I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 354 The Expeditionary Army and New Challenges

The dark starry sky is surrounded by vast silence.

In this empty place, at this time, accompanied by a main ship with a 30-kilometer-level interstellar fleet jumping out of the rippling space out of thin air, it became more lively in an instant.

"It's another new land of development, it's really exciting!"

In the command room of the starship's main ship, a human in a silver-blue military uniform said with regret.

"Indeed, but, Commander, the key is to explore and spread the glory of the empire."

The adjutant at the head of the ship said with a smile, and immediately said to the battleship brain: "Poke, scan the current star field overview, we need to know the situation here immediately."


The mechanical sound of the intelligence brain sounded, and then a large number of beams of light could be seen suddenly flying from the main ship.

Pillars of light shot out in all directions like silk and lines, and at the same time, there were countless huge metal doors wide open on both sides of the main ship.

In this way, after space fighters dived out of it one after another, these space fighters began to quickly enter the space warp state and disappeared one after another.

"The ancients will arrive later, and inform the fleet behind to spread out quickly to make room."

Enno ordered again, and then nearly a thousand starships behind the entire main ship quickly dispersed their formation.

The formation is arranged like wild geese flying, and the extension distance is at least 30,000 kilometers.

At the same time, in less than ten minutes, the information fed back by the brain arrived.

"After calculation, the current star field is the cantilever area at the edge of the 'Y63' galaxy, and the nearest star system to the expeditionary fleet is about 20 light-years away. May I ask your Excellency, Commander, whether you want to send the fleet to conduct preliminary exploration immediately."

Zhinao's answer made the commander of the expeditionary army ponder for a moment.

"Send the third team to the nearest star system to explore, and the rest of the ship is on standby. After the ancients initially build a two-way 'star gate', it will not be too late to cooperate with the other 290 fleets that will come later. !"

"In addition, inform His Majesty Sieg of the Council of God, and ask him to lead several other His Majesties to provide certain protection for the third team."

Only a moment after Enno's order was conveyed, the brain responded again.

"The third team has already set off. There are 38 planetary ship missions, about 572,000 personnel, more than 80,000 fighter jets, and 630,000 combat drones."

"In addition, His Majesty Sig has accepted your request, Commander, but he wants 30% of the exploration proceeds of the third team during this trip as his god resources."

En Nuo's face remained unchanged, and he nodded slightly.

"Pocke said that I agreed to His Majesty Sig's request, and told His Majesty Sig that if the trip goes well, I can personally promise him a quota of at least 30 resource stars as a reward from my authority."

"The information has been conveyed, and Seager, member of the Divine Chamber, thank you for your generosity."

En Nuo was in a very happy mood, and after giving the order, he sat on the bow and took a nap.

This operation is the second expeditionary operation since the establishment of the Holy Unity Empire.

There are a total of five galaxies on this expedition. From different directions of the three galaxies of the Holy Unified Empire, they simultaneously launched an expedition to the five galaxies adjacent to the Holy Unified Empire.

The military force participating in this expedition once reached four trillion people, a total of 68 million starships were dispatched, and a total of 1.86 million ancients and gods were dispatched, which accounted for nearly half of the current main force of the Holy Unified Empire.

This operation is yet another largest expedition since the founding of the Holy Unity Empire.

In addition to the population of the Holy Unified Empire's own attack, there are more than one hundred interstellar empires that are qualified to participate in this operation.

During this trip, all the interstellar empires want to eat a bite of meat, and the nobles and gods in the Holy Unified Empire are even more so.

Although the Holy Unified Empire will not use force against the interstellar civilizations in all the expeditions, there are always many dominant interstellar civilizations in every galaxy.

These civilizations definitely don't take seriously the hegemony of the Holy Unified Empire, and it is precisely through these opportunities that the Holy Unified Empire can justifiably launch wars and expand its influence, so that the rules it formulates become all that it currently touches. The iron rules that all civilizations must abide by.

The so-called knocking the mountain to shake the tiger, killing the chicken to scare the monkey, is exactly like this.

At the same time, it is in this operation again and again that all noble soldiers under the Holy Unified Empire have the opportunity to get more promotion opportunities.

After a galaxy war, there will always be a large number of soldiers who become nobles.

They may get promoted, or get a planet to become the leader of the ball. In short, a lot of opportunities are in front of them, and all the soldiers of the empire cannot be indifferent.

There are hundreds of millions of planets in a galaxy, and there are countless opportunities to dominate the original life and obtain a higher status.

In this way, the entire Holy Unified Empire is completely like a gold rush. Even if the ruler himself does not want to expand, the citizens and vassal interstellar civilizations will urge the empire to act quickly.

