Above the ruins, a large amount of mixture of stones and mud were continuously thrown away on the wet ground.

Ji Yu controlled the little deer to run ahead, while a giant terrifying creature was chasing him about fifteen kilometers behind him.

This terrifying creature is like a moving mountain of meat.

It appeared from the ground and has been chasing Ji Yu for more than an hour.

Roshan is nearly 500 meters high, and looks a bit like a moving slime.

But unlike slime, its body surface is neither transparent nor moist, but instead presents a fleshy scarlet and greasy flesh color.

Its body surface is entwined with black mist, and it appears and disappears from time to time, and there are countless flesh and blood tentacles rising from its body.

The top of each of these tentacles is a face, or a head.

And these heads, without exception, are the kind of lion-headed human beings that Ji Yu had seen on colored coins before.

Their faces were covered with bloodstains protruding like tumors, and they kept biting and screaming at each other.

The head on one tentacle is eaten by another, and another grows on the tentacle.

Endless, repeated, full of madness.

There were so many noisy and painful voices that it made Ji Yu's eyebrows burst.

I don't know if it's an illusion, but when the living body of Roshan is getting closer and closer to the little deer, Ji Yu gradually feels a little unreal when looking around with the little deer's vision.

The sound made by the countless tentacles of this meat mountain is somewhat similar to a mental attack.

Its spiritual radiation made Ji Yu start to have some cognitive deviations.

Roshan turned into a resplendent palace, and inside the palace there were countless handsome men and women waving to him.

The resplendent and resplendent palace towering over the sky looked very majestic and sacred, while he himself seemed to be in a black abyss of filth.

"Temptation? That's it?"

Energy, shielding the deer's head, the phantom quickly receded like a tide.

For Roshan behind him, Ji Yu can almost judge its approximate strength just by looking at its body size and the degree of leakage of Ziyue's energy.

Stronger than Xiaolu, and much stronger.

At the same time, this Roshan's mental attack method is far superior to that of Xiaolu.

After all, it is about fifteen kilometers away, which will affect the spiritual consciousness of Xiao Lu and Ji Yu, which is indeed powerful enough.

However, it is a bit wishful thinking to catch up with the fast deer due to its bulky body.

The reason why it seemed to be chasing the deer just now was entirely because of Ji Yu's curiosity, wanting to see what kind of life form was chasing him.

But after seeing it now, Ji Yu certainly no longer has the dangerous idea of ​​letting him get close to him.

Controlling the little deer, speeding up the running pace, Ji Yu even played the tactic of flying a kite.

Because there is still nearly half an hour before returning to Blue Star, Ji Yu, who has no other thoughts, of course doesn't mind playing with this slow big guy.

During this period, there was no danger, and finally, accompanied by a sense of spatial shock, the deer under Ji Yu's control returned to the familiar forest in the blink of an eye.

Looking at Ziyue, which is still bright in the sky, Ji Yu feels that what happened just now is a bit like playing a dungeon of a game.

However, this thought just crossed my mind.

Step down the cliff.

Come to the broad river bank under the waterfall.

Ji Yu controlled the deer to open its mouth, and spit out a pile of mushroom heads and dozens of pages.

"It was really brought out?"

Ji Yu was a little dazed.

Logically speaking, the life of the mushroom head should not be brought out.

After all, the life that appeared in the food street disappeared with Ziyue.

Boundary, the existence of this strange area, Ji Yu knew about it as early as last week.

Because, when Fanny Campbell explained to Simon the current specific form of the world, Ji Yu had been sideways and listening quietly when he turned into an oak tree.

Creatures in the realm cannot appear in other realms of Blue Star, but the mushroom-headed life did.

And they are even worse, because they came to Blue Star directly from the Purple Moon World.

This naturally aroused Ji Yu's curiosity.

"Shouldn't these little guys be repelled like the deer and the oak tree when they appeared in the Ziyue world?"

"It's possible, but it still needs to be observed."

Ji Yu is obviously interested.

However, regarding Ji Yu's interest, these mushroom heads brought to Blue Star are not interested in knowing.

Because after they fell on the grass, they all jumped up and down.

And all of them seemed very excited and quickly hugged the nearby grass roots, or hugged the nearby saplings, and kept sucking and sucking with their two small nostrils.

These mushroom heads were very intoxicated, and gradually settled down in the excitement.

Seeing that the thirty-seven mushroom heads all returned to their normal mushroom-like appearance and took root in the soil, Ji Yu smiled heartily.

"It's kind of interesting. It doesn't have the habit of chaos and plundering life. It really looks like an ordinary mushroom."

"Except for their ability to move and run."

Looking at these mushroom heads, Ji Yu controlled the deer and didn't plan to move around anymore, but squatted down on the spot, and then began to look at the many coins of unknown civilizations beside him.

Ji Yu's purpose in bringing out these coins is to bring the deer herd to Ryan.

There was a lot of movement before Ji Yu disappeared on the cliff. For Ryan officials who monitored the forest in real time, the disappearance of the deer would definitely cause them great concern.

But now he suddenly appeared and handed over these coins, Ji Yu thought, as long as the official Ryan is not a fool, they should be able to guess something, and at the same time know that Xiaolu's wisdom is not as simple and childlike as they thought.

And taking this as an opportunity, Ji Yu intends to let Xiaolu establish a closer relationship with Ryan.

In short, Ji Yu has done everything he can, and what happens next depends on how Ryan officially responds.

Thinking of the mountain of meat just now, and the lion heads on the countless fleshy tentacles on the mountain of meat, Ji Yu even thought of the day when the purple moon really descended on the blue star, and countless human beings melted and merged to form such a strange figure.

For Ziyue, whether it is human beings or other creatures of Blue Star, what should be done at this moment is not to intrigue and doubt this or that, but to deal with Ziyue's crisis together.

This is the most correct choice.

Nest full and eggs complete?

If the attitudes of the two sides are not changed now, are they still hostile to each other? And wait to die?

Compared with Ji Yu's incarnation needing human beings, it is better to say that human beings need the help of Ji Yu's incarnations.

It is true that human beings have powerful weapons, but don't the unknown civilizations not?

If the individual is not strong, when the purple moon descends and countless strange beings appear on the blue star, then mankind will surely usher in a devastating catastrophe.

But before the catastrophe, Ji Yu only wanted to do what he wanted to do, and was willing to make some personal efforts for it.

A life like Xiaolu who is resistant to Ziyue can take the lead in making a further concession and expressing his willingness to be intimate. Ji Yu thinks that Ryan should not refuse.

At least, when it comes to dealing with Xiao Lu, they should also change their previous so-called mentality of just thinking about taking advantage.

After all, equality is the basis of close cooperation.

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