I can only achieve nothing and become the Pirate King

Chapter 58 The Black Ship Under the Storm


Thunder and lightning flashed in the clouds, stirring up stronger storms and blowing the waves like tornadoes. Under the turbulence, a swaying merchant ship swayed this way and that.

"Reef the sails! Reef the sails quickly! Turn the rudder right over there, hurry up, don't be overturned by the big waves!"

The captain in charge was yelling on the deck in the heavy rain, instructing the sailors to close the sails and pull the ropes, trying his best to stay afloat in the big waves and keep the ship that seemed about to capsize.

It was clear that the sky was clear just now

The captain of the merchant ship was still complaining in his heart. Just ten minutes ago, the sky was peaceful and everyone was eating delicious food and singing songs. Why did everything change in just a moment?

He is also a part-time navigator and can understand the weather. There is obviously no sign of a storm. How did this sudden storm appear?

This is the East China Sea

It's either the legendary great sea route with changeable climate, or it's an ordinary sea area with no strange currents and no sky that changes every second. Anyone with knowledge of navigation can sail smoothly.

As a captain of a merchant ship, he must have knowledge of navigation.

Most captains have some knowledge of navigation, and some are even good at it.

The captain of a merchant ship is capable of this level, but he didn't expect that a storm would suddenly appear, and it was a huge storm, making the sky become like night.

Fortunately, the command was timely and the situation was temporarily stabilized.

"The wind direction is fine, turn the rudder at nine o'clock, and then pull the canvas, be sure to pull it firmly, and don't let go. Once the wind lets go, if the canvas is blown away, it will be completely over!" The captain was giving orders in an orderly manner. .

With this huge wind direction, they would be safe if they sailed out of the storm.

The sailors on the ship also followed the captain's command, pulling the rope and turning the rudder.


Another thunderous explosion made this gloomy and dark area become brighter. The sailor who was pulling the rope on one side of the mast suddenly stopped and looked to the side in fear. The rope fell down, which made him a little nervous. The sail that was under control was blown open by the storm and even torn off the corners.

"Hey! What are you doing! Didn't I tell you to tighten the rope? You?"

The captain subconsciously drank in the direction of the mast post, but as soon as he finished speaking, he froze.

During the brief brightness of the lightning, a huge black ship that was several times larger than the merchant ship suddenly appeared on the side of the merchant ship. Together with the darkness caused by the storm, it enveloped the entire merchant ship.

The black hull and canvas are like stars in the dark night, but within the canvas, among the stars, there is a huge skeleton hidden, which seems to have swallowed the entire starry sky.

The flag at the highest point on the mast also has the same canvas pattern.

"Star, starry sky skull and crossbones flag!" the captain stammered.

A sailor asked fearfully: "Captain, do you recognize this flag?"

"No, I don't know him."

The captain shook his head, but the look of fear in his eyes became more intense, "But I know who this black ship is!"

Of course he didn't know the flag. He had never heard of the Starry Sky and Skull Flag, but he knew about the figures who had become famous in the East China Sea in recent times.

The natural disaster that destroyed the three kingdoms was riding a huge black ship!

And according to rumors, when the black ship that the natural disaster rides on comes, it will definitely be followed by a huge storm!

He used to think it was a rumor. After all, how could a ship sail in a storm?

But today, he saw it!

The more unbelieving people are, the more they will turn their doubts into the greatest trust after seeing it with their own eyes.

If you don’t believe it, there’s nothing you can do about it.

He could clearly see that they were struggling to pull in the sail, but here the canvas was open, allowing the strong wind to spread the canvas, and there was no fear that it would be torn apart by the storm.

The most important reason was that on the side of this ship, which was much taller than them, there were already a group of people standing under the brightness brought by the lightning flashes. The blades in their hands glowed with the lightning. Among them were , a dark-skinned man in a turban holding crutches sneered in the direction of the merchant ship.

People have already come to snatch it, so why should you believe it or not?

Death Star, banquet hall on the first floor.

Sage sat on the throne, watching his men carry the boxes in one after another. Lily on the side was counting, and then said: "The merchant ship has enough food and water to return, but that little thing will not help us. "

Just as Sager doesn't rob poor people, he has no interest in driving people to death or anything like that.

He is a pirate, here to rob, not to kill.

Wouldn't it be better if the food and water were worth a few dollars and left for the merchant ships to return home, and then wait for them to continue sailing in the next wave, and then continue to rob.

Nothing can be created until a person dies.

Ajin led his people to rob, and also followed Sage's instructions to leave food and water behind. There was only a merchant ship with about 200 people, and they didn't need much food and water to return home. The remaining All of them were robbed by Ah Jin.

As for the stuff, it’s quite satisfactory.

"A thousand boxes of tea, a thousand boxes of sugar, a hundred boxes of silver tableware, and thirty boxes of precious silk."

Lily said: "The rest are some supplies, a small amount of iron, food and water, and two boxes of gold coins."

Two of the boxes placed in the banquet hall were opened, revealing shining gold coins, which made the eyes of the surrounding pirates shine.

Robbery at sea, that's what it is.

There are not so many treasure ships, and there are no ships loaded with gold and silver treasures. Only ships responsible for transporting heavenly gold have such things. But since they are all transporting heavenly gold, their protection must be greatly strengthened. How can there be merchant ships? So easy to grab.

Sage waved his hand, "Leave a box of gold coins and put them in my treasure room. Divide the rest and find a town to sell the ones that can't be divided."

The ship in the storm is, of course, Sager's Death Star.

After setting off from the renovated island, the damn storm came again. No matter how we sailed, we couldn't get rid of it. Fortunately, the people on the ship were used to it. Anyway, if this ship was well-built, it would not capsize due to the storm. How to sail? Just how to sail.

The direction of the blowing wind was in line with where they were going, so there was no need to deliberately adjust it, they just sailed against the storm.

As for encountering merchant ships

To be honest, Sage didn't expect it. He thought that with his luck, it would be difficult to encounter a merchant ship, but he didn't expect that he actually encountered one.

Strictly speaking, it was the first merchant ship he grabbed in his career as a pirate, and Sager felt that it was still memorable.

As for these trophies, if you want them, you can take them yourself. If you don't want them, go to the town and find a black marketeer to sell them.

This is how pirates rob, they rob the goods transported by the sea. These goods cannot be eaten or worn by pirates. They can't rely on tea and sugar for food, right?

It has to be dealt with eventually.

There is another update after midnight. Sorry, I have a cold and I don’t feel well.

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