I Can Make Money by Watching Videos

Chapter 186 Export Restrictions

Feitian Technology Company, whether it is an ordinary employee or a low-, middle-, and high-level management, although the salary has not been raised, it is very encouraging to be able to receive equity dividends.

The higher the level of management, the more equity dividends they can get. Even if ordinary employees are still in the probationary period, they can still get equity dividends, and they are available at the end of each year, even if Feitian Technology Company was established less than a year ago. Time, but all fools know that this company has a bright future. As long as they stay in this company, their annual income will be beyond the reach of employees of other companies.

With this step alone, Tang Xiaochuan almost successfully tied all the employees together.

If someone wants to leave, he can't stop it. It's normal for people to go to high places and water to flow to low places! Some people have the idea of ​​"rather the head of a chicken than the tail of an ox", which is quite normal.

It is almost impossible for any company to completely keep technology confidential. As long as people are doing things, there will always be someone else who will poach them at a higher price. No one should underestimate the nature of people wanting more.

"Boss, Wang Luosen, the leader of the third R\u0026D team of the Equipment R\u0026D Department, and two researchers from the fifth and sixth teams have submitted their resignation letters to me!" Liu Gongyou said after sending a communication request to Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan heard, "If they want to leave, it may be that the conditions offered by other companies are more attractive, and we can't stop people from pursuing progress, let them go!"

"Okay, boss!"

After finishing the communication, Tang Xiaochuan called the human resources department of Feitian Technology Company.

"I'm Tang Xiaochuan. Three scientific researchers from the Equipment R\u0026D Department came here today to go through the resignation procedures. The salary that should be paid will be put into their salary cards. From now on, our company will never hire these three people. , and do not hire people who are relatives, mentors, or classmates with them!"

"Okay, boss!"

Not long after, Wang Rui from the energy research and development department also called. Two researchers submitted their resignation letters to him. Tang Xiaochuan told him not to embarrass them, but to go through the resignation procedures for them, but Feitian Technology Company will not hire them again from now on. and those who are related to them.

"President Tang, I have something to report to you!" Liu Zhiyuan called Tang Xiaochuan and said.

Tang Xiaochuan took the phone and said, "Speak, I'll listen!"

"It's like this. A total of eight companies from several countries including Yingguo, Deguo, Faguo and Yiguo have sent letters in the past few days, saying that they want to send people to our company to visit and exchange, and also want to purchase three products from our company. Nano, five nanometer process chips and high-end lithography machines!"

Tang Xiaochuan thought about it and said: "I don't think it is necessary to visit and communicate. Maybe there are a few commercial and technical spies among the people who come to visit and communicate. It's better to avoid it! If they want us to manufacture Chips, or directly order chips designed and manufactured by us, but only limited to five-nanometer and seven-nanometer process chips!"

Liu Zhiyuan wondered: "Boss, we have now solved the problem of insufficient production capacity for the production of three-nanometer process chips and high-end lithography machines, and we can completely accept foreign orders. Why not do business if there is business?"

Tang Xiaochuan said: "I think it is better not to try to sell such high-end chips and high-end lithography machines as 3nm to foreign countries for the time being, and let domestic related technology companies use them first. We have to help them, and we can’t always let foreign technology companies keep ahead of us in technology!”

"These foreign companies cannot carry out the next step of scientific and technological research and development if they cannot purchase high-end lithography machines, chips and higher-end scientific research precision instruments, and we are already ahead in this regard, so we have to get stuck in their necks and let them If China's technology research and development has stagnated, we will vigorously support other domestic technology companies and let them catch up!"

"..." Liu Zhiyuan on the phone fell silent, and then said: "Boss, I admire you for your grand scale and vision, but it's hard to say whether these domestic companies can accept your favor. Only money, they don't care about the world!"

Tang Xiaochuan said with a smile: "Don't think so much, people in the world have their own opinions! We don't do these things to seek their rewards, but to do our part. Those who understand us will naturally understand, and those who don't understand us, you will They won't understand how to do it! You do what you should do, no matter what others say, you have your own world in your heart!"


At an Internet forum summit two days later, Liu Zhiyuan was invited to give a speech on stage and said that due to production capacity problems, high-end photolithography machines and three-nanometer process chips can only meet the needs of domestic companies and cannot be exported to foreign countries. Export.

This remark was spread on the Internet, and domestic netizens did not make any comments on it, and everyone took it for granted, but this remark was used by some people abroad to publicize Feitian Technology's discrimination on the Internet. heart, treat them differently.

Of course, domestic netizens are not happy. Since the production capacity is insufficient, of course domestic companies must be supplied first. Is it possible to leave domestic companies aside and supply foreign companies like you first? You take yourself too seriously, don't you? Why?

When the quarrel was raging on the Internet, Liu Zhiyuan came to Tang Xiaochuan's office with a solemn expression.

"Mr. Tang, we are in trouble!"

Tang Xiaochuan got up and asked Liu Zhiyuan to sit down at the tea table next to him. While making tea, he asked, "What's the trouble?"

Liu Zhiyuan took out a material report and handed it to Tang Xiaochuan: "Whether our company is manufacturing chips, lithography machines, or developing solid-state batteries and manufacturing hydrogen energy, we need to use the rare metal raw materials in the above minerals, and we have announced that we will stop using them abroad. After supplying to us, we can only find rare metal raw materials from China. At present, there is only one company that can provide all the eight kinds of rare metal raw materials we need, but they have regular customers, most of them are foreign companies. We have sent two vice presidents to discuss with them in a row, but they have not negotiated to let them supply us!"

Tang Xiaochuan took the material report and looked at it. He wanted to say that he could get these rare metal materials. The Pluto base can already send exploration ships to outer galaxies for mineral mining. It is not difficult to collect these rare metals, but After thinking about it, he gave up the idea of ​​obtaining raw materials from the Pluto base.

Since there are domestic companies that can provide these rare metal raw materials, there is no need to transport them from the Pluto base, which is nothing more than troublesome.

"What kind of company is this?" Tang Xiaochuan asked.

Liu Zhiyuan took out another document and handed it over: "Changyun Nonferrous Metal Co., Ltd., this is the company's document, please take a look!"

Tang Xiaochuan took the information and read it. After reading it, he frowned and said, "No wonder, this company is a family business. It is logically impossible. Such an important resource should be controlled by the imperial court. Let a family business mine it?"

"Maybe it's the current situation after the company's restructuring, but it is indeed a family business now! I plan to go to Jiangbei in two days to talk to Changyun Company about this matter. If it doesn't work, we may have to ask The higher-ups have come forward to coordinate!"

Tang Xiaochuan thought for a while and said to Liu Zhiyuan: "You don't need to worry about this matter, let me solve it!"

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