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Chapter 375 Encountered a rare lunar volcanic eruption in hundreds of millions of years

As soon as Tang Xiaochuan's words came out, countless speeches appeared in the public screen area of ​​the live broadcast room, just like swiping the screen. Tang Xiaochuan couldn't see clearly at all, because there were too many speakers, as many as hundreds of millions.

"Well, because there are too many people speaking, I don't know what the netizens and fans who have the same thoughts and opinions in the majority want to say. I thought about it and think that the wishes of the astronauts who landed on the moon should be fulfilled!"

After speaking, Tang Xiaochuan picked up the camera carefully.

He turned around again, and then took the live broadcast device and placed it directly opposite the two cars, and took out a miniature camera from his waist and placed it next to the live broadcast device.

"Dear viewers in front of the TV and all the netizens and fans in the live broadcast room, now I want to take a picture, including me and the lunar exploration scooter and the lunar exploration rover left over from the Big Pineapple 17. I want to Set a ten-second delay to shoot... OK, set up!"

After Tang Xiaochuan finished speaking, he immediately turned around and ran towards the two vehicles, and then stood between the two vehicles with his arms outstretched, his left hand on the hood of the lunar exploration scooter, and his right hand holding the solar energy of the lunar rover No. 17. collection plate.

"Crack!" With a flash of light, the photo was taken.

Tang Xiaochuan walked over, picked up the miniature camera, took a look at the photos, and leaned in front of the camera of the live broadcast equipment: "The shots seem to be pretty good!"

After taking the camera and live broadcast equipment back to the car, Tang Xiaochuan entered the driver's cab, closed the door and started the car, "Dear audience, our stay at the ruins of the Big Pineapple 17 spacecraft is coming to an end. Our time is limited, we must To continue on the road, let's go now!"

Tang Xiaochuan drove away from the ruins of the Big Pineapple 17 spacecraft and headed southwest. The live broadcast equipment was pointed out of the car window. While driving, he introduced the terrain and geological evolution along the way to the audience and netizens in the live broadcast room. He also stopped and got off the car to collect lava and rock specimens when there were special terrains and landforms.

After driving for more than four hours, Tang Xiaochuan parked the lunar exploration rover in an open space in the center of Qihai.

"Xiaoyue, the captain is calling!"

The vehicle system made a beep, and Xiaoyue's figure appeared on the central control screen.

"Captain, I have been paying attention to your situation, please tell me!"

Tang Xiaochuan asked: "How is Yaoguang's situation?"

"His condition is fairly stable. I'll take you to see him!" After Han Xiaoyue finished speaking, she picked up the video equipment and walked out of the studio to the door of Zheng Yaoguang's room. She pointed the camera at the room, stayed for a few seconds, and then left. Back to the studio.

"As you can see, brother Zheng is already asleep, let's not disturb his rest!"

Tang Xiaochuan said: "Okay! Now I am going to rest. I will set a rest time of seven hours. The data of topography and geological conditions collected along the way have been sent back in real time. Has the ground control center received it?"

"The feedback from the ground control center says it has been received!"

"That's good, I'll keep the video chat connected, and if something happens during my break, wake me up in time!"

"Understood! You can rest assured, I will activate the corresponding function of the satellite to monitor the situation around you!"

"That's it!"

Tang Xiaochuan ended the call with Han Xiaoyue, turned his head to the live broadcast equipment and said: "Dear viewers and netizens, I have been working continuously for 16 hours, and the lunar exploration scooter and I need to stop and take a nap, and the lunar exploration The scooter also needs to stop to collect photovoltaic energy to maintain the energy we need for the next trip!"

Tang Xiaochuan has set up the alarm clock and the automatic temperature control and pressure control program of the vehicle. Once the temperature in the car is lower than or higher than a certain degree, and the air pressure is lower than the normal threshold, the temperature control system and the pressure control system will be automatically turned on to let the car The internal temperature and air pressure are always maintained in the normal range.

After setting it up, he got in and took off his space suit and got into a sleeping bag and fell asleep. He didn't turn off the live broadcast equipment, but the audience and netizens could still see the situation inside the car.

Seven hours later, Tang Xiaochuan was woken up by the car alarm clock. He got out of his sleeping bag with sleepy eyes, yawned and said, "Hi, audience friends in front of the global TV, good morning!"

As his voice appeared, the live broadcast room immediately became lively.

"Morning captain!"

"Why can't you see the captain?"

"Where are people?"

Tang Xiaochuan said while putting on his clothes: "I put on my clothes first, I can't come out clean and smooth to meet with netizens."

Immediately, many speeches poured out of the live broadcast room, "Captain, look at your figure!"

"Captain, I have been greedy for your body for a long, long time!"

"I imagined the scene when the captain put on clothes, and I was intoxicated!"

"Nympho, a bunch of nympho!"


Tang Xiaochuan got dressed, sat in the driver's seat and pressed the call button: "Xiaoyue!"

"... here!" Han Xiaoyue's voice came, and then her figure appeared on the screen of the central control screen.

"How did you sleep?"

"Pretty good, you can go to rest, and then I will directly contact the ground control center!"


When Han Xiaoyue got off work, she turned off the communication video.

Tang Xiaochuan turned his head and said to the audience and netizens in the live broadcast room: "Next, I will wash my face and brush my teeth. Although I am on the moon, I still have to pay attention to hygiene!"

