I Can Make Money by Watching Videos

Chapter 649 Discovered by Wife

With the increase of the membership card threshold of Chang Ge's beauty salon, there were many wealthy women who were hesitant and still waiting to see. They couldn't sit still, and they could imagine the number of members without thinking about it. There must be a limit, and the package service of the Supreme Princess Edition also has a limit on the number of times, otherwise this beauty salon would not be able to raise the threshold for membership and card application.

When these people went to the beauty salon to apply for a card with their business cards, ID cards and bank cards on the second and third days, the front desk clerk read the business cards of several women and searched the Internet and shook their heads to indicate their identities. Status, worth and fame are not eligible for senior membership and cannot enjoy the supreme package service.

This made these women very regretful. It would be great if they had applied for a senior membership card when they came yesterday. One million, and can only enjoy two services.

Even so, more and more women come here to become members. The gimmick of Daisiya's Supreme Princess version of the cosmetics service attracts women with higher and higher status and social value. The reputation of this beauty salon is only in the Within a few days, it spread throughout the upper class circle in the coastal area.

Ladies, young ladies, female presidents and strong women in the circle of socialites were discussing for a while who the owner of this beauty shop is. You must know that these are cosmetics exclusively for the royal families of various countries and the most influential women in the top 100 meters in the world, and no one else can buy them no matter how rich they are.

This afternoon, in the studio, Guan Jingwen was composing a new song. The lyrics of this song were excellent. It was written by a well-known lyricist in the music world under the studio. She also had a flash of inspiration when composing the music. The tune of this song was made in less than two hours.

Just about to finish work and take a break, the mobile phone on the side rang. She took it over and saw that it was Wang Ou, a friend in the circle. She answered the channel: "Sister Ou?"

Wang Ou's voice came from the phone: "Jingwen, where are you?"

"In the studio, what's the matter?" Guan Jingwen asked.

Wang Ou said on the phone: "I'm at Xinglian Cafe, Zhuzhu, Ranran, and Nini are also there, and I'm just waiting for you, hurry up!"

"Okay, I just finished my work today, so I'll be right over!"

When Guan Jingwen arrived at Xinglian Cafe, Wang Outian was sitting around a round glass coffee table and talking. Zhuzhu, who was facing the cafe door, saw Guan Jingwen first, and quickly raised her hand and waved: " Jingwen, this way!"

Xinglian Cafe is a relatively private cafe. The boss is also an insider. He only accepts friends in the circle and does not make much money. The main purpose is to give friends in the circle a place to chat and meet.

Guan Jingwen was wearing flat shoes, walked over with a bag, and opened the wicker chair while asking a few women: "Why do you guys get together so neatly today? Don't you have to start work?"

Wang Ou shook his head and sighed: "The temperature is so low now, the snow on the side of the road in many places has not melted, and traffic is not open, and the weather in some cities is not good, with strong winds and strong air currents in the sky, so planes are afraid to take off. There is no announcement now, I have been nesting at home for more than a month!"

"Me too!" Li Xiaoran said.

Zhuzhu picked up the coffee cup and took a sip, "I've been resting longer, almost two months!"

Li Ni said with a smile: "I haven't been filming during this time, thanks to my friends who helped me attend a few events and earned a little living expenses!"

At this time, the waiter came over and asked Guan Jingwen what kind of coffee she was drinking. Guan Jingwen ordered a cup of Blue Mountain, and then said to several women: "You guys called me here today to complain to me, right?"

Zhuzhu said: "Yes, you have a lot of contacts and a lot of face, hurry up and find us some work!"

Guan Jingwen smiled and said, "Don't be ridiculous, you are all actors, I am a singer, and I am not very familiar with the film and television industry, where can I get any resources?"

"Don't be modest, don't think that I don't know that directors often ask you to make movies, so you can recommend it to us, it doesn't matter if it works or not, even if it doesn't work, we won't blame you!" Zhuzhu said.

Guan Jingwen had no choice but to agree: "Okay, let me ask for you, this is the head office!"

"That's about the same!"

Everyone picked up their coffee cups and touched them.

Li Ni said at this time: "Hey, have you heard?"

"What?" Li Ran asked.

Li Ni said: "Recently, the owner of the Dynasty Beauty Salon in the commercial center building has changed. This beauty salon used to be one of the best beauty salons in Binhai. The beauticians there are very skilled. The new owner doesn't know what's wrong. Relationship and background, they were able to get the Supreme Princess version of cosmetics from Daisiya Company. This beauty salon used this as a gimmick to divide members into senior, intermediate and ordinary members. Customers, senior members can enjoy the service of Supreme Princess Edition cosmetics. I am a member of this beauty salon. I went to apply for a senior membership yesterday, but I was told that I was not qualified. Are you saying that you are annoying? I am Li Ni, at least in the circle There are also names and surnames in the house, but they are not qualified, I am really pissed off!"

