Daqian 669.

Yongchang fourth year, the first day of the first lunar month.

A new year has arrived.

However, due to the influence of Wusheng Cult, the whole city is still under martial law.

Therefore, some large-scale activities such as temple fairs have also been cancelled. The entire county is quite quiet. Red couplets are pasted on the door of every house in the inner city. Two red lanterns are hung at the door. After setting off a few strings of firecrackers, this The festival is over.

Zhou Shan also came to Zhou Ji Fish Stall and handed out New Year red envelopes to the fish stall clerk and all the fishermen.

"Thank you, boss."

"My boss is becoming more and more heroic."

"You don't need to tell me that my boss has become a warrior master and has been accepted as a direct disciple by the master of the Giant Spirit Sect. With such an identity, even the fish market manager and the leader of the fishing gang have to accept it when they see it. As a distinguished guest.”

"With my boss here, no one will dare to say that we fishermen are useless in the future."

"Yes, even those gentlemen in the inner city have to respectfully call us Mr. Wu when they see our boss."

"When my baby grows up, I must let him learn martial arts."


At this time, Zhou Shan was wearing the powerful martial arts uniform of the Juling Sect, with a white jade belt around his waist, and cloud-walking boots made of tiger skin on his feet. During this time, he was practicing martial arts and had grown very fast. He was over 1.9 meters tall and looked extremely heroic.

When Zhou Shan came to the fish stall, in addition to the fish stall’s waiters and fishermen, there were many people watching.

The onlookers looked at Zhou Shan with envy and admiration. Zhou Shan was their goal. It could be said that he was living the life of their dreams.

Of course, people are complicated. If someone admires and admires someone, there will be jealousy.

Even if you are a saint, it is impossible for everyone to praise you. There will always be people who find fault with you.

However, as long as they are people at Zhouji Fish Stall, whether they are waiters or fishermen, they all think of Zhou Shan. Not only do they get better wages when they work with Zhou Shan, but they also get better fishing products, and their lives are visibly getting better.

This New Year's red envelope is equivalent to the money they earn in a month. Where can they find such a good owner? And those with jealous eyes are people from other fish stalls and fish shops.

For example, the manager of Ye Ji's Fish Shop looked at Zhou Shan with a look of deep jealousy.

In his heart, Zhou Shan has always been a low-level fisherman that he looked down on. Even if he opened Zhou Ji Fish Stall, he was just relying on others' influence. After all, he was still a low-level fisherman.

But for some unknown reason, he was actually accepted as a direct disciple by the master of the Giant Spirit Sect, and became Lord Friday, whom even the fishing gang wanted to fawn over. How could he not be jealous of this?

However, he did not dare to express this jealousy.

Otherwise, with Zhou Shan's current status, he doesn't need to do anything himself. As long as he gives a secret signal, the people from the fishing gang can make him disappear from the world immediately, guaranteeing that he will never see the sun the next day.

After giving out the red envelopes, all the fishermen dispersed.

"Uncle Chen, Xiaoyu is fourteen this year!"

Zhou Shan stopped Chen Yong in the crowd and asked.

"Well, I'm fourteen this year."

Chen Yong nodded.

"At the age of fourteen, you are almost ready to practice martial arts." Zhou Shan nodded, and then said: "If Uncle Chen doesn't dislike it, you can let Xiaoyu follow me for a few months."

Chen Yong's family was kind to him, and they would help as much as they could.

But teaching a man to fish is worse than teaching him to fish.

Chen Yong's family has a son and a daughter. The eldest son is called Chen Yu. He is fourteen years old this year. If he learns martial arts, then the life of Chen Yong's family will get better and better even without his care.

"Ah Shan, you want to teach Xiao Yu how to practice martial arts?" Chen Yong was stunned for a moment, and then said in surprise: "It is his blessing that Xiao Yu can learn martial arts from you, Ah Shan. This is something that no one can ask for."

Originally, Chen Yong planned to let his son practice martial arts with Zhou Shan, but when Zhou Shan became a disciple of the master of the Juling Sect and moved to the inner city, he gave up this idea.

