I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 325 Temple and Mutation

According to the divine will of the goddess of knowledge, Lux and Kanna used the space magic circle to teleport into the underground ruins.

On this trip, they did not bring their disciples in for safety reasons.

The passageway of the underground ruins is very wide, 300 meters wide and nearly 80 meters high, and the metal walls on both sides of the wall are still scrolling with static pictures all the time.

Dim light illuminates the entire passage, looking at the inexplicable lines, looking at the scrolling picture, both of them have already been shocked.

There is a clear difference between intuitively seeing the underground ruins in front of you and seeing through images.

"It has remained unchanged for tens of thousands, or even hundreds of thousands of years. Looking at these, I really can't understand how such a powerful civilization was destroyed."

Kana's face was full of shock, looking at the scrolling screen and those huge crab-headed creatures, she muttered to herself.

Lux was as old as Kana, and his old face was full of dignity at the moment: "Mass extinction, even the ancient gods cannot be spared. This kind of disaster may be what we need to discover and avoid. At least we need to know this kind of catastrophe. Will extinction come again."

"The gods couldn't go down to the ground due to the god's covenant, and this is giving us mortals the opportunity to know about the mass extinction, discover history, and uncover the truth."

Lux's old face wore a slightly earnest expression.

"Heh~, you have a good idea. Although this relic seems to be well preserved, who knows what is on the road leading to it."

"If you encounter an iron man, let alone explore, it would be nice if you can escape in time."

Kana glanced at Lux, not forgetting the morale-damaging words.

"Iron man? Iron man is strong, but after a long time of corrosion, even if there is one, it may not be able to move."

"Okay, stop bickering with me, an old man, and start working, the goddess is watching us."

After Lux finished speaking, he didn't want to continue bickering with Kana, and then began to walk slowly towards the huge ruins.

Kana looked at Lux's back and chuckled, and then saw that Kana's whole body seemed to melt, and she turned into a small black cat in an instant.

The black cat followed Lux ​​with brisk steps and looked around vigilantly.

Along the way, the two seemed very cautious.

Just because apart from the metal walls activated by their disciples, there is darkness in the depths of the passage extending to nowhere.

In this darkness, one person and one cat did not cast any magic, what they were afraid of was touching the unknown mechanisms that might exist in the ruins.

The passage of the entire ruins is very long, and it seems to be going deeper underground.

At the same time, the two also discovered many collapsed boulders in the process of groping forward.

However, fortunately, the passage of the entire ruins was not blocked, so, in this extremely quiet darkness, accompanied by very light footsteps, the two finally found the exit of the ruins after about three days.

There was a gleam of light at the exit, and the two of them showed a hint of astonishment after seeing the gleam of light for a moment.

"Goddess, we won't go the wrong way, will we?"

Kanna looked at the radiant exit and said doubtfully in astonishment.

"No, I think we've found our destination."

Lux is different from Kana, after being slightly taken aback, recalling the knowledge about some ancient ruins in his mind, he suddenly smiled like this.

Under Kana's puzzled gaze, Lux quickened his pace.

In the end, Lux even ran.

Seeing the running Lux, the black cat that Karna turned into was full of weird eyes.

Are you still an old man who is about to die? I'm afraid the previous morbidity was not pretended.

Kana murmured in her heart, but she didn't fall behind.

Stepping into the twilight, rushing into the dazzling brightness, when a person and a cat suddenly break through the darkness, the person and cat immediately stand on the spot in a daze.

Lux never thought that there are such exaggerated underground ruins in this world.

At this time, one person and one cat were standing on the edge of the 'cliff'.

Outside the cliff, there is actually a huge underground space.

Above the dome of the underground space is a bright 'sunlight' composed of countless magic crystals.

Under the sunlight, there is a gigantic city under the cliff at this moment.

There are countless huge reinforced concrete houses in the city. These houses are abandoned, and their outer walls are even covered with vines and weeds at this time, but these vines and weeds are all dead at this moment.

