Alice didn't know what Dick wanted to do, and she just tried her best to drag the man's body backwards to get rid of the sea of ​​fire and hell that was pierced in front of her.

The middle part of the light assault ship is relatively safe, so it makes sense for Alice to take Dick there.

But Alice was also injured, and could only drag Dick's body with difficulty.

But Dick really seemed to have some great idea, and kept observing and insisting on letting Alice call everyone along the way.

The light assault ship has been severely damaged, the hull is burning with raging flames, cabins are on fire one after another, people are running and shouting, but the blows from the cross-shaped spaceship are still roaring uninterruptedly, hitting the hull, Bring about violent vibrations.

Under such circumstances, most of the federal soldiers and talented people were busy rescuing the wounded, repairing the battleship as much as possible, and rushing to the next fort that was not destroyed. Dick's cry seemed difficult and desperate.

He brought the cultivation method to the fleet, and only those talented people believed him. He couldn't command the vast majority of federal soldiers, and it was impossible to follow him to the depths of the fleet. That said, it's almost the same as being a turtle.

Alice didn't know why Dick was so persistent, but Dick never explained anything to her, and she couldn't hold back Dick, so she could only do her best to help Dick, hoping to call more people, so that they It will be able to reach the deep safety zone of the fleet faster.

But it is too difficult.

Dick was obsessed with calling as many people as possible along the way, and Alice helped as much as possible, but no one answered them at all, and Dick was stubbornly unwilling to be led by Alice to move on, and their progress was greatly hindered.

There was a wail from inside the battleship.

Alice was almost desperate.

Until they met Qiao Zheng.

Qiao Zheng was running in the fleet at that time, and under the random artillery, it was almost inevitable that the nest would be overthrown. Qiao Zheng didn't expect this moment to come so quickly and so powerlessly, but he was already prepared in his heart, and he just did his best. At this time, he is also trying to maintain the internal state of the light assault ship. His ability is almost useless as a beam energy turret in the starry sky, but it is very useful for repairing the battleship. It is equivalent to a laser, especially when promoted to the third After caste.

Before that, he had been running around in the spaceship, trying his best to ensure that the spaceship carrying the Federation's last hope and attempt could last longer.

Even if destruction is unavoidable, let it come as late as possible.

But Dick made him change his mind.

Unlike Alice. Joe was seeing something in Dick's eyes—a man who really believed he could wake Sisi.

Everyone knows what it will mean if Sisi, who is the fourth caste, can wake up under the current circumstances.

After a brief silence, Joe is choosing to take a gamble. No one has experienced Dick's recent encounters. The cultivation method that came from the "seed" is even more unimaginable. Maybe it gave Dick some kind of mysterious enlightenment. Moreover, dark energy and caste are things that cannot be explained by common sense.

The most important thing is that with the current situation of the Federation Fleet, they have no choice. Everyone's efforts are nothing more than to let the fleet last for a while, and they cannot really solve the problem.

Joe was taking a deep breath, looking at Alice and Dick's help-seeking and desperate eyes, and said, "I can think of a way."

Qiao Zheng's solution is to contact the bridge commander Watson directly.

Although Qiao Zheng is also a talented person, and he didn't even have an official position in this operation, he himself does not belong to anyone. This has something to do with his distant status, and it is also related to his position in the command circle of the Federal Fleet at this stage. related to the status.

After listening to Qiao Zheng's narration, Watson was silent for a moment, and said, "Are you sure his method is feasible?"

If this solution is just a fantasy, mobilizing a large number of people out of the current position means that the light assault ship will disintegrate in a shorter time.

It is self-evident what it means for the federal fleet, which is seriously depleted of resources and regards this as the last hope.

Watson can accept that they died in a bloody battle, at least they worked hard until the last moment, even if they failed, they tried until the last moment, but right now...

Inside the burning spaceship, Qiao Zheng replied truthfully: "I'm not sure. But I think, maybe I can give it a try."

Watson fell into a long silence.

He looked at the status map of the battleship in front of him. On it, almost the entire battleship turned crimson. The damage rate of the entire light assault ship has reached 60%.

Outside the battleship, the attack of the enemy ship is weaving a terrifying cloud of fire in the star river of the light attack ship.

For a long time, for a long time.

Watson said with a sigh: "I will cooperate with you."

With the command from the bridge, Dick's "operation" immediately became efficient, and a large number of people began to flock to the cabin where Sisi was placed in the center of the light assault ship. Dick was also lifted by many people and went straight to that position.

The federal team technicians in charge of Sisi received the order earlier, and they were still trying to wake up Sisi by all means before Dick arrived, but they still failed without exception. Until Dick and others came here, they Only then stopped completely.

The team leader who was in charge of waking up Saixi looked at the bloody Saixi with a complicated expression. He knew this talented person and knew some things about him, but he felt that they had used so many methods and tried so many things. Things that I haven't done for so long, what can this dark energy talent do now?

But they didn't do any extra actions or say anything, they silently made way for Dick and others.

With Watson's support, in a short period of time, more than 200 people have gathered here, most of them are disheartened and in a miserable state - most of them are from the front line.

But almost everyone's thinking is less optimistic.

It was impossible for Sisi to wake up.

Dick didn't say anything either. He came here, fended off everyone's support, stumbled into the cabin, and immediately fell beside Sisi who was on the test bench.

Outside the glass cabin, most of the people looked ugly and gave up hope, only Alice exclaimed.

But Dick didn't care, he tried his best to support his bruised body, helped the experimental platform to Sisi's side, grabbed Sisi by the collar, and shouted: "Sisi! Sisi! Stand up! "

Seeing this, everyone was surprised and helpless, but more deeply desperate.

——What kind of solution is this? How could it work?


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