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Chapter 310 Wife's International Influence

Tang Xiaochuan asked: "Mr. Hou, I came to Xinguo privately, and I didn't notify the relevant parties in your country, nor the branch of our group in Xinguo. How did you know? Which officer sent you here?"

Hou Guozhong said: "We don't know about this matter, we just acted on orders. As for which officer ordered it, please forgive me for not having any comment!"

"Well, someone is trying to harm me, so you think I'm in danger here? Otherwise, your injuries wouldn't send you here to protect me, right?"

Faced with Tang Xiaochuan's questioning, Hou Guozhong hesitated for a moment, but decided to tell Tang Xiaochuan something, which would make him more vigilant, and at least make him believe them.

"Yes, we have received news that someone wants to harm Mr. Tang. We haven't found out who the other party is. During this period, please trust us and cooperate with us in security work!"

After hearing this, Tang Xiaochuan felt that he was not very safe. Without these people, he could do whatever he wanted, but with these people around, he would have scruples in doing things, and he would remember to communicate with Leihuo, Zhan Ge and Bing Ge Also avoid these people, the key is that these people are still in the way at certain times.

"Okay then, I don't know how you plan to do security work?"

Hou Guozhong said: "We will guard around Mr. Tang. If you want to go out, please notify us fifteen minutes in advance so that we can make arrangements!"

"...Then do as Mr. Hou wants!"

Hou Guozhong led his subordinates out of the guest room. He and two of his subordinates stood guard at the door, while the other three were at the two ends of the corridor outside the guest room.

Guan Jingwen came out of the room, "Husband, I heard the conversation you had just now. If someone is really against us, it must be aimed at you. If it's really not good, you won't go to tonight's concert. Staying in a hotel is much safer than staying at a concert!"

Tang Xiaochuan comforted: "Don't worry, they are just small fish and shrimps. Brother Bing and Brother Zhan are both very powerful, and there are so many security personnel. There is no problem. Go and recite the lyrics. It's been over an hour!"

"All right!"

Tang Xiaochuan called Brother Zhan over, "Brother Zhan, go and find out the origins of the two men and one woman who were following you just now. Lao Lei should keep an eye on two of them, because they have their current positions!"

"Understood!" Brother Zhan agreed, turned and walked out.

An hour later, Guan Jingwen's bodyguard captain, Uncle Wei, brought six bodyguards, her manager Huang Xiaohua, and assistant Xiaomei to the door of the guest room, and was surprised to find several strong men standing outside the door.

"Who are you? Why are you standing here?" Wei Shu asked.

Hou Guozhong took out his ID, "We were ordered to protect Mr. Tang, who are you?"

Uncle Wei checked the other party's ID, and said to the other party: "We are the bodyguards responsible for Miss Guan's safety, and this is our work permit!"

"Oh, so it's our own people, Mr. Tang and Ms. Guan are inside!"

After remembering the knock on the door, Brother Bing walked over and opened the door, and Huang Xiaohua, Xiaomei and Uncle Wei walked in.

"Mr. Tang, hello!" Several people greeted Tang Xiaochuan respectively.

Tang Xiaochuan nodded and asked, "Are you going to the concert?"

"Yes, Mr. Tang, everything is ready over there. Jingwen needs to go there first to familiarize himself with the environment and find out how he feels!"

"It's almost five o'clock now, where is dinner?"

Huang Xiaohua said: "It will be settled at the concert site. We have already arranged lunch boxes. After the concert is over, all the staff will come to the hotel to have dinner. Then we will let everyone eat and drink!"

Tang Xiaochuan walked to the back door and knocked on the door after listening: "Jingwen, it's almost time, are you ready?"

"All right!"

After a while, Guan Jingwen came out without changing clothes, and had to go to the concert site to prepare for make-up and costumes.

After the door was opened, Brother Bing came out first, followed by Tang Xiaochuan, and Guan Jingwen came out behind him. It was unexpected that Hou Guozhong and others were very respectful and excited when they saw Guan Jingwen, and they all greeted each other: " Hello Miss Guan!"

Seeing this situation, Tang Xiaochuan even suspected that Hou Guozhong and the others really wanted to protect her, not him!

Everyone came out of the hotel together. There were already six cars parked outside the hotel. Hou Guozhong and the others drove two cars. Tang Xiaochuan and Guan Jingwen had a total of twelve people who drove four cars. The six cars were tightly packed on the street. Drive together.

It didn't take long for the convoy to drive near the stadium. At this time, there were more and more vehicles and pedestrians on the roadside. On the sidewalks of the street, there were almost all families with their families, ranging from elderly people in their seventies and eighties to those just A newborn baby is held in the arms of its mother.