Looking at this magnificent dead giant city, Lux and Kana didn't know what to say for a moment.

Their location faces the existence of a bridge leading down to the underground city.

But sadly, the steel bridge has collapsed.

Looking down from the edge of the cliff, you can even see the corroded appearance of the collapsed bridge.

"Isn't this too exaggerated? This underground relic is so huge, and it's still so well preserved?"

The black cat turned into a human again, and she was so stunned that she didn't even know what to say.

"Look at those buildings. These are all the technical knowledge of ancient civilizations. It would be great if we could master this knowledge."

Grand, spectacular, great? Lux could no longer find any words to describe the city in front of him.

"Lux, do you really dare to think that these ancient technologies are likely to be the main reason for the mass extinction. The gods expressly forbid learning them. If you want to die, don't drag me."

"In addition, we don't have so many divine power crystals in our era to allow us to reproduce the technology of ancient civilizations."

Kana said so, and at the same time looked at the dome with a look of financial obsession.

Above the underground city, in the center that casts a gentle light, a large number of magic crystals are revealing their entirety.

The so-called crystallization of divine power in this era is precisely the magic crystal.

In this era, the world has long since lost the magic crystal mine, replaced by a spirit mine that is less effective than the magic crystal, and can even be said to be very inferior.

"Tsk, are these ancient civilizations so extravagant? They actually used divine power crystals to make light sources? What a waste!"

Kanna spoke with an angry look on her face.

But just when Kana was muttering this, a gust of wind suddenly blew up around Lux, and then Lux, who was riding on the wind, flew towards the sky above the underground city in an instant.

The underground city is very huge, at least the part that is visible to the eye cannot be seen all at once.

Lux wanted to take a rough look at the entire city before deciding whether to explore. After all, he was still worried that there were still active iron men here.

Seeing Lux fly up, Kana was stunned for a moment, and immediately followed.

The two were observing the city below while flying, and it was during this observation that the two felt more and more trembling about the civilization of the crab-headed creature.

With such a city, such terrifying technology, the entire civilization disappeared so quietly?

What exactly caused the mass extinction?

For no reason, both Lux and Karna felt a tremor in their hearts.

However, when the two flew to the center of the giant city, they suddenly discovered that a huge temple appeared in the front of the giant city.

The temple was built on the rocks on the edge of the city, and the whole building was made of stone.

It's just that countless magic crystals embedded in these stone buildings can be seen.

The circuit connected by the magic crystal made the entire temple emit a faint white light, which formed flowing clouds.

There is also a huge circular square under the clouds.

The circular square is more than two kilometers in diameter, and at the same time, there are giant statues of cancer erected one after another on the periphery of the square.

Each of these giant crab sculptures is no less than 100 meters long and wide. They guard the square, they kneel down towards the temple, and their stone vertical eyes all look down and face the ground.

It looked like devout believers were praying to the gods in the temple.

Such huge beasts are not unavailable in this era of humans and orcs, but the strength of these giant beasts is all at the level of destroying cities and countries.

In the face of such a giant beast, except for the gods, there is no mortal who can resist it.

In the Magic Continent, in the era when humans and gods lived together, some foolish people even had records of enshrining certain giant beasts as gods.

However, in the age of civilization, almost all the giant beasts in the ancient world were wiped out by the gods.

Even if there are giant beasts that exist occasionally, they all hide in barren and inhabited places, even in the deep sea.

Of course, some of these giant beasts were tamed by the gods, and thus became the terminal combat power of various churches and countries today.

The magic continent is huge, and many people would not be able to travel through countries controlled by different gods to reach other countries in their entire lives, so this world still has too many secrets for mortals.

However, for Lux and Kana, there are some secrets to be explored.

Looking at the stone statue of the giant crab, looking at the square, and looking at the huge temple built on the second mountain, Lux and Kana unconsciously lifted their hearts.

The temple is alive, at least that's what Lux and Karna felt about the temple when they saw the scene with the moving clouds.

