The sun sets.

Zhou Shan rushed back to the fishing dock before dark, sold the catch in his hand and returned home.

He took out two hidden money bags and went to Ping'anfang.

In addition to buying martial arts, the family's firewood, rice, oil and salt were running out, and they needed to buy some.

Bang, bang, bang---

Zhou Shan came to the house of Wang Xuan, who bought the turtle breathing skill, grabbed the lock and knocked on the door.

He wanted to practice the martial arts of underwater body movement, but there was no other way, so he could only come to ask Wang Xuan. Wang Xuan's family used to run a martial arts school, so it was impossible that there was only the turtle breathing skill.


The door opened from the inside.

"Who are you looking for?"

A man in his twenties appeared in front of him.

"Sorry, I recognized the wrong door."

Seeing that it was not Wang Xuan who opened the door, Zhou Shan immediately apologized.

Although he said so, he knew that he did not recognize the wrong thing.

Wang Xuan lived in this house.

However, after seeing that the person who opened the door was a strange young man, Zhou Shan immediately released his mental power to investigate and found that there was no figure of Wang Xuan in the courtyard, but there was another strong man.

According to the strength of life fluctuations, this strong man is several times stronger than ordinary people.

Mental perception can judge a person's strength by sensing the strength of life fluctuations.

Zhou Shan compared the life fluctuations of this strong man with his own. Although the strong man was stronger than him, he was not much different. He was a "warrior" at the second level of strong blood like him.

Or it is more appropriate to say that he is a quasi-warrior.

"Wait a minute, are you here to buy martial arts secrets from Wang Xuan?"

The young man who opened the door said.


Hearing this, Zhou Shan stopped.

"This house belongs to Wang Xuan, but he lost money in the Jude Casino. Everything in this house, including the martial arts secrets, has been mortgaged to us. If you want to buy martial arts secrets, you can find us."

The young man said.

"I don't have much money on me." Zhou Shan said, "Wang Xuan sells martial arts secrets, but only a few hundred coins."

"Don't worry, we sell it at the same price as Wang Xuan."

The young man said.


Zhou Shan nodded.

"Come in with me!"

The young man took Zhou Shan into the house.

In the lobby, a strong man was lying on a recliner, flipping through a secret book in his hand.

"Brother, this little brother is here to buy a secret book."

The young man came to the strong man and whispered.

"Let him choose it himself."

Zhang Hu continued to look at the secret book in his hand and said lightly.

Selling a secret book only costs a few hundred coins, which is just a small profit for him.

But mosquito legs are meat no matter how small they are, and it's a waste not to make money.

After a month, he can also make a few taels of silver.

"Okay!" The young man took Zhou Shan to a study room, then took out four secret books from a desk drawer and said, "There are four secret books here, you can choose one yourself!"

Zhou Shan stepped forward, picked up the four secret books and started reading.

The four secret books are "Turtle Breathing Skill", "Stone Breaking Fist", "Swimming Fish Body Method" and "Soul Shocking Technique".

Among them, Turtle Breathing Skill is the martial arts he practiced, which can strengthen the body, strengthen the blood, and increase the strength. It improves the practitioner's own physique, while Stone Breaking Fist is a fighting method.

Zhou Shan opened the first page of Stone Breaking Fist, which has a comprehensive overview.

"Stone Breaking Fist": It can instantly condense the power of blood and qi, overwhelm people with momentum, with amazing explosive power, and break stones.

"Swimming Fish Body Method": Water fighting body method, practiced to the state of great success, can make people feel at ease in the water.

"Soul Shocking Technique, this is actually a spiritual secret technique!"

Zhou Shan opened the Soul Shocking Technique secret book, with surprise in his eyes.

Spiritual martial arts, rare in the world.

At least, Zhou Shan had never heard of anyone practicing spiritual martial arts in Baisha County.

Soul-stunning art is a spiritual secret art, and if you want to practice spiritual secret art, you must first cultivate spiritual power.

Therefore, for most warriors, spiritual secret art has no value at all, but Zhou Shan is different. Although he has not practiced spiritual martial arts, he has the talent of "infinite spirit". His spiritual attributes are improving every day, and the spiritual power in his sea of ​​consciousness is also getting stronger every day.

Zhou Shan just meets the standard of practicing soul-stunning art.

"You have been looking for so long, have you chosen it?"

At this time, the young man interrupted Zhou Shan's thoughts.


Seeing the impatient look on the young man's face, Zhou Shan closed the secret book.

"Which secret book do you want?"

The young man asked.

"Except for the turtle breathing skill, I want all of them." Zhou Shan said: "How much is it in total?"

"Don't want the turtle breathing skill?"

Hearing this, the young man was also stunned.

Among these four martial arts, only the Turtle Breathing Technique is a technique that can strengthen the Qi and blood. The other three are martial arts. If you don't practice the techniques and only practice the martial arts, it will be just fancy moves, which are good-looking but useless.

"I have bought the Turtle Breathing Technique from Wang Xuan before."

Zhou Shan said truthfully.

"I see." The young man nodded, and then said: "Stone Breaking Fist 350 coins, Fish Swimming Body Technique 300 coins, Soul Shocking Technique 250 coins, a total of 900 coins, no bargaining."


Zhou Shan took out two money bags, took out a hundred coins from one of them, and then handed the two money bags to the young man.

The young man approached the money bags, counted the number of copper coins, and said after counting them clearly: "Judging from your clothes, you must be a fisherman living in Guyu Street. There is one thing I must remind you. The martial arts you bought can only be practiced by yourself. If you dare to teach others privately, or sell secret books privately, once we find out, we will break your limbs and throw you into the Baisha River to feed the fish."

"I know."

Zhou Shan nodded.

"By the way, do you know Huang Yan?"

The young man suddenly said.

"I know him, but Huang Yan hasn't appeared for half a month." Hearing Huang Yan, Zhou Shan's face showed anger and said: "This Huang Yan still owes me a few hundred coins and hasn't paid him back. The neighbors around him have also lent him money. I don't know where he is hiding."

"It's okay, you can go!"

The young man waved his hand.

He asked Huang Yan, but he just wanted to give it a try, not expecting to find Huang Yan.

There are many people who owe debts to gambling houses.

Only those who owe dozens or hundreds of taels of silver will have special people watching them to prevent them from escaping. Huang Yan only owed a dozen taels of silver, and it was not enough to send a special person to watch him.

Unexpectedly, this Huang Yan really had the courage to escape.

Seeing that the young man was just asking casually, Zhou Shan was relieved, knowing that his killing of Huang Yan had not been exposed, and unless it was God, it was basically impossible to know that Huang Yan died in his hands.

Putting the three secret books in his arms, Zhou Shan walked out of the room.

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