In this way, in this burst of enthusiasm, the Holy Unified Empire had just stabilized the third galaxy under its rule, and then went on an expedition again and marched into the five nearby galaxy at the same time.

Such a big move is risky, but the Holy Unified Empire has obviously expanded, and there is quite an idea of ​​wanting to rule the entire universe as soon as possible.

Therefore, in the case of the development of its own civilization, the emperor of the Holy Unified Empire was even replaced by a god of the Snake Fish Clan.

And this god is naturally a family member of the sea snake, and his predecessor was a priest.

At the same time, in order to better and in-depth publicize the great father "Nata and Creber", the emperor of the snake fish clan even married a crab queen.

In order to maintain the human form and not rely on the gods, this crabman turned into a cancer. It can be said that the empire forcibly "fed" it into a god-level existence with countless treasures.

Theocracy maintains the long-term existence and stability of the "God Council Hall", and at the same time, the god-like emperor can always maintain the direction of a huge civilization that has maintained its established policies for hundreds of thousands of years, millions of years, or even hundreds of millions of years.

The power structure of the Holy Unified Empire is roughly as follows:

The Great Father (Sea Serpent and Sea Crab) is the supreme authority.

The emperor (queen) is a first-level authority.

The Imperial Parliament and the Divine Council Hall are secondary authorities.

The parliaments of the alliance countries have three levels of authority.

The distribution of such a framework layer by layer will naturally become the guarantee for the longevity of the Holy Unified Empire.

At the same time, in order to better maintain the unity of the military and the government, there will not be a large number of changes in the core high-level. All citizens who have been promoted to the core high-level will all be forced to become demigods by the empire with countless resources.

Among the three galaxies touched by the Holy Unified Empire, the number of mysteriously detected planets is extremely small, and only one in a few hundred planets with life can be found.

However, even so, it was enough for the Holy Unified Empire to discover many different routes to promote the existence of god-level life forms.

Among them, there are seven routes to promote god-level life forms:

1. Belief in God based on faith;

2. It is a planet god who does not need belief but receives the original blessing of the planet;

3. After the life is promoted to a demigod, directly seize the 'divinity' of the disobedient god, so as to create a false god with technology.

4. The only god born from the subconscious collection of the intelligent race is the race god.

5. There are very few giant beasts in the galaxy, with little or no wisdom, that is, the "giant beast god".

6. The god-descendant god who was radiated and born by the great father.

7. The original will of the planet, as well as the mother tree, and beings like the 'Great Father' are classified as the 'God of Civilization'.

For now, the gods recorded in the Holy Unified Empire are these seven.

The "Great Father", the god of civilization, is the nominal core of the entire holy unified empire, while the mother tree is slightly inferior, and there is little publicity. After all, the Sierra civilization is also the Dreiser Empire dominated by tigers, werewolves and rabbitmen.

In this way, the status and role of the fifteen hundred gods born from the mother tree in the entire civilization are almost pitiful.

Most of the Holy Unified Empire is controlled by the Snake and Fish King Clan and its affiliated "former deep sea" tribes, while the other half is controlled by the Crabmen, Tiger Werewolves, and Rabbitmen.

Even in the Council of Gods, the 'Craib' pantheon and the 'Nata' pantheon occupy the greatest say.

The main responsibility of the Creber pantheon is to build and maintain stargates, while the Nata pantheon is mainly responsible for expeditions and maintaining the stability of the empire.

In this way, the entire Holy Unified Empire probably maintains a strong operation like this.

Enno is a demigod and the supreme commander of the Third Expeditionary Force of the Holy Unified Empire's expedition to the galaxy 'Y63'.

His background is not very good, because of human beings, even if his ancestors came out of the Sierra civilization, the orthodoxy of the background is not as high as that of the tiger werewolf, rabbit man and crab man.

But relying on the military exploits he made during the empire's first expedition, and just in time for the empire to balance and introduce other races into the parliament, he slowly became a member of the imperial parliament step by step from a small officer.

At the same time, because he was born in the Sierra civilization, he was naturally labeled as the Creber pantheon.

In this way, with the help of a group of seniors, he was favored by the ancient 'Tan', and successfully entered the eyes of the Empress of the Empire.

Therefore, this is why he became the commander of the third expeditionary fleet this time.

En Nuo was a little high-spirited, but he didn't forget how many eyes were watching him during this trip, so En Nuo must be cautious this time.

He will not give other factions a chance to attack him.

Therefore, he will think twice about all orders and try his best not to make any mistakes.

On the main seat, En Nuo just closed his eyes for a nap, but soon opened them again.

