I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 5 Outsiders

Entering the incarnation of the oak tree again, it is noon on the side of the Bana rainforest.

Because the sun was too hot, Ji Yu didn't see many savages under the tree.

"It's rare for these savages to see a 'miracle' that doesn't hold any bigger event enthusiastically? This is a rare reason."

"But that's fine, it won't disturb my quiet cultivation."

Ji Yu laughed alone, and then entered a state of meditation again on his own.

There was nothing in between.

When I woke up again, it was already evening.

The twilight of the horizon fades away.

Under the oak tree, the crowd gathered.

Large and small bonfires were lit, and several big black pigs that the Savage Tribe had kept in captivity were being pulled.

The howls of the wild boars mixed with the festive atmosphere on the faces of the wild people in the tribe created a very unusual and exotic scene.

The women are sharpening knives and preparing various ingredients, while the men are setting up the celebration scene.

On both sides of the stone access road, the branches of a large number of oak trees that guard the "sacred tree" are all tied with colorful strips of cloth.

At the same time, unlike the early morning, Ji Yu also found that the number of people in this savage tribe suddenly increased.

The moment Ji Yu woke up, his vision focused on the many savages with guns on their backs that appeared at the outermost edge of the access road.

No, it's not right to call them savages, because these savages are very different from the tribal natives.

They wore synthetic fiber clothes, trousers, and even a peaked cap that only civilized societies would use.

The aborigines in the tribe are all wearing loincloths such as animal skins. As for decent clothes and trousers?

doesn't exist at all.

However, it is in such stark contrast.

In this tribe, the showdown between civilization and barbarism is obviously the winner of the barbarian side.

The reason is very simple, because Ji Yu even saw an aboriginal wearing a loincloth teaching a few 'outsiders' with guns on their backs, and these outsiders bowed their heads and did not dare to speak a word.

At the same time, from the fact that these outsiders can only stop at the outermost periphery of the access road, it is very clear about the status.

"Is it interesting?"

While watching curiously, Ji Yu also noticed the only strong young man in full clothes and trousers standing beside the tribal elder.

The tribal elder was smiling all over, while the strong young man was supporting the tribal elder and talking intimately, which seemed to be short words from the parents.

Could this be the son of the 'Chief'? Or a grandson?

Is this primitive tribe a holy place like a family?

In order to maintain the purity of traditional culture and inheritance, so the original life is maintained here?

Ji Yu was thoughtful, and at the same time began to speculate on the relationship between the tribe and the so-called outsiders.

In the process of this observation, Ji Yu felt the helplessness of the language barrier.

"Anyway, a few sentences in a language that I can understand."

For example, the lingua franca of the world is "Western". Although Ji Yu can't understand all of it, he can understand 30 to 40 percent of it.

"It's boring if you don't understand anything."

Feeling bored, Ji Yu stopped paying attention to the chatter between the chief and his blood relatives.

He counted the number of outsiders this time.

"One hundred and thirty-seven people?"

Not much, but not too much, and it’s hard to say if this is all. After all, it should be a little difficult to raise a primitive tribe of nearly 500 people with this alone, right?

Why do you say nurture?

The answer is very simple, because compared with the real traditional primitive tribes on the Internet, the people of this tribe are too spiritual, and there is no shortage of food and clothing at all.

Under the primitive hunting system, there is no shortage of food and clothing, which must be an unreasonable situation.

Therefore, it is not difficult for Ji Yu to deduce that many of the food of this primitive tribe may have been obtained through these 'foreigners'.

Although this tribe is trying their best to reject foreign products, Ji Yu can still see some things in terms of food and seasoning.

"No wonder I always felt that something was wrong with this tribe!"

"It's clear now."

As a closed primitive tribe, there are too few old people in this tribe.

Except for the chief and more than a dozen other respected old people, most of the tribe turned out to be all young women, strong men, and some healthy children and teenagers.

Not a single sick person exists? Is this reasonable?

"In this way, many people of this tribe's tribe should be living normally and living in other places."

Ji Yu has his own conclusions, and at the same time agrees.

After all, these guys with guns showed up.

"It is inferred that the place where I am, these oak tree communities, and the existence of the access road may really have a strong symbolic or heritage significance for this tribe."

"Otherwise it doesn't explain why these people exist here in the most primitive way."


As night fell, the sacrificial activities began.

Under Ji Yu's gaze, the biggest wild boar howled and was pushed down on the stone platform under the oak tree by several big men first.

After the long knife stabbed a terrible wound on the neck of the wild boar, blood spurted out.

The howl of the wild boar continued, but with the loss of blood, its howl continued to weaken until it completely lost its voice.

The blood followed the stone platform and the concave groove under the stone platform and soon merged into a blood pool groove directly under the oak tree.

Looking at this scene, Ji Yu called it a waste.

"How many meals would it take to make this bloody! It's a waste of money."

"It's so cheap these flies and maggots."

This scene of killing pigs almost overlapped with the scene where Ji Yu watched his own killing pigs when he was a child, which made him nostalgic for a while.

Although it was a little physically uncomfortable, childhood memories quickly made him feel that way.

One after another wild boars are constantly being caught up on the sacrificial altar, and the blood is constantly gathering.

The blood pool in the small groove under the tree is almost overflowing.

However, after the ninth wild boar was slaughtered, the blood sacrifice finally came to an end.

Then, of course, there was another long chant of the tribal elder wearing a feather-crowned hat.

Then, with all the aboriginals and outsiders bowing down, the prelude to the sacrifice is complete.

But just after all these people stood up, the tribal elders on the high platform suddenly approached the foot of Ji Yu's 'sacred tree'.

Then I saw that the elder of the tribe suddenly took the machete handed over by the elder.

Grabbing a touch of green, the elder quickly cut it off with a machete.

At this time, Ji Yu looked a little puzzled.

"This? It doesn't seem to be a branch on your body, right?"

Ji Yu could see clearly what the green plants were cut by the elders of this tribe.

It was a cluster of things like saplings.

This thing didn't grow out of the ground and coiled around the oak tree, but emerged directly from the oak tree and grew like a small shrub.

And if you look closely, Ji Yu can see that there are many such plants on his oak tree.

They are small and live in clusters on oak trees.


"When did these things come out?"

Ji Yu clearly remembered that his branches were all bare yesterday, well, except for his own branches and leaves.

In this way, Ji Yu seemed a little puzzled and worried.

Ji Yu planned to go offline after a while to check online, and then looked at the actions of the elders of the tribe below.

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