Under the tens of thousands of guns, a sea of ​​light green light suddenly protruded from the center of the surging energy, piercing through every blow of Lu Anbang, and flying in the space.

Lu Anbang's power stopped almost instantly. It was because he took the initiative to stop firing, because he suddenly noticed—from the origin of the strike, where the god was, and with the burst of power, some kind of "something" He began to frantically absorb his own strength, using it as a nutrient to grow.

That's the god grabbing power.

He is still alive.

There is even the power to cope.

This is the ninth caste after all.

I don't know if the Australian evil god will have more courage to confront Su Chen head-on after seeing the plant world evil god who survived Su Chen's attack.

Lu Anbang's figure retreated immediately, and Zulong Rowan Dreiser moved in front of Lu Anbang, raised his head, and golden light began to appear in his eyes.

In front of them, the spirit that had shrunk into a ball just now began to swell like a chemical agent with an excessive amount of catalyst added. At first, it was Lu Anbang's "strike" that was frozen in space.

But in fact, it was not a fixed blow at all. Lu Anbang's blow was completely energy-specific, and it was impossible to exist in this form. Something spread along his blow, absorbed energy and multiplied crazily, thus achieving Similar to the shape, but this biological structure is in a translucent crystal-like state, from the outside, it is no different from Lu Anbang's strike solidified in space.

The light green rays of light float in the space, they themselves are like a dream, but in fact the main body they connect has turned into a huge crystal hedgehog-like space plant body, and countless blows are "frozen" in mid-air , are all extensions of the life form of the evil god of the plant world, and within a short period of time, its volume has expanded dozens of times again.

But that's all.

This huge "hedgehog" evil god froze in mid-air, and along with the middle of Lu Anbang's power, his power no longer expanded and spread, as if it continued to maintain this state.

But such a change of a god really frightened everyone.

Even Lu Anbang's expression became serious.

And at this juncture, only one spaceship is moving forward.

That is the Empire's Sea of ​​Clouds.

Going forward is the suggestion of the head of the crystal cluster. It saw the appearance of this god, and it did not have the panic of other beings. Instead, it said: "It is He, it is a gift from God. His power is rebirth and decay. That idiot, a secondary life form, left the real treasure created by Tandan here, hurry up, let's go over and take him down!"

Xiao Ping hesitated for a moment.

It's just insane.

If it was just now, Xiao Ping was still standing at the end of the crystal cluster. After all, the god seemed to have reached the end of his battle, and it should be possible to be taken in by the Federation fleet, but it is different now. Obvious confrontation, this is a danger signal.

But that cluster was too excited.

It stood in front of Xiao Ping, and spoke a lot to Xiao Ping at a fast speed. Those were some extremely professional terms, and some terms had never even appeared in the history of the Federation. The crystal cluster was excited, and even spoke several languages ​​interspersed.

To be honest, Xiao Ping couldn't understand what it said.

But when he looked at the cluster of crystals in front of him—this Shilian, the light in his eyes became brighter and brighter.

It doesn't matter that he doesn't understand that.

What matters is what he can hear from these words.

That is a real, infinitely bright future.

The future of the Commonwealth.

And most importantly, there is not only the future of the Federation here.

More precipitation of the Federation's past.

How many people have died under the authority of this god, and now, he will also pay the price for it.

So Xiao Ping gave the order.

Therefore, when the other imperial warships and even the two Apocalypse Knights were hesitant and inexplicably terrified, only this solitary federal warship "came out of the crowd" and approached the ossified god.

Their progress is slow, but steadfast.

Imperial battleships sent inquiries, asking what the Federals were up to.

Xiao Ping responded without thinking: "We want to capture that god alive."

The Imperials were surprised and amused at the same time.

But they didn't do anything to stop them, they just retreated silently. They are worried that the federal people's risky move will lead to a more dangerous situation, so they backed off a sufficient distance in advance. Although the empire and the federation are now in a cooperative relationship, so far, this is just a notice for the vast majority of the imperial people It's just a fact, they have no real sense of this kind of cooperation, and they don't have a definite approval.

Even if Su Chen performed extraordinary on the star battlefield in the capital of the empire, that was nothing more than that.

There are many things that one person can do, but there are also many things that one person cannot do.

In the eyes of the vast majority of people in the empire, this so-called federation is just a low-level human civilization that should be swallowed up by the empire—after all, many people don't know where the federation came from and what it means.

Even Rowan started to back away.

Unlike the federal people who have confronted the gods many times, as imperial people who grew up in the chaotic star field, few people may have seen the so-called ninth caste, but most of them listened to the prestige of the ninth caste. Big, in many films and literary fantasy works of the empire, this is also an untouchable existence like a mountain.

That is the existence that the knights of the apocalypse dare not face directly.

Only Lu Anbang is moving forward.

His figure drew an arc in mid-air, and landed steadily on the top of the Federation battleship. Behind him, the huge picture scroll of the Milky Way slowly rose and fell, and the countless stars in it were still bright.

But the crystal cluster did not come unprepared.

The Sea of ​​Clouds came to a complete stop after approaching a certain range, and the crystal cluster flew out of the Sea of ​​Clouds in a small spaceship.

The imperial people and Rowan behind looked at this scene, and they were not optimistic about the federal people. Some people have even said with certainty: "These federal people will definitely cause big trouble, and they might let this god run away."

However, Luo Wen's eyes were more focused on Lu Anbang in front of him. He didn't quite understand why this imperial man was on the side of the Federation.

Of course, what he couldn't understand was how on earth did this person become a knight of the apocalypse?

Lu Anbang stood on the Sea of ​​Clouds, lowered his body slightly, his power poured down like a waterfall, enveloping the entire Sea of ​​Clouds, protecting the people inside, but his eyes never blinked, watching the crystal cluster approaching the god .



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