Because the intellectual brain informed him that the ancients had arrived.

"Feros is here for you, I'll go and greet you!"


The adjutant nodded, and En Nuo disappeared into the starship in the next instant.

In the boundless darkness, the huge star fleet illuminates most of the surrounding area.

But different from these starships, at the rear, the sixteen giant crabs are shining with endless light and heat like little suns.

That is the Cancer, and it is the arrival of the Cancer with a large number of magic crystals.

Today, the traditional military power of the entire Holy Unified Empire has almost been replaced by nuclear fusion power, and only a small number of warships are still equipped with magic crystal technology.

Magic crystals are the most important material in a huge empire, and they are also the most indispensable and scarce material for the construction of the "Beam Highway" star gate, so the magic crystals produced by the Miracle Starfield have long become a scarce material for control.

Enno projected a giant figure about three kilometers in front of a headed cancer.

The illusory projection of three kilometers is like a child compared to Cancer.

Because the Cancer who arrived on this trip is the highest-ranking elder 'Tan' in the Creber pantheon.

Today, the length and width of the Cancer tank are far more than 35 kilometers. Except for the first period of the expedition, the Cancer tank spends most of the time in the Miracle Starfield.

Relying on the uninterrupted teleportation of the star gate again and again, it only takes a few star hours to cross the three galaxy.

The star gate is in the shape of a ring, with a maximum diameter of one hundred kilometers.

After the directional long-distance crossing, it is necessary to establish a stargate for directional return connection, so this is the reason why these cancers come by.

And because this expedition is another brand-new galaxy for the expedition, and because Enno's trip is an opportunity won by the Kreb pantheon against all odds, no mistakes can be tolerated, so there is a Cancer tank with a special status. 'It's all coming.

The moment the Cancer tank appeared in this star field, he had already begun to feel the information of the nearby galaxy.

Through the pheromone, which is like an electromagnetic wave, Tan can analyze some information from it, and can sense everything around him at a longer distance.

However, in just a moment, Tan felt a sense of chaos spreading in the dark energy.

Tan erected his huge vertical eyes as if concentrating on the distance, and seemed to be continuing to sense the cause of the chaos spreading from the dark energy.

"Elder? Are you?"

En Nuo wanted to say hello immediately, but when he arrived, he saw the strangeness of the Cancer tank, so he asked tentatively with doubts.

Tan glanced at En Nuo, and then a voice with a sense of vicissitudes appeared in En Nuo's mind.

"There may be some problems in this galaxy. In short, Enno, it seems that your trip will not go smoothly."


En Nuo was stunned for a moment, then frowned.

"Elder, did you find something?"

"No, I didn't find anything, but the dark energy of this galaxy is restless, and there is an inexplicable anomaly. This is the case where the previous two galaxies don't exist, so there must be some problems here. .”

Frankly speaking, and the spiritual consciousness is still deeply using the transfer function of dark energy to spread its spirituality.

Ignoring the distance of space, Tan's eyes can even see through the astral plane behind the material plane.

The astral world is dead silent, similar to the material interface, and there is no problem, but because the astral world is too dead silent, Tan has a somewhat bad premonition.

God-level life forms, especially those in such a powerful state as tanks, often times when bad thoughts come to the fore, it must be a sign that something is going to happen.

"I feel the rage of dark energy, and I also feel a kind of crisis, which can make me like this. I think the challenges I will encounter next will not be small."

Tan has become serious, and at the same time looked at the dozen or so giant crabs behind him.

"Immediately build the star gate, and it must be completed within three weeks. In addition, Li and Luo, once the star gate is completed, you should go back immediately, and immediately bring 10,000 people from the clan to rush over!"

The two cancer crabs who were called by their names looked solemn, and then immediately nodded their eyes in response.

As for Tan, his voice continued to ring in the minds of Cancer and Enno around him.

"Building a star gate and promoting the benevolence and greatness of God the Father are not allowed to have any obstacles. Even if it is not for the glory of the so-called unified empire, we must remove all obstacles."

"Enno, when all the follow-up fleets arrive, order them all to follow me to have a look."

En Nuo understood the seriousness of the matter, but then smiled wryly.

"Maybe the elder doesn't know, but I have just sent a small team to the star system ahead."

"It's okay, if this is the case, maybe we can read the message sent by this team before making plans. In addition, the people of the empire should not suffer insignificant losses. Enno, go ahead and let those little guys pay attention .”

"Okay, I'm going!"

En Nuo said and left quickly after saluting.

Looking at En Nuo's disappearing phantom and the three thousand huge starships around him, the Cancer Tank immediately turned around to help the Cancers build the star gate.

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