I Can Make Money by Watching Videos

Chapter 338 Dislocation of time period

When Tang Xiaochuan returned to the ward area, Chang Ge was crying against the wall in the corridor outside the ward, and her husband Ma Hongjiang just came out of the ward.

"Why are you crying so hard?" Tang Xiaochuan asked with a smile.

Chang Ge wiped her tears with a tissue, "I'm very happy, the child's medical expenses have been settled, and the big stone in my heart has fallen. In the morning, both of us still felt that the sky was dark. There is no hope and hope!"

Tang Xiaochuan looked at the two of them and asked, "Do you still have living expenses?"

Ma Hongjiang said quickly: "Yes, yes, I still have more than 20,000 yuan, which should be enough for several months!"

Tang Xiaochuan turned to look at Zou Dinghui: "Brother Zou!"

Zou Dinghui took out a bundle of red bills from his leather bag and handed them to Tang Xiaochuan, who took them and stuffed them into Chang Ge's hands, "This is my wish for the child, buy him some delicious food, some clothes and shoes! "

"This...you have helped us a lot..." Chang Ge hurriedly wanted to put the money back into Tang Xiaochuan's hands.

"Tell you to take it!"

"Then... I will thank you for the child!"

Tang Xiaochuan asked, "What's your plan next?"

Ma Hongjiang said: "We can't both stay in the hospital, someone has to go to work, I thought about it, I still have to go back to work, and see if I can find time to do some odd jobs after work, there is nothing else right now. I just want to cure the child and earn more money.”

"That's right, you have to have a plan and plan! I think after the child's operation is completed, the situation is stable. You can let the child's grandma come over to take care of it, and Chang Ge can get out to do things and earn some money. Come over every day after get off work and on weekends and holidays." Accompany the children, this way both of you will have a job, and your income will be more, if you let one person bear it, the pressure will be much greater!"

Chang Ge nodded: "I think so too. Binhai's consumption level is too high, several levels higher than our county town. We have to be mentally prepared for a protracted war!"

At this time, Zou Dinghui reminded: "Mr. Tang, you have an important meeting in the morning, and it's almost time!"

Tang Xiaochuan nodded, turned around and said to Chang Ge and Ma Hongjiang, "I'm really sorry, I have to go first, and I'll come visit the child another day!"

Ma Hongjiang quickly said: "Mr. Tang, just go if you have something to do. We will take care of it ourselves. But you have helped us so much. Anyway, let us express our gratitude. Tonight, we will treat you to a light meal." !"

Tang Xiaochuan said with a smile: "I can't let you treat guests in Binhai. I think I will be the host to invite your family after the child's operation is completed and the condition is stable. You are busy!"

Seeing Tang Xiaochuan's back disappearing at the end of the corridor in the ward area, Ma Hongjiang said: "This man has reached a certain status, and his attitude towards people and things is indeed quite different from that of ordinary people, but... "Is he really just your high school classmate?"

Chang Ge turned to look at her husband, "Do you believe me when I say he is my first love?"

"Believe it, why don't you believe it? If it weren't for such a relationship, how could a male classmate be so concerned about a female classmate's affairs? Look at how thoughtful and meticulous he is. You asked him to borrow money, but he didn't say anything. He didn't borrow money, and he didn't transfer the money to your account immediately, but he came to ask about the situation in person. He was worried that if he lent us money, we would have financial pressure to pay back the money, so he called the charity foundation under his wife's name to help us with charity. Help in the name of aid, so that we don't have to pay back the money, it not only solves the problem of the child's medical expenses, but also takes care of our family's situation! Wife, you didn't choose him at the beginning, but chose me, you have lost a lot! "

Chang Ge said: "Yes, I did lose a lot. I was so stupid at the beginning. Do I have time to regret it now?"

"Then you have to ask your son!"


Seven o'clock in the evening, in the restaurant.

Guan Jingwen served Tang Xiaochuan a meal, "Today you are looking for charity aid for that female classmate named Chang Ge. You two had a different relationship when you were in high school, right?"

Tang Xiaochuan took the job, raised his head and said, "You guessed all of this?"

"I don't believe that you are so enthusiastic about ordinary female classmates. It's been more than ten years. Even if the relationship was good at the beginning, it has long faded now. Did you two have an ulterior secret?"

Tang Xiaochuan didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "There's nothing to hide. When I was young, boys and girls were in a period of ignorance in terms of emotions. This is normal. Before I graduated from high school, this matter ended without a problem. Cleaner than white paper!"

Guan Jingwen didn't continue to pester her, but asked, "What's the situation with their family here?"

