Regardless of weddings or funerals, if the host family invites someone to help, the invited person cannot refuse, otherwise no one will come to your family if you have something to do in the future. This is an unwritten unspoken rule in the countryside.

In the past, even when building houses, planting rice seedlings, and harvesting rice and wheat in rural areas, people were mostly asked for help. The main family only arranged meals, tobacco and alcohol, and did not pay wages. Neighbors who were free would volunteer to help! Later, when the economy got better, money was all about money. If you don’t get paid, you won’t work. If you don’t have money, you can’t hire people.

Even in today's red and white weddings and weddings, when the wedding is held, the host will give a red envelope to the helper more or less. It takes 3,000 yuan at a time, and it only takes one to two days; there are also opera singers, who also need more than 3,000 yuan. The situation varies from place to place, and the price may vary.

Watching the night is a very important thing when doing ceremonies. If the vigil is deserted, it will look very desolate. Therefore, when doing ceremonies, not only the host will be very tired, but also relatives and friends will be very tired, but there is no way You can't drag people to the crematorium right after they die?

This kind of thing is not uncommon in big cities. The left and right neighbors have lived for more than ten years and haven't seen a few times. How many relatives and friends can they have? But in rural areas, this kind of thing will never happen. Even if the deceased is a widowed old man, the village will pay to arrange a few tables and call monks and priests to hold rituals overnight.

At around eight o'clock in the evening, Tang Xiaochuan drove Guan Jingwen to the county and found a room in a Samsung hotel, where she stayed. He drove back to Liao's house to watch the night.

The vigil could not sit still, groups of three or four gathered together to play cards, some played mahjong and poker, Tang Xiaochuan was arranged by Liao Qingyuan to play mahjong with three of his relatives.

"Fortunately, I have learned how to play mahjong, and I can still play mahjong. Although I am not proficient, at least I can sit on the table without fear!" Tang Xiaochuan sighed in his heart.

After playing mahjong overnight, Tang Xiaochuan lost 300 yuan. It was dawn at 6:00 in the morning, the poker tables were over, and the chefs prepared light meals, two small hot pots, a few dishes of stir-fried vegetables, those who wanted to drink, those who didn’t drink, and those who didn’t. , also has pasta.

After breakfast, Tang Xiaochuan immediately got into the car and put on the matching quilt on the car and fell asleep. He slept until after nine o'clock when he was woken up by the sound of mourning drums and gongs. After going down, I just received another call from Guan Jingwen.

He drove to the county, brushed his teeth and washed his face in Guan Jingwen's room, and finally took a shower and changed into clean clothes.

"You haven't eaten breakfast yet?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

Guan Jingwen didn't wear makeup, "I ate it, I ate it at the hotel!"

The two drove back again, bought a large salute and a whip on the way, and when they arrived at Liao's house, someone who helped them when they were carrying the salute came to pick them up.

Tang Xiaochuan saw that someone was already writing the gift book, so he pulled Guan Jingwen: "Go and write the gift book!"

There were a lot of people who wrote gift books, and they all held gift money, most of which were two hundred or three hundred. After a long time, it was Tang Xiaochuan and Guan Jingwen's turn. Guan Jingwen took five hundred and reported his name. No one thought that she was the little queen of the singing world, so no one paid attention.

Tang Xiaochuan took out 20,000 yuan and put it on the table, "Tang Xiaochuan, 20,000 yuan!"

Mr. Li Bo and the people around him all looked at him. No one had ever written so much affection. Mr. Li Bo quickly realized and asked Tang Xiaochuan in detail which words his name was.

There were a lot of people who came to eat Baishijiu at noon. Tang Xiaochuan and Guan Jingwen found a place to sit down early and waited for the food to be served. Xiao Chuan was forced to drink two or three taels of white wine.

In the afternoon, it was even more lively, with drums and gongs, opera singers, and funny sketches.