After speaking, Tang Xiaochuan took out compressed towels, toothbrush and toothpaste from the co-pilot locker, he turned and climbed to the back seat to open a hidden compartment to reveal a faucet, and pulled out a small washbasin.

"Look, the equipment on this car is still very complete, I'll brush my teeth first!" Tang Xiaochuan said, squeezed some toothpaste on the toothbrush, turned on the faucet, took water from a cup and started brushing his teeth.

Although there are no thrilling situations or big scenes in this lunar execution, netizens and viewers like to watch the details of Tang Xiaochuan’s life on the moon. Hundreds of millions of viewers and netizens are even online 24 hours a day.

After washing up, Tang Xiaochuan started to make breakfast. He took out a bag of vacuum-packed liquid food from the storage box at the back, "Let's have a better breakfast, and we can eat casually at noon. Minced meat and vegetables are added with some extra vitamins and nutrients, which are very nutritious, now I’m going to take it apart, put it in a bowl, heat it in the microwave, and then it’s ready to eat!”

The audience watched Tang Xiaochuan heat up the millet porridge and eat it with relish. Everyone felt their stomachs were full. Many people directly spoke on the public screen to get food.

After breakfast, Tang Xiaochuan started the lunar exploration scooter and set off again, continuing to move forward.

After driving for two hours, a dark brown mountain appeared in Tang Xiaochuan's sight, "Oh, there is a mountain in front, the color seems to be a fire, it should be said that it was a volcano a long time ago, but according to our detection Now there is no active fire on the moon, and the latest active fire discovered erupted 100 million years ago, and it has long since become an extinct volcano!"

"I have to explore the situation of this volcano, audience, let's go!"

Tang Xiaochuan drove the probe car to the foot of the volcanic mountain, and after making all preparations, he climbed up the volcanic mountain with the shooting equipment.

Every foot is covered with volcanic ash, which is relatively dark in color. Tang Xiaochuan stopped and reached out to grab a handful on the hillside up the mountain, "Look, this volcanic ash has a very metallic texture, and it should contain a lot of metal minerals! Now, I'm going to collect some ash and rocks on the slopes up the mountain!"

Tang Xiaochuan stopped and stopped on the way to climb the mountain, picking up some lava rocks from time to time. They are not big, but there are quite a few of them.

Finally reached the top of the mountain, Tang Xiaochuan pointed the live broadcast device at the crater, "Look, this crater is very deep, and the bottom is invisible. It is estimated that the magma inside has cooled and solidified long ago. I used an instrument to calculate that the distance from the crater to the lunar surface is 328" meters high, it has a diameter of 62 meters, and the surrounding lava rocks are darker than those on the hillside!"

He took the shooting equipment and walked around the crater, looked at the time and half an hour had passed, and immediately turned around and went down the mountain. He couldn't stay outside for too long each time.

After returning to the car, he packed the collected rocks and volcanic ash into bags. At this time, the ground began to shake slightly again, "Oh, there is another moonquake. We have to get out of here quickly. We have to go along the Drive where the ground is flat and open, so as not to cause accidents!"

Tang Xiaochuan immediately started the probe car and drove towards the northwest. The probe car was driving fast, but Tang Xiaochuan felt that the ground was shaking more and more violently.

At this moment, the vibration suddenly intensified, and the magnitude of the earthquake was higher than usual. Tang Xiaochuan felt a red light flash in front of him, and he exclaimed: "Oh, what happened? This red light seems to come from the side and rear!"

After shouting, Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help stepping on the brakes, and the detection car braked to an emergency stop. He immediately turned his head and looked out the car window, his eyes widened when he saw it, and he couldn't help shouting: "Oh, my God, what kind of shit luck am I? I have encountered things that are rare in billions of years!"

Hundreds of millions of fans and netizens in the live broadcast room were puzzled, and many people in the public screen area were asking: "What happened?"

"Captain, what's the matter?"

Han Xiaoyue appeared on the central control screen of the rover, and she hurriedly called out, "Captain, what happened?"

Tang Xiaochuan opened his mouth wide, and said stupidly: "The fire we climbed up just now erupted at this time. If I am still stuck on it, I am afraid that I will be swallowed up by lava at this moment!" The device turned to point it up the fire.

At this time, the crater was erupting a second wave of fiery red lava. The ultra-high temperature lava rushed into the sky, and a large amount of thick smoke rose. Tang Xiaochuan even felt the smell of sulfur.

Countless fiery red lava rushed into the sky and then fell down, and a large amount of lava gushed out of the crater and was flowing down the mountain quickly.

Han Xiaoyue yelled: "Captain, go quickly, don't stop, go quickly, you must have a safe enough distance to stop, the satellite ultra-high-definition camera has started working, and is taking pictures of the volcanic eruption!"

As Han Xiaoyue stopped crying, Tang Xiaochuan suddenly found that a large amount of magma was falling around the rover. He couldn't imagine what would happen if the rover was hit by these fiery lava masses.

He immediately released the brake pedal, stepped on the accelerator, and the probe car rushed out like a beast, and magma kept falling in the sky. Tang Xiaochuan drove the probe car to avoid turning and avoiding in the dense magma rain , as thrilling as shuttling through a hail of bullets.

The hundreds of millions of viewers and fans in the live broadcast room saw the continuous rain of magma in front of the vehicle, and couldn't help but screamed again and again, and a large number of speeches appeared in the public screen area.

"Captain, hold on, speed up, run!"

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