Tang Xiaochuan said while eating: "It is the child and heart disease. You also know that as long as the disease related to the heart is not a minor disease, it is very troublesome to treat. It has been two years since the child was found to have a heart problem. Back and forth It cost six to seven hundred thousand, Chang Ge and her husband's savings were all spent, and even a little savings from the child's grandma, and later they had to sell the house, and now they only have twenty to thirty thousand yuan in their hands. It can barely cover the child’s living expenses during the treatment in Binhai, where is the money left to pay for the surgery?”

"She called me to borrow money, but she was so forced that she couldn't help it. She borrowed everything she could, but she couldn't borrow any more money. But the child's illness had to be cured. I thought about lending her money, but in the end she still You have to find a way to pay back the money, the pressure is not normal, who is your charity foundation helping?"

Guan Jingwen joked: "You are very thoughtful, take my money and go to be a good person in front of your first love!"

"Hey, it's over. Your charitable foundation can only apply for 100,000 yuan, and I took the remaining 200,000 yuan. I just borrowed your name. I'm helping you be a good person. You Not only did you not thank me, but you were sarcastic, you are very wrong!"

"Besides, don't mention the past. I never ask you about the past. Now everyone has their own families!"

Guan Jingwen curled her lips and continued to eat.

After dinner, Guan Jingwen went to listen to music for half an hour, and then came down to do aerobics with the lead dancer on TV.

Tang Xiaochuan returned to his room as usual, closed the door and started live broadcasting to people in the future world.

When the time came to 8:00 p.m., Tang Xiaochuan usually broadcasted the live broadcast whenever he had time in the future, unless he was delayed by other important things.

"Old Lei, open the Suishou short video live broadcast room!"

A three-dimensional virtual image of Thunder Tiger appeared in the room, "Sir, you may not be able to live broadcast the future world tonight. From two o'clock in the afternoon to six o'clock in the evening, the space-time channel was opened for four hours. It was closed just after 1:00, and now it is past 8 o'clock, but the time-space channel has not been opened. If the time-space channel has not been opened tonight, I wonder if the time period when it was opened has changed. If it is opened again at 2 o'clock tomorrow afternoon , if it ends at six o'clock in the evening, then you can be sure of this!"

When Tang Xiaochuan heard this, he frowned, "If the time period for the opening of the space-time channel has really changed, it will be more convenient for me. I can deal with work in the morning, and in the afternoon. The live broadcast in the future world will give you more freedom at night. My wife can accompany her if she needs to be with her. If my wife is not at home, I can interact freely. But what I worry about is that our real world and the future world will continue to be on the same day and the same day. Will the time period affect the effect of the live broadcast? After all, during this time period in the afternoon, most people in the future world are at work, and the future world is not like the current era where there are many people who have nothing to do all day every day!"

Lei Hu said: "Sir, don't worry about this matter. Although I don't know the specific reason, the real world and the future world have been misplaced on the same day. According to the opening of the space-time channel at two o'clock this afternoon, I searched for the future. According to the network time of the world, two o'clock in the afternoon in the real world is eight o'clock in the night in the future world. If the space-time channel is still open at two o'clock in the afternoon tomorrow, and the future world on the other side is still at eight o'clock in the evening, then it is certain that this phenomenon will continue For a long time, maybe two or three years or even longer, the time dislocation will happen again!"

At noon on the second day, Tang Xiaochuan ate a takeaway ordered from a restaurant in the building in the office. After eating, he explained to his assistant Zou Dinghui, and then drove to Building No. 10, Qingjiang Huayuan with Brother Bing and Brother Zhan. No. 1601, this house is the first house he bought after he obtained the future smart assistant and made the first money by watching videos. He lived here all the time before he married Guan Jingwen, even if he bought Yuehu After the villa in the manor, they didn't spend much time in the villa. Most of them still lived in this house. They didn't move to live in the villa until they got married with Guan Jingwen, so they seldom came here.

Guan Jingwen always thought that this house was rented by Tang Xiaochuan, but she never knew that this house was actually under Tang Xiaochuan's name.

Although Tang Xiaochuan has lived here for a long time, the floor and other places of this house have always been spotless, because Tang Xiaochuan put a cleaning robot bought from the future world here, and the robot cleans once a day.

Tang Xiaochuan lay on the sofa in the living room for a while, when he heard a "beep", Leihuo's figure appeared in the living room, "Sir, the space-time channel has been opened, and the short video has been connected to the future world space network, You are now live streaming!"

Tang Xiaochuan sat up, "It seems that our real world and the future world have indeed experienced a time dislocation. Are we six hours ahead, or are they six hours behind?"

"Sir, don't say you can't understand this question, even I can't understand it. Scientists in the future 2,300 years later still can't understand it. Don't worry about this matter. There is one thing that needs your attention now. Among the commodities sold on the Suishou short video mall, people's demand for porcelain in the future world will suddenly increase by more than ten times. According to the current trend, the demand will only increase in the future. I see you We have to find a way to increase the shipment of porcelain to curb the rising price of porcelain in the black market in the future!"

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