I Can Magically Change the Black Technology

Chapter 3 Sneaky Calls (Please Subscribe!)

"As for Xiao Su, she is very good, and everyone knows that she is very popular, um... But, in terms of work, I still need to follow up a lot recently, and take on the responsibilities of your position..."

Su Chen looked up blankly.

This is a long and narrow conference room, with many people sitting on both sides. Su Chen's diagonally opposite, even the owner of the conversation just now, is a middle-aged man who is a bit bald. He is the head of Su Chen's department. lead.

Sitting next to the balding middle-aged man was a vice president of their company. It seemed that there was nothing wrong with what he said, but Su Chen was an old man. The top man is giving him eye drops.

Su Chen was a little upset, he worked a lot on weekdays, I don't know what made this little leader look down on him, but Su Chen didn't say anything, he is not even considered an old man in the company, this kind of reward At the meeting, what the leader said was what he said, and if he opened his mouth to refute, it was nothing more than asking for trouble. Under such circumstances, it was better to keep silent.

Su Chen even slightly raised his head and looked out the window. The sky outside the window was blue without any trace of clouds. For some reason, he felt as if he had forgotten something important.

But those thoughts quickly become unimportant as I get off work.

On Wednesday, May 29th in the federal calendar, at six o'clock in the afternoon, Su Chen, who worked overtime for an hour, walked out of the company building with ease, got into her beloved car, and drove on the streets of Tokyo.

For a moment, he was slightly confused.


Do you work in Tokyo?

But this little bit of confusion was interrupted by the rapid ringing of the phone. His sister Su Tong called: "Hi! What time is it? Why are you going? School is over for an hour, are you reliable? No, don't say anything next time to pick me up!"

Su Chen's younger sister is in junior high school this year. As a younger sister, she is not cute at all. Her greatest joy every day is to scold her social animal brother. She looks like a debt collector who followed her in her previous life.

Su Chen didn't care too much, because he himself was a person with few pursuits. His only goal in life was to be with his family and live his life happily, even though he was only in his twenties at the moment.

Therefore, it is impossible for him to have trouble with his ignorant sister, but he has always spoiled her.

What could be more important than the loving family itself?

When they arrived at school, Su Tong got into the car, Su Chen looked at her angry face, and instead laughed a little: "Look at you, how about this week, how about I take you to have a big meal this weekend? "

Only then did Su Tang's eyes shine.

Su Chen just thought it was funny, and said: "However, not on Saturday. I have to go on a business trip on Saturday. I will go to Yokohama. I can come back that night and arrange for you the next day."

Driving through the street, Su Chen slowly drove into the Edogawa district. Their home was a small building here. When the weather was good, they could see the edge of the Sumida Skytree.

The way home is clearly engraved in my mind.

When Su Chen returned home, he was greeted by Ju's mother, who had already prepared dinner for them.

The father would come back a little later, so Su Chen and Su Tong sat down to eat first, and the mother, who was cleaning up the kitchen utensils, asked them about their day, such as how Su Tong was doing at school, how Su Chen was doing at work, After repeating the words and getting a satisfactory answer, Su Chen asked her mother how her day was.

In fact, the content of the conversations every day has not changed much, because in Su Chen's work, most of the things are not things that can be shared with the family, so they repeat day after day that it's okay, it's good, etc. However, Su Tong's school life does not have any fantasies of high school students in the animation, and he still just spends every day in an ordinary way.

But Su Chen is very satisfied with this kind of life, the only dissatisfaction may be his basic salary job, but that is not important, what is important is the meal every night, and the chatting and laughing with each other in the brightly lit room after the meal .

A small house, a few people, and a few smiling faces seem to be the whole of life.

Every day, every day.

However, the situation this week seems to have changed slightly. On Thursday, that is, May 31st, Su Chen returned home, took a sip of water, and heard his mother say with a smile: "Su Chen, tomorrow night Are you free? I have arranged a blind date for you. That little girl is a voice actress. She is very nice. You must..."

Su Chen almost spit out a mouthful of water, and said with some fear, "No, I have to go to Yokohama on business on Saturday..."

"That's why it's Friday..."

Su Chen suddenly had one head and two big heads, so he put off this matter for the time being, and wanted to meet that troublesome blind date next week.

Although he is not too young anymore, and even though he has almost compromised with reality, Su Chen still has some fantasies and expectations in his Yumu head that he will meet someone he likes instead of looking for a partner in a blind date.

Friday, May 31, just turned over like this.

On June 1st, after Su Chen put down a large bucket of plum-flavored lollipops that he had bought by the bedside of Su Tong who was still awake, he went out early in the morning.

Today's sky is extraordinarily dark, with thick clouds spreading at the end of the field of vision, like a terrifying monster in the sky, trying to swallow the whole of Tokyo.

There were rarely any cars in the early morning of Saturday. Su Chen was galloping on the empty highway with music playing in the car. It also had the unique sourness and beauty of working overtime on weekends and having fun while suffering.

Until his phone rang suddenly.

He glanced down, but couldn't look away anymore.

Because the calling number turned out to be his own.

A heavy lead cloud is spreading at the end of the field, and the slightly tortuous high speed is deserted.

Su Chen hesitated for about two seconds before turning off the music, and picked up the phone just before the next big turn.

"We must get more chips and become an awakened one... must..."

That voice was urgent and chaotic, and contained great, almost distorted fear, but it was a voice that Su Chen was extremely familiar with.

It was his own voice.

Calling himself, it's like a plot in a horror movie, under the gloomy weather in the morning, Su Chen was taken aback and almost dropped the phone.

But at this moment, he heard the roar of death.

At that moment, Su Chen raised his head.

On the other side of the big turn, a heavy truck lost control, roared, and collided with Su Chen in an instant.

At the last moment of the impact, Su Chen thought about his dinner last night.

A family of four.

Immediately after...

Before realizing the arrival of death, Su Chen's consciousness had already plunged into bottomless darkness.

ps: Big guys, please support the original version, don’t just remember to come to the original version when commenting, without everyone’s support, the herbal tea is going to cry, everyone can only turn on the anti-theft for herbal tea like this

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