In his mind, anyone who can enter the inner city and has a house in the inner city is a great master.

The status gap between the two was too big, so he was embarrassed to come and disturb her.

In the past few months, the life of the fisherman who followed Zhou Ji's fish stall has been better than before. He has also saved some money. If he lives frugally, he will be able to save enough money to send his children to the outer city in at most half a year. Practice martial arts in the martial arts studio.

Unexpectedly, Zhou Shan would take the initiative to teach Xiao Yu martial arts.

"Ah Shan, I heard that the martial arts halls in the inner city cost twenty taels a month to pay for tea and water. I don't have that much silver on hand right now..." Chen Yong was mid-sentence when Zhou Shan interrupted directly: "Uncle Chen, I How can I get paid to teach Xiao Yu how to practice martial arts? When the time comes, let Xiao Yu stay at my place first, so as not to have to travel back and forth between the inner city and the outer city. "

"Ah Shan, you take such good care of our family, I really don't know what to say."

Chen Yong is an honest man, and his eyes filled with tears at this time.

"Uncle Chen, of course you didn't ask for anything in return when you took care of me." Zhou Shan smiled and said, "I am where I am today thanks to Uncle Chen and Aunt Chunmei taking care of me when I had a fever. I will never forget this love. "

"We are all neighbors, so we should help each other. Brother Zhou helped me a lot when he was here." Chen Yong said, "Ah Shan, you go ahead and I'll go back and tell my son the good news."


Zhou Shan nodded.

"Master Wu is going to teach Chen Yong's son martial arts."

"In the future, Chen Yong's family will also become prosperous."

"I never thought that the care I received back then would bring me wealth and honor today."

"Yesterday's kindness benefits our descendants. Today's wealth and achievements are all thanks to Chen Yong's care back then. Only then can we have such an opportunity to benefit our descendants."

"No matter what, Master Zhou Wu is still loyal and righteous."

"Yes, Master Zhou Wu is loyal and righteous. Moreover, as the eldest master in the inner city, he can even lower himself to come to a dirty and messy place like the fish market. He treats us fishermen the same as before. He does not look down on us fishermen because of our different status. So Master Zhou Wu is the pride of us fishermen."


The fishermen knew that Zhou Shan was going to teach Chen Yong's son martial arts, and they praised him again.

"A Ting, when are you getting married?"

After the fishermen dispersed, Zhou Shan looked at Jiang Ting and asked.

He became a warrior, and also became the direct disciple of the master of the Giant Spirit Sect. Jiang Ting was not worthy of the title of "brother". Zhou Shan might not care, but if others heard it, it might cause trouble.

Therefore, both of them addressed each other by their normal names.

"The whole city has been under martial law for some time, so it is not suitable for a grand wedding, at least after the 15th."

Jiang Ting said.

"Don't forget to notify me when you choose a good day, and I will come to ask for a glass of wedding wine."

Zhou Shan smiled and said.

"Ashan, it is my honor that you can come, and I will naturally not forget it."

With Zhou Shan's current status, Jiang Ting naturally welcomes him to come to his wedding wine.



Leaving Zhou Ji Fish Shop, Zhou Shan rowed away from the fishing dock.

The whole city of Baisha County was on alert, and people could only enter but not leave, but this was for ordinary people. He wanted to go out to fish in the river, and the people responsible for blocking the fish market and the fishing dock did not dare to stop him.

This is a privilege, no matter where you are.

After leaving the dock, Zhou Shan used the mental lock to call the monster red scale snake to come.

About half an hour later.

A giant snake with red scales all over its body surfaced.

After swallowing the toad monster, the red scale snake became a little bigger.

At this time, the red-scaled snake that surfaced handed over several fish baskets, which contained ten tiger-striped fish.

"Not bad, keep up the good work!"

Looking at the tiger-striped fish in the fish basket, Zhou Shan nodded with satisfaction, then handed the new fish basket to the red-scaled snake, patted its head, and told it to continue catching tiger-striped fish.

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