In addition to a large number of pedestrians, the streets and around the stadium and nearby parking lots are full of cars, and many police officers are enforcing the law and order and diverting traffic.

As the convoy drove past, Tang Xiaochuan saw hundreds of ambulances lined up on the side of the road, and doctors, nurses and drivers were all eating packed lunches.

Tang Xiaochuan was amazed when he saw it: "With so many ambulance personnel and policemen, the formation is too big, right? It's bigger than the three concerts in Beijing, Hongkong, and Dao Province!"

Huang Xiaohua, who was sitting in the co-pilot, said: "Nearly 60,000 tickets were sold out within three days of the public ticket sale, and nearly 40,000 people wanted to buy tickets. We had to rent all the commercials near the stadium." Come down, let the advertising screens inside and outside the stadium broadcast the concert live at the same time, and those who have not bought tickets can also watch the live broadcast outside!"

"Ma Guo, Xin Guo, Yin Ni, Siam, Vietnam, Philippines and other TV stations bought the rights to broadcast our concert for a total of 130 million!"

Tang Xiaochuan was dumbfounded after hearing this. It seems that his wife has a much greater influence abroad than him.

When the sky darkened, the lights on the street had already come on, and the bustling night scene of Xinguo showed its unique charm at this time. There were already crowds of people near the stadium, and the streets were full of people. The street below the advertising screen has long been occupied by pedestrians, and vehicles can't get through at all.

Guan Jingwen's convoy was able to pass through and reach the stadium only after the mounted police opened the way.

Tang Xiaochuan followed Guan Jingwen and his team into the dressing room of the stadium. This was used as the dressing room and dressing room for Guan Jingwen and other guests who helped out. He walked outside the dressing room and saw that the stands of the stadium were all crowded with spectators. Empty seats, really crowded.

At around seven o'clock, the concert started, and Tang Xiaochuan was standing under the stage, ready to deal with some emergencies.

As soon as Guan Jingwen appeared on the stage, it immediately caused a tsunami of applause and shouts from the audience and fans. Many people held up glittering signs with Guan Jingwen's name written on them, and almost everyone held fluorescent sticks.

Her first song turned out to be a very explosive song, accompanied by hot dancing, which aroused the madness of all audience fans in just a few seconds.

Tang Xiaochuan never thought that his wife could handle this type of singing and dancing so skillfully and appropriately.

"Mr. Tang, how do you feel?" Ms. Huang walked to Tang Xiaochuan and asked.

Tang Xiaochuan said: "Her interpretation styles are becoming more and more diversified. I used to think that she was only suitable for singing some gentle and sad love songs. I didn't expect that she can even perform such strong songs and dances so superbly now!"

Huang Xiaohua said excitedly: "She is a genius, a genius among geniuses. I think her talent has not been fully tapped yet. She is a natural singer. Her vocal range is getting wider and wider. Her voice can be delicate, Gentle, ethereal, can make people calm down instantly and let go of all troubles; her voice can also sing men's songs more boldly and roughly than men, there has never been a musician in history with her talent, I dare say , her achievements will not be inferior to Michael and any other singing and dancing artist!"

Tang Xiaochuan also discovered that Guan Jingwen not only became more and more capable of creating and performing music, but also her ability to control the stage became more and more handy. She knew how to mobilize the emotions of audience fans and the atmosphere of the scene in the shortest possible time.

A staff member sighed beside him: "This stadium can only accommodate less than 60,000 people. If it is big enough, I believe the number of people tonight will definitely exceed 100,000. Now there are people watching the live broadcast on the big screen outside the stadium." No less than 50,000 people! There are also countries in the southeast and our country broadcasting live broadcasts of this concert, and the number of people watching the program through satellites will definitely not be less than two billion. Even the grand finals of the football Olympics and the World Cup are no more than that! "

Guan Jingwen has a good grasp of the stage atmosphere. Under her performance, the audience is sometimes excited and frenzied, sometimes quiet and silent, and sometimes sad and inexplicable. In the singing and music rhythm, accompanied by her dancing, everyone couldn't help singing in a chorus. This scene of hundreds of millions of people singing and dancing together reminded many people of the grand occasion of Michael's concert.

"Sir!" Brother Zhan was ordered to investigate the situation of the stalker, when he came back and found Tang Xiaochuan.

Tang Xiaochuan led him aside, "Have you found it?"

"Yes, the other person is named Lucas. He escaped from the satellite monitoring, and he doesn't know where he is now. The other two are named Brody and the woman is named Angel. They are both members of C.I.A!"



Tang Xiaochuan frowned, why did these people stare at him? It stands to reason that he is just a serious businessman, and these people have no reason to stare at him. Are they guarding against him or have plans against him?

"Where are Brody and Angel now?"

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