I Can Incarnate Everything

Chapter 91 Banshee, Fairy (Part 1)

After a few steps, Ji Yu came to the side of the banshee and looked down.

At this moment, the Banshee's whole body was covered with terrifying wounds, the biggest wound being her lower waist.

The diameter is more than seventy centimeters, and even the intestines and internal organs in her body can be seen.

But the only good thing is that the banshee's head is still intact.

Perhaps during the explosion, she only had time to protect her head and upper body with the greatest strength.

The banshee still had a slight snort, her face was full of pain and she fell into a semi-comatose state.

"It's a pity, what a beautiful 'Little Aunt Liang', she is about to die."

Ji Yu shook Xiaolu's head, intending to give the banshee a final blow.

However, as soon as he lifted the deer's hoof, Ji Yu's expression suddenly changed to reveal a thoughtful look.

Looking at the banshee, in the end Ji-woo doesn't give her the last kick, he puts down the deer hooves.

Because he suddenly remembered Xiaolu's life-grafting feature, and planned to try it out at the same time.

This is a rare test material.

A banshee is no more than a thorn, she is no plant.

For Ziyue life that is not a plant, Ji Yu certainly cannot let go of this opportunity to experiment.

He wanted to see if the grafting of life would have the terrifying ability to decompose a life like a banshee like a thorn.

However, before that, Ji Yu still didn't want the banshee to die all at once.

And in order to deal with some changes that the banshee may have, he needs to make some preparations before that.

In this way, Ji Yu controlled the deer to start turning, and headed towards the forest outside the boundary.

Leaving the realm is not difficult. When the deer comes to the border of the realm, Xiao Lu can easily step out of the phantom-like purple moon barrier of the realm.

There is no strange feeling, just like walking out of a place normally.

Looking back at the hazy realm like a phantom, Ji Yu finally began to absorb the essence of life from the trees in the surrounding forest.

Along the way, there are naturally scattered life essences flying around the fawn.

Meanwhile, the herd of sika deer that had all run out of the boundary before began to cry at the deer in the shadows of some subordinates, which was a joyous emotion.

I am delighted that the prophets of my own family can walk out of that terrible place so intact.

Although most of these two thousand sika deer do not possess intelligence, they can still express their instinctive emotions.

In addition, they are already close to the limit of the extraordinary, even if they have not entered the second level for the time being, wisdom has already begun to germinate a little.

Ji Yu also responded to the joy of the surrounding deer herds, letting the deer utter a reassuring cry, and then these deer herds naturally calmed down again, and quietly hid in the shadows of the woods everywhere.

Seeing that most of the deer herd had returned to calm, Ji Yu smiled, and then controlled the deer to drift away.

Most of the woods in front of me were 'damaged' by the little deer a few days ago. Absorbing too much life essence is not good for this forest.

Therefore, Ji Yu intends to go further afield to collect enough life essence.

The Jishui Mountains are short of everything, but they are not short of trees.

In this continuous mountain range, there are far more trees than imagined.

Running all the way, it took about two or three minutes, and Ji Yu controlled the deer to return to the realm again.

When they came to the ground where the banshee was lying flat, the banshee was still half-dead at this moment, and her breath was getting weaker and weaker.

For a Ziyue life like a banshee, Ji Yu guessed that she might be a third-level life form.

Of course, her third-level life cannot be compared with Xiaolu.

After all, Xiaolu has obtained a twenty-fold increase in life grafting.

After all, the upper limit of the vitality of ordinary sika deer's second-level life body is only five points, while that of the small deer is one hundred points.

Xiaolu's super booster physique, coupled with the god-level characteristics of life grafting, naturally there is a huge gap between the two.

"Try it."

At this moment, the life essence floating all over Xiaolu's body is like a ball of light, covering Xiaolu's entire body.

Stretching out his front hoof, Ji Yu let him lightly touch the banshee's body.

Then, under the decomposition of Ziyue's energy in Ziyue's life body by life grafting, the banshee's body began to shrivel up like the thorns before, and countless purple-black particles on her body rose and floated into the sky like black mist.

Looking at this scene, Ji Yu was not surprised.

However, when the banshee's body was shriveled and seemed to die at any time, Ji Yu began to introduce the essence of life into the banshee's body.

And it was this one.

The banshee's originally weak aura suddenly began to increase.

She frowned, her face was full of pain, and she even groaned unconsciously.

The decomposition of life grafting continues, and the input of life essence also continues.

As the two retreated and advanced, a scene appeared that made Ji Yu a little curious.

Because, the banshee's size is actually starting to shrink.

"It's interesting."

Ji Yu speeded up, and looked directly at the banshee's changes.

A minute later, the banshee's size had shrunk by a full factor of 1, only about 1.5 meters.

All of her long purple hair fell out, and a large amount of dead skin appeared on her body.

In this way, it is like a snake shedding its skin, shedding layer after layer.

But the snake sheds its skin to grow bigger, but the banshee does it to grow smaller?

At this moment, the banshee's breathing was very steady, just like a normal bald woman.

But because of the dead skin all over her body, the banshee's current appearance is not very good-looking.

Moreover, the purple-black energy in the banshee's body has not been completely cleared.

For this reason, Ji Yu certainly will not stop the pace of experimentation.


Two minutes later, the banshee woke up and kept screaming, but she couldn't resist being trampled by the deer.

At this time, the banshee was already less than one meter in size.

Three minutes later, the banshee was even less than fifty centimeters.

Ji Yu seemed incomparably surprised by this.

"Can it be any smaller?"

Ji Yu frowned while continuing to increase output.

Because the banshee has already passed out again at this moment, of course Ji Yu doesn't hold back.

Then, another minute later, Ji Yu finally found that the essence of life could no longer be instilled into the banshee's body.

At this time, the shape of the banshee even made Ji Yu feel a little strange.


The deer blew away a large amount of black dead skin that the banshee had shed before.

These dead skins are like powder, and they fly away when blown.

In this way, the appearance of the banshee can be said to be completely clear in the eyes of Xiao Lu and Ji Yu.

ten centimeters.

It is slightly larger than an adult finger.

This is the final shape of the banshee after transformation.

The skin of the whole body is crystal clear, and the two pairs of miniature wings like cicada wings are even more compact.

The face is exquisite and unchanged, but the hair has changed from red to light yellow-green.

See such a banshee.

No, it should be said to be a goblin, Ji Yu was even speechless for a while.

"Is there a mistake? Is this a little too small?"

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