Guan Jingwen was also very curious: "The owner of this store is so hot?"

"Yes, I was also a member of this store before. I went to apply for a senior membership the next day, but I didn't expect that I was not qualified. I thought I was the only one who hit a wall. It turns out that Li Ni, you are also deflated!" Zhuzhu said.

"Isn't it!" Li Ni was very depressed.

Li Ran looked at Guan Jingwen: "Jingwen, isn't your husband the owner of Daisiya Company? Do you know the background of the owner of this beauty salon?"

"It's not that you said, I don't know about this at all, how would I know?" Guan Jingwen shook her head.

Li Ran's eyes widened: "No way, you are the proprietress of Daisiya Company. If the owner of this beauty salon doesn't have a deep relationship with Daisiya Company, how could he get the Supreme Princess version of cosmetics?"

"What's the matter if I'm the proprietress? I don't care about my husband's company!" Guan Jingwen said, but she couldn't help asking curiously: "By the way, do you know the name of the owner of this beauty salon? "

Zhuzhu said: "I know, it seems that the surname is Chang, it should be Chang Ge!"

"Chang Ge?" Guan Jingwen's eyes widened, and her expression changed a little.

"Yes, Jing Wen, do you know her?" Li Ni asked.

Guan Jingwen shook her head quickly: "I don't know!"

Seeing Guan Jingwen's denial, the women were a little disappointed.

At this time, Zhuzhu said: "Jingwen, you are the proprietress of Daisiya Company. Now even others can get Daisiya's supreme princess version cosmetics to open a beauty salon. You can also open a beauty salon. As the proprietress of Daisiya Company, can't you get the goods?"

When Li Ran, Li Ni, and Wang Ou heard this, their eyes lit up, and they encouraged each other: "Yes, Jing Wen, if you open a beauty salon, we will definitely support you. Friends, relatives and friends will support you!"

"It's just that, you have to give us a little discount when the time comes!"

As soon as he got home at night, Tang Xiaochuan was stopped by Guan Jingwen: "My husband, come here!"

Tang Xiaochuan wondered, when can't he talk in the living room? Why go upstairs to talk about it?

When the two arrived at the room, Guan Jingwen closed the door and asked, "What's going on with the Dynasty Beauty Salon?"

"Dynasty Beauty Salon?" Tang Xiaochuan was taken aback for a moment, blinked his eyes, and didn't understand what was going on. He immediately remembered that the only thing related to beauty parlors in the past few days was Chang Ge's beauty parlor.

He slapped his forehead: "Remember, you are talking about the beauty salon on the third floor of the commercial center building? That's Chang Ge's, how do you know?"

Guan Jingwen snorted coldly, and said with a grim expression: "The whole world knows it, but I am the last to know it. If I don't ask you, I'm afraid you will never tell me, right?"

Tang Xiaochuan hurriedly raised his hand and swore: "Heaven and earth conscience, I didn't intend to hide it from you at all, it's just that there are too many things these days, I just didn't think about it for a while! Now that you know about this, I will tell you in detail Tell me!"

Guan Jingwen stared at Tang Xiaochuan with folded arms, wanting to see how he would explain.

Tang Xiaochuan told the story in detail.

Guan Jingwen was silent for a while after listening, and asked: "Was it really so serious at that time?"

Tang Xiaochuan nodded: "Really, if she was sent to the hospital a few hours later, she would definitely be dead! You are not unaware of the situation this year. The global catastrophe caused the global economic depression. She originally applied for the job. Working as a temporary counter salesperson in Daisiya Company, I didn’t know about it at the beginning. I only found out when I met Daisiya Company. This year, Daisiya’s cosmetics market sales were affected by the Great Depression. Some time ago A large-scale layoff has been carried out, and if there is no job, she will not be able to survive in her current situation, even if it is a stranger, if I meet him, I will not be able to watch him fall into a desperate situation!"

Guan Jingwen said: "So? You just opened this store for her? You also gave her the right to get the Supreme Princess version of cosmetics that everyone else could get? How could you not think of doing such a good thing for your relatives?" ?”

"At the beginning you said that Desia Company released a new product that would only be available to the royal families of various countries and the top 100 most influential female figures in the world. Did your wife ask you to buy one for my relatives and friends? How many relatives and friends came to me and wanted to buy a set through me, but I refused them all, do you know how much pressure I was under at that time?"

Tang Xiaochuan couldn't help feeling a headache, and quickly said: "Yes, it's my fault, I didn't think carefully! But please listen to me, I lent her money to open that store, not I gave it to her. Yes, if you don't believe me, I have an IOU written by her here, borrowing 10 million, and agreeing to return the principal before May 1 next year, without interest!"

After finishing speaking, Tang Xiaochuan hurriedly looked for an IOU. Fortunately, that morning he went to Changge's beauty salon to congratulate her on opening. After lunch, she insisted on writing an IOU. Otherwise, I don't know how it would end today!

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