"Xiaochuan, play cards, come here, you are the only one missing!" The manager came over and called Tang Xiaochuan, and he had become familiar with him in the past two days.

Tang Xiaochuan smiled wryly, so he went over to play mahjong. Guan Jingwen took a stool and sat beside him to watch.

That night, the vigil was continued again, because the funeral time was six o'clock in the morning, so Guan Jingwen could only rest in the car. Tang Xiaochuan turned on the air conditioner, and sleeping in the car at night was not too uncomfortable. Tang Xiaochuan only kept watch until I didn't keep watch at twelve o'clock, and I had to drive to the funeral tomorrow morning, so I had to maintain enough energy.

At around 4:30 in the morning, Tang Xiaochuan and Guan Jingwen were woken up by a burst of noise. They opened the car window and saw that relatives and friends had come. Many people, including the chefs, had been busy for a long time, and some helpers had already started Put convenient bowls and chopsticks on the mat, so that relatives, friends and helpers are full and have the strength to go to the funeral.

At six o'clock in the morning, it was already dawn, and amidst the sound of firecrackers, the funeral was held. The filial sons and daughters wore mourning in front, and relatives and friends followed closely. The eight kings carried the cold coffin from home to the road at the end. They were carried into a white minibus, and relatives and friends got into the pre-arranged cars. There were a total of twelve cars, all of which were pasted with white flowers on the front.

After departure, all vehicles flashed double flashes, and the vehicles in front and behind could be seen as a funeral procession at a glance, and they would take the initiative to avoid it.

The convoy drove for more than half an hour and entered the funeral home. The minibus carrying the cold coffin drove directly to the steps of the No. 2 incineration room. When Tang Xiaochuan and Guan Jingwen walked from the parking lot with their relatives and friends, the cold coffin had already been lifted. Enter the waiting hall, relatives go to go through relevant procedures, buy urns, and other relatives and friends wait.

The funeral home sent a master of ceremonies to preside over the farewell ceremony for the remains. This requires money, or you can send the remains in without the ceremony.

After the farewell ceremony, relatives and friends came out and waited outside the window to collect the urn. Ten or twenty years ago, relatives were allowed to watch the cremation of the remains on the spot, but now they are not allowed.

Relatives and friends gathered together in groups of three or four and whispered, and someone said in a low voice: "One person is just gone, turned into a handful of ashes, it's really meaningless to think about a person's life like this!"


After hearing this, Tang Xiaochuan and Guan Jingwen looked at each other with heavy hearts.

After more than half an hour, Liao Qingyuan received the urn, and relatives and friends returned together. There is a cemetery in their village, and a tombstone has already been selected for the location. All the white flowers were taken down and thrown into the cemetery. They should not be thrown around, and no one would take them away.

After the urn was placed, the relatives and friends returned to Liao's house, and there was a thank-you banquet, after which the relatives and friends dispersed.

Tang Xiaochuan and Guan Jingwen bid farewell to Liao Qingyuan after eating, and drove back to Jiangcheng.

At around five o'clock that afternoon, the two returned to Jiangcheng and stayed in a hotel. Tang Xiaochuan took Guan Jingwen to eat snacks and delicacies in the alleys of Jiangcheng.

The two stayed in Jiangcheng for three days and visited all the scenic spots in Jiangcheng. Guan Jingwen and Tang Xiaochuan separated and returned to the capital.

That night, after Tang Xiaochuan finished the live broadcast in the hotel room, he asked Leihuo: "Old Lei, I think something is wrong with Jingwen these days, please help me find out if something happened!"

"Okay!" Lei Huo agreed, and the result came soon: "Sir, according to the information I found, Ms. Guan may have some troubles with her company because her contract is about to expire, and she wants to open a studio. Some of her announcements were canceled by the company, and she has no activities or work for two months, and she may face being blocked!"

Tang Xiaochuan frowned, "No wonder she came to play with me for so many days, it turned out that something went wrong at work..."

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