation and the earth; he is the main god, the father of the gods, the only god, and the first god-favored person who masters divine power under the rule of all things."

(Under the care of the Lord God, the ruler of all things, the only God, and the father of the gods, he was born on the blue star in another world. He claims to be a favored person rather than a god.)

2. "Luwu, the God's Blessed One: He is the second son of the ruler of all things; he is the god who promotes the growth of life." (born in Blue Star)

3. "Irisviel, the Blessed God: She is the first daughter who rules all things; she is the god of ocean and water, frost and weather control." (born in Blue Star)

4. "Malphite the Favored of God: He is the third son of the ruler of all things; He is the god of lava and fire." (Born in Blue Star)

5. "Veranika, the God-favored: He is the second daughter (third daughter) who dominates all things; Born in Blue Star)

6. "Mitchell the God's Favored: He is the fourth son of the ruler of all things; he is the Lord of the Night, the Kingdom of Robyel, and the only god of Nolan Star."

At the beginning of the film, images of Adam and the so-called gods and gods are played back and forth, accompanied by subtitle introductions, which deepen the understanding of humans in this world to them all the time.

At the same time, while the six screens are playing, some large subtitles with only text are interspersed from time to time in the follow-up.

For example, correcting the traditional cognition of everyone in this world.

1. The so-called god-favored people are not god-favored people, they are just extraordinary beings, and they are the existence of the birth ability of "radiation" under the influence of the main god and the ruler of all things. (error)

2. Ziyue is the symbol of the abyss, the essence of evil, and the culprit who tries to destroy all normal life and make all life fall into evil and strange changes.

3. The ruler of all things has no fixed form. He is everywhere. He is the greatest and most noble existence. He is also the guardian and savior of all normal life.

He is benevolent and fraternal; He is as great as a king; He is the greatest god who has recovered from the world eroded by the abyss of the evil moon; He is impartial, tolerant and caring for all life. Guided to save the world and fight Ziyue.


The scrolling pictures and subtitles are constantly on display, and all the civilians and nobles are staring at the images and subtitles on the screen.

Many people even fall into reverie.

Over the past few days, under the propaganda of Rob Yell, almost all the residents of Wangcheng know the concept of cosmic planets, and even know different worlds and different gods.

Every world has its own rules. The gods of Blue Star do not claim to be gods, but in the eyes of humans in this world, aren’t the favored ones also gods?

Therefore, it is just a title, and many people still understand it.

But when they think that there are five gods in the so-called blue star, and there is only one god in their own world, these people feel both regretful and fortunate.

Many of the gods I thought existed were fake, they did not exist, they were fabricated by the Holy See.

Only with the approval of the ruler of all things, and the blessing and gift of great power, will the gods be truly born.

The impact of this concept on the people of this world is not insignificant.

Originally, according to the plan, in the publicity, it should not be denied that the Lord of the Night did not exist before, but now that the Blue Star and Nolan Star are connected.

Then, there is no need to conceal it. Foolish people are not what Adam and the others want, and it is not in line with the values ​​​​of Ji Yu and the gods.

Although this kind of thing may have an impact on the beliefs of some aborigines, short-term pain is worse than long-term pain. Mitchell and Adam directly announced the so-called truth as soon as they discussed.

Blue Star is also a modern society, doesn't it still have faith?

Furthermore, although Mitchell did not exist before, it can also be said that the ruler of all things took a fancy to the Nolan star, the piety and compassion of the people of Robuyer and their suffering, and turned Mitchell, the Lord of the Night, into a Reality.

Mitchell, the lord of the night will replace the lord of all things and continue to care for the kingdom of Robuel and Nolan Star, humans, even alien beasts, and all life.

Therefore, in the propaganda, Mitchell's appearance appeared in this way.

In this way, in this plan for the "awakening" of the whole Robuel, Mitchell's faith has not been reduced, but has gone further.

There will be another update after midnight, the first chapter will be delivered first in 4K.

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