No, under the mass extinction, all life in ancient times has long since disappeared, and gods cannot be excluded.

Lux and Karna comforted themselves in this way.

At the same time, the two began to look at each other.

"Go?" Karna swallowed nervously.


Lux made up his mind.

It's all coming, if you want to know the truth of the mass extinction, then the temple is the most likely place to record the real situation of the mass extinction.

The mass extinction did not happen all at once, there must have been precursors, and such precursors must be recorded.

Although the texts of ancient civilizations were not very friendly to Lux, Lux felt that he would be able to translate some of them as long as he was given time.

In this way, with the desire to explore the truth of the mass extinction, Lux resolutely flew to the location of the temple.

Holding the respect for the ancient civilization and the awe of the ancient gods, the two fell down one after another after arriving at the square in front of the temple.

In the square of the temple, looking at the giant crab statue in front of them, Lux and Kana even felt a sense of oppression facing the goddess.

Under the huge stone crab statue full of traces of time, the height and even the status of the two of them seemed so small.

These Cancerians are gods, and much like gods.

But these cancers are not gods, because they are just servants serving the gods in front of the temple.

"Lux, I have a bad feeling that there might be something alive in the temple ahead."

Suddenly, when the two were approaching the bottom of the huge staircase of the temple, Kana suddenly spoke solemnly.

"How is it possible? Did you find anything?"

Of course Lux would not think that Kanna was overly nervous, they were both great magisters, and Kanna was also famous as a magister who studied spiritual power.

For intuition and early warning, Lux is willing to trust Kanna.

"No, although I didn't find anything, my spirituality has been warning me!" Kana was more serious than ever, and her expression was full of alert.

Lux hesitated.

He looked at the huge temple nearly a thousand meters away, and at the huge steps leading to the temple, he frowned deeply.

"Is the warning strong? Could it be because there are iron men in the temple?" Lux asked after thinking for a moment.

Kana is a bit complicated, because the spiritual premonition she feels is not too strong, but the spiritual premonition is not strong but it always gives her a very abnormal uneasiness.

"The warning is sometimes weak and sometimes strong, and the danger doesn't seem to be too much, but I always feel something is wrong!"

When Karna said that, Lux wanted to hesitate even more.

Kana and Lux ​​are not fledgling magic apprentices, and they are more cautious at such times.

Kana obviously also saw Lux's hesitation, she frowned, and then said, just to be on the safe side: "Why don't we go to the temple for the time being, and go search in the ruined city first?"

"Of course, if you really want to go to the temple, I think we'd better get ready."

As Kanna spoke, she grabbed a scroll from the void and handed it to Lux.

Looking at the space teleportation scroll in his hand, Lux immediately made a decision.

He frowned and said, "In this way, Kanna, you go to search the city of the ruins, while I go to the temple. If something happens, it won't make both of us fall into a too passive situation at once."

Obviously, for Lux, the temptation of the temple is very great.

Even if there is danger, he is willing to take the risk.

There is a reason for this, because the Goddess of Knowledge did not give them much time. Although the two of them secretly prayed to the Goddess of Knowledge through sacrifices for the matter of the ruins, in order not to violate the divine covenant of the Gelug pantheon, their personalities were more upright. The goddess of knowledge plans to announce the ancient ruins to the gods of the pantheon in five days.

For this reason, Lux was willing to take some risks in order to collect some useful information as soon as possible, in order to know some information that the gods were unwilling to announce, and the mortals did not want to know.

Looking at Lux's determined face, Kana sighed.

"Since you have said so, then you should be more careful."

Kana didn't say anything, but Lux nodded, and immediately jumped up and climbed the first step of the huge staircase leading to the temple the moment he turned his head to look at the temple.

However, Lux and Karna clearly underestimated the so-called risks.

Because, at the moment when Lux took the first step on the steps of the temple, the whole temple suddenly began to tremble.

No, the source of the trembling was not the temple, but the underground in the center of